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Fox News Jesse Watters took exception to Doug Emhoff accompanying Kamala Harris to a store on his show Thursday night, asking viewers: What kind of husband goes grocery shopping with his wife?
During a segment on his eponymous Primetime show, Watters slated the former VP for setting up a blog and said that Mamala had been caught grocery shopping.

(73,253 posts)TheBlackAdder
(29,363 posts)GusBob
(7,766 posts)She's fine he's wanking off too
(29,941 posts)What kind of man would care?
Additionally, what kind of woman would marry Jesse Waters?
(7,004 posts)Diamond_Dog
(36,223 posts)Some men, big manly men, too, go grocery shopping with their wives. Who cares what this nincompoop thinks.
COL Mustard
(7,262 posts)nt
(7,004 posts)There is always a reason to buy another wisk or measuring cup set! NO.
He's big dirty brown construction worker! I dare Jesse to ask him why he likes shopping.
(3,102 posts)She'll grab something and I have to jolt her back to reality.
(7,004 posts)A fork is just fine, but now he has to pull them out for everything, to prove it was a necessary purchase.
question everything
(49,756 posts)jls4561
(2,109 posts)In reality, shes out attending an ANTIFA meeting.
When the revolution comes, you wont be around to televise it.
Quiet Em
(1,658 posts)My husband and I grocery shop together all the time. Not only that, sometimes my husband goes to the grocery store alone to get me items I need. I'm guessing Watters current wife doesn't not how to cook and neither does he?
(9,628 posts)wife; who on earth would want to marry him?
(74,479 posts)Jesse Watters $95 Million Net Worth and Salary Contract
(9,628 posts)Blue Full Moon
(1,839 posts)GoCubsGo
(33,599 posts)Had he done so, he would have seen couples of every stripe doing their shopping together. I would pity that fucking sack of shit's wife, but she married that turd willingly.-
(164 posts)The things these people obsess over are really strange.
(47,233 posts)he must lash out at others and create nonsensical rules about being a guy.
These multi-millionaire fox news hosts pretend to be part of the common people, but they are just childish freaks.
(38,541 posts)If you're both retired, why the Hell not ? It's time spent with your favorite person.
But to a Republican, of course, she's just chattel property and he's the king who can't be distracted from his important job of Being The Man.
(15,813 posts)sentence is so true!
(1,327 posts)But the list is split and they do speed shopping. So they can get it done quickly
Also the husband is the cook who makes great party mash potatoes and sometimes party twice baked potatoes
(69,320 posts)Not Mrs. Aristus. And the housework; dishes, cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, etc. You know, the housewife stuff.
Mrs. Aristus keeps the books, pays the bills, sends off the tax payments, etc. You know, the guy stuff.
We collaborate on the laundry, but Im the one who folds it and puts it away.
The toxics can kiss my ass. I get shit done; no matter what Im doing.
(18,955 posts)Last edited Fri Jan 24, 2025, 06:49 PM - Edit history (1)
And select the items together a few nights before our scheduled time. Then when they come I bring them in and we put them up together.
(178 posts)together- grocery shopping, housework, bill paying. If we were not at work, we were together. He is deceased now.
question everything
(49,756 posts)
(605 posts)And yes, I know the price of eggs and every other damned overpriced grocery item! Fuck Fox.
lonely bird
(2,144 posts)She uses a walking stick due to still recovering from adult scoliosis correction. She gets tired and her leg hurts. She sometimes goes when she is feeling good enough.
Fuck RW media of all types.
(605 posts)
(10,979 posts)Not always, but we usually go together on senior discount day, since we both volunteer near the grocery store.
(74,479 posts)surfered
(5,426 posts)She gets fruits and vegetables snd I get the stuff farther afield.
Lulu KC
(7,373 posts)My husband makes me laugh no matter where we go. We've had some great moments at the grocery store. The seasonal displays at CVS are always a crack-up, too.
Low entertainment threshold or I married a comic genius?
(29,695 posts)Conjuay
(2,300 posts)Rebl2
(15,813 posts)does and in fact he does all the time now because I cant make it through a grocery store now because of arthritis in my feet.
(5,473 posts)Last edited Fri Jan 24, 2025, 06:45 PM - Edit history (1)
He's better at picking some things, I'm better at others.
Edit to add: "What kind of man?" One who is comfortable with his gender, gender identity, sexuality, and relationship with his spouse, that's what kind of man!
question everything
(49,756 posts)drmeow
(5,473 posts)We actually had to get a store employee to get some bottles that were pushed all the way back on the shelf - he stood on the bottom shelf and could barely reach them (my husband is about 5'9" and the employee was 5'10" !
lonely bird
(2,144 posts)For Mrs. Bird and anyone else who needs it. I am 68.
(15,123 posts)Why is that at all weird?
(162,449 posts)it's Watters who is weird
(1,096 posts)The humanity is not strong in this one
Short answer: the kind who has a wife who likes having him around. How about that lol.
