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Greg Palast from The Guardian has the numbers, Kamala Harris won the election.
Most of the people whose votes are purged, never know it.
In Georgia, Magats just tossed 198,000 votes giving the presidency and governorship to Magats.
Across the country 3.5 million votes were purged wrongly.
Palast stated that the majority of Democrats vote by mail and it is easy for Magat election officials to throw out a ballot.
Palast said this is the same tactic that was used by the KKK in 1946.
I do not have a link because I am listening to Palast on Thom Hartmann's show.
The notion that Musk counted the votes in Pa. is a smoke screen.
I am considering going back to in person voting, if we get to vote again.

(6,542 posts)LisaM
(29,034 posts)I personally would rather vote in person, but I don't have a choice. And, in the summer, a ballot I timely mailed at a post office did not receive a postmark in time (luckily it was for a one-issue election that passed overwhelmingly). I believe this was due to Post Office cuts. This particular branch (rural) is understaffed and dealing with huge amounts of Amazon package deliveries which have overwhelmed the system.
I took my presidential ballot to a drop box, but there are nowhere near enough of them in Seattle and you can't get to most of them walking or even on transit. They also removed the handy little tab you could pull off to check your ballot.
People who support all mail voting need to know that there are some pitfalls. Vote suppression is easy and there are lots of ways to go about it.
Wicked Blue
(7,699 posts)which are also part of the overall scheme to take away votes from Democrats
Kid Berwyn
(19,472 posts)Charging Triceratops
(441 posts)There, in 2020, he lost 90-10.
In 2024, he lost 84-16.
But add those strange counts over and over again across swing states and voila!
Trump "wins"!
Now, tell me now Harris had less support in Black communities than Biden did.
I'll wait.
Kid Berwyn
(19,472 posts)You are correct, Charging Triceratops. The unstable moron himself admitted he cheated when thanking President Musk for his genius on computers.
Would that President Biden and DoJ had gone after the NAZI turds with all the powers granted by the Constitution to round up traitors, let alone the super powers invented by Just-us John Roberts.
(1,532 posts)It can be almost impossible to secure and defend every possible vulnerability from predatory minded people with terminator-like persistence. The best defense is a good defense coupled with a good offense.
A political war should've been fought like a war.
(13,043 posts)malaise
(281,738 posts)Rec
(1,934 posts)Thats why hes wasting no time waging war on the entire nation. Its all about revenge.
Jose Garcia
(3,104 posts)Are you suggesting that 100,000 voters in PA showed up to the polls in order to vote, but were turned away because their voter registrations were purged?
(15,181 posts)and then all through 2024, Republicans refrained from saying they would support the election result. Essentially their message was, "Yes we will support the election results IF it is a free an fair election."
Of course what that meant is, "We will only support the election results if we win, but if we do not, then we will attack the result by saying it was rigged."
I know you are aware of this double standard. Our problem as a party is we don't seem to have a spine. To my mind at this point there is nothing to lose. We need to do the same thing the Newtster and other GOP dirtbags decided to do to Obama on his inauguration night. They met in a DC steakhouse and decided to oppose EVERYTHING the Democrats did in lockstep. No matter what. Solid no votes always. If the Dems said the sky is blue, nope, the GOP would say it is green. They didn't do anything and voted straight party line for years.
All this time, our institutionalist leaders still made mouth sounds about working across the aisle.
Instead of that we need to unleash the progressive wing of the party, get in there and ram it down their throats. When Pelosi chose a 74 year old recovering from esophageal cancer INSTEAD of AOC for Ways and Means that was bullshit. We need to get down in the trenches, take off the gloves and make the Trumpies fight tooth and nail for ever single inch. Make every little thing they try to do hurt. Drag it out. Oppose it. Vote no in lockstep.
This new immigrant act that just got passed is a prime example. We should have voted no accross the board.
Anyway, look at how much of a Wall Street rathole our election financing has become. Harris collected over $1 billion from us and still lost. You know who won? Wall Street financiers and fund managers. They saw MASSIVE PROFITS for shareholders happen because of election season - all our mainstream media is publicly traded, which means the fiduciary responsibility senior people at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox, WSJ, WaPo, NYT, and the rest is ONLY to generate profits for shareholders, NOTHING about truth in news. And lest you reposte by bringing up Rachel, Lawrence, Chris Hayes and 'the gang' at MSNBC, they are only still on the air because they generate PROFITS for Comcast through high ratings.
Trumpy started back in February 2020 harping on how our elections are 'a mess' and this constant lip noise, amplified by Fox and hate-talk radio, served to finish what Reagan began back in 1981 by saying government isn't the solution, it is the problem. This served to systematically undermine the confidence of Americans in the very intstitutions we count on in a republic.
I believe the GOP systematically suppressed votes in this election (they cheated) on 1,000 different fronts and it was enough to tilt it in favor of Trumpy just enough for him to win.
(3,015 posts)Maybe he needs to teach a class to the Democratic party ?
How and why are we not fighting this harder ?????
we are the hand wringers.
And we are the ones who don't like to be called bad names.
And we don't want people to think we're bullies.
And (even) because Jesus said to turn the other cheek.
We just can't seem to fight. We just take everything laying down.
We just seem to be gullible. Too damn nice.
And we aren't helping nobody being like this.
We're like a bunch of chickens running around in circles with out heads off!
But if you step out of line and raise hell with Republicans for Trump, you're called "too progressive", or "left wing", or " you're too new" or some other Democratic no-no that you've never heard of before.
The Democratic Party needs to get the lead out, once and for all. We need to take lessons from Greg Palast!!!
(29 posts)Elon Musk also helped steal the election through the tabulators with a computer program that stole votes from Harris and gave them to Trump. Harris won in a landslide.
(94 posts)I've been saying, the orange dictator stole the elections 2016 and now 2024.
I have zero doubt.
Why you think he was thanking south African Musk?
(7,004 posts)But red state houses threw out voters' votes for any reason they could, equal + to having their trump win. Ku klux Klang plan, everything old is new...conservatives do not have new ideas for anything just old tricks to hold power and money over people!
(559 posts)You can vote by mail, then you can go online and verify your vote has been received and tabulated!
(2,291 posts)
Wiz Imp
(4,158 posts)I see none. Outlandish claims without evidence prove nothing.
Thank you for your kind attention to my post.
Wiz Imp
(4,158 posts)If I search for each of those claims, I find no evidence supporting any of those numbers.
Response to Wiz Imp (Reply #21)
Hekate This message was self-deleted by its author.
(7,668 posts)Palasts MO.
Wiz Imp
(4,158 posts)I used to respect him, but now he is just an election conspiracy theorist on the left.
(6 posts)I think you have to admit there is voter suppression, above and beyond the skeptic point of view.
Wiz Imp
(4,158 posts)But actual numbers/impact are hard to quantify
Elsewhere, somebody posted an link to a Palast article with these explicit claims:
By August of 2024, for the first time since 1946, self-proclaimed vigilante voter-fraud hunters challenged the rights of 317,886 voters. The NAACP of Georgia estimates that by Election Day, the challenges exceeded 200,000 in Georgia alone.
No less than 2,121,000 mail-in ballots were disqualified for minor clerical errors (e.g. postage due).
At least 585,000 ballots cast in-precinct were also disqualified.
1,216,000 provisional ballots were rejected, not counted.
3.24 million new registrations were rejected or not entered on the rolls in time to vote.
Those are very specific numbers for which he doesn't provide any evidence or links to confirm.
I went to the website for the US Elections Assistance Commission as mentioned in the first claim, yet couldn't find any reference to the number of wrongly purged voters. I also searched for the supposed NAACP estimate of voter challenges in Georgia and could find nothing. The rest of the claims don't provide any reference to what they're even based on and I could find no reference to any of the numbers via a web search.
If these numbers are real, then it should be easy for Palast to post his sources for where they come from so people know they are accurate. The fact that he doesn't do that leaves me no choice but to doubt the veracity of any of it.
(16,465 posts)and oppress the vote over the past 4 plus years? That was evidence enough, especially the efforts that were successfully implemented in purple or contestable States, e.g., Georgia.
You really worry about that when every MAGAt throughout the country 100% supported and defended the notion that 2020 was stolen based on nothing more than voodoo and an unsupported belief that "the numbers just don't add up". Not to mention they now see 2024 as "proof that 2020 was stolen".
In normal times, I would 100% agree with you. Today, I'm more inclined to think "Get real!"
Wiz Imp
(4,158 posts)Believing that without evidence would make me just like the MAGAs in 2020 who were sure Trump really won despite no evidence. So why are MAGAs just delusional or sore losers or whatever for not accepting the results of the election for which there is no evidence, but we should just blindly accept that Trump really lost in 2024 because "we all know the Republicans cheat"?
(16,465 posts)we should all start screaming "the election was stolen!" That's not my point. We certainly should be open to discussing the fact that GOP efforts to suppress votes may have worked to alter the result. If we don't recognize that, we are sticking our heads in the sand instead of discussing means to strengthen free and fair elections.
We also should be talking about means to strengthen prohibitions on candidates (or their agents) not currently serving as President, contacting and negotiating with foreign leaders (or their agents). Nixon, Reagan and Trump.
Wiz Imp
(4,158 posts)accurate. I think he got them from somewhere or extrapolated them based on assumptions he has made, but that's the point - I don't know if he doesn't tell me.
Some of those numbers are way higher than I would expect, so I have a hard time accepting them at face value. I mean, over 2 million mail in ballots rejected for minor clerical errors? I know some get rejected, but I've never read anything that would hint at anywhere near that level. I mean, I would think that would be news if it were true. So it should be easy to provide supporting evidence but Palast provides none. I'd like his conclusion to be proven to be true - it would be good ammunition to actually get changes made for the future, but again, I'm not going to accept his article as proof of anything until I see evidence his numbers are accurate. Unfortunately, there are numerous people on this and other threads willing to jump on any info that supports their thought that the Republicans cheated, so they immediately respond with things like: "I knew this was true" - effectively blindly accepting it without any proof.
Voter suppression is a core strategy of the Republicans, but I believe that is mostly accomplished by making people not even try to vote. His argument is that these millions of people tried to vote and their votes weren't counted. My first question when I hear an accusation like that is, how do you know that? Even some explanation of sources would be good, but he doesn't even provide that.
I would hope questions like mine would prompt Palast and others with similar theories to provide reliable clarifying info. Until that happens, I can't help but remain skeptical
(6 posts)Naysaying instead of considering seems unreasonable
(10,599 posts)Wiz Imp
(4,158 posts)He pretends to present evidence but offers nothing to verify. For example, He says:
I'll assume the MIT number is 2.9% because that is the only number he presents elsewhere in the article. Yet nowhere does he list the number of mail-in or drop-box ballots. Where is he getting that number from? Almost all the numbers he gives in the text of the article are from past elections, some as far back as 2000. He's apparently extrapolating those old numbers to 2024, but without providing actual 2024 numbers to back up the extrapolations. In addition, there is no evidence that actions/ratios from past elections would still apply at the same rates in 2024. I tried verifying a bunch of his numbers and couldn't confirm a single one as accurate.
(92,521 posts)Hekate
(96,614 posts)Every time I see a post here bleating about how Democratic messaging lost us the election, I try to repeat that fact.
Ive been calling their behavior the New Jim Crow for quite awhile, too, and a couple of years ago Doonesbury debuted a new character called Jimmy Crow so I am not the only one.
So stop with blaming the Democratic message, people, and figure out something else we can do while the Sleazy Six are on the Court.
La Coliniere
(1,319 posts)with Greg Palast as their main witness. He would come armed with the goods. And keep on holding these hearings, over and over, similar to how the GOP hammers repeatedly their nonsensical bullshit, like Hillarys emails. Except our issue is real, not bologna.
(11,134 posts)I mean, I think Trump lost but saying...
(1,393 posts)Of election law experts. They were supposed to be on the job to protect voters rights. 💀