(12,717 posts)Unfortunately, he has a habit of throwing things in the cart we don't need and tend to get wasted, but hey--we go to lunch together or grab a craft beer when we are done before we go home.
He says I am his friend. Maybe other husbands and wives are also enjoying friendships with each other. Perhaps this is a unfamiliar concept to Fox News (cough-cough) hosts.
(7,516 posts)Apparently grocery shopping is women's work, and beneath him.
The only reason I don't is because my wife's an early riser, and I'm not. By the time I get up, she's back at the house.
I suspect she doesn't want me to get in her way.
(16,709 posts)who the fuck is jesse watters? All I can think is that he's a shithead with a bunch of money. WOW, a bunch of money and no clue.
Grocery shopping frees a couple to discuss the stuff they don't at home... It's neutral territory except for the ice cream department.
and as a poster above said; you become "friends"
(138,426 posts)bluestarone
(19,132 posts)God dam i hate these bastards.
(19,829 posts)Men, you can pay for them and eat them, but you must not be seen shopping for them.
(39,443 posts)GoodRaisin
(9,996 posts)GiqueCee
(1,914 posts)... Watters, you flaming fucking asshole. I've been accosted in the supermarket parking lot for pushing a shopping cart more than once by room-temperature IQs like you. Like them, you are too weak of character to behave like a REAL man. And, like one of 'em found out the hard way a while back, getting physically belligerent with a 77-year-old man with a notable dislike of bullies was most definitely not in his best interest. Got his stupid red hat all dirty.
Wanna try your luck, Jessekins?
I thought not. Loud-mouthed coward.
La Coliniere
(1,319 posts)I usually go grocery shopping without my wife. She hates cooking and grocery shopping. Watters is and always has been a small minded idiot. Yes Jesse, some men enjoy grocery shopping, with or without their wives or girlfriends.
(6,930 posts)If he's married, his wife must be an ass to put up with him.
(39,220 posts)"If he's married."
He was married but had an affair on his wife while they both worked at Fox. So Fox, in their enabling way, put her on another show and later he got married to the one he was having an affair with and they had a kid very shortly thereafter. Never mind that he already had three with the other woman, who eventually left Fox. I think that's it, anyway. Is your head spinning?
And now I think he's up to five kids.
He's not quite as bad as feLeon but approaching there. Both men have mothers who are somewhat distinctive. feLeon's mother is an older model, which is kind of a rare sort of career. She supports his lies and even pitch hits.
Watters' mother, however, comes from a distiinguished family but it sounds like she kind of married down a few notches and settled for a mere teacher. His mother is from the family that started Better Homes & Gardens magazine. Also somewhere in that lineage is The Saturday Evening Post. Plus there is a senator and state Supreme Court/Colorado justice in there. too.
Watters' mom, as I understand it, doesn't buy her son's simple minded approach to the news. She demands proof to his goofy stories and doesn't get it.
question everything
(49,756 posts)Midnight Writer
(23,497 posts)without someone knocking their blocks off.
They are not tough guys. They are not manly. They are cowards who exploit the social norms of our society to shield them from the consequences of their assholery.
(526 posts)It's like he enjoys spending time with her or something.
(11,064 posts)DipShit - wanna try me??
(1,392 posts)and the cooking and most of the cleaning. I am the tech person, the fixer of all problems, and some of the cleaning.
After we moved in together a few decades ago, it was very clear that he was very picky about the food that we ate, so I said "Maybe you should do the cooking."
So he did and became an excellent chef. At first I felt a loss of control, but now I love sitting their with my glass of wine and watching him cook.
(26,335 posts)That sounds thoroughly delightful. Lucky you.
(129 posts)We've been waiting since Day 1 for the cost of groceries to go down like President Felon said that they would. So far they have not but I do expect them to rise as his attacks on farm labor increases.
COL Mustard
(7,262 posts)Besides, I'm a dude and I do most of the grocery shopping and most of the cooking for my wife and me. So again, fuck off Jesse, then fuck off some more and go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
Now, ask me how I really feel.
Oh, and Jesse, fuck you. Strong letter to follow.
(71,864 posts)But, I do the shopping 80% of the time.
So, even if we were together, she'd be going to shop with me!
Watters is a moron.
(2,827 posts)He seems to like shopping, I cant stand it, so he does it!
(644 posts)my husband buys the groceries, does his own laundry and cooks dinner half the time and we both do the dishes together.
(11,699 posts)and sometimes goes without me, so fuck off, Jesse.
(17,519 posts)alarimer
(16,942 posts)Hey, Jesse Watters, is your wife okay? Or have you beaten her into submission?
(1,960 posts)Then why the hell were so many Republican men complaining about grocery prices? How would they know.
Clouds Passing
(4,011 posts)Bettie
(17,951 posts)it's fun, but everything's fun when you do it with your best friend and he is mine and I am his.
Plus, between us, we can usually remember what we need to get since we usually forget the list we made.
(23,296 posts)Emile
(33,099 posts)lucca18
(1,357 posts)We just got back from Costco, but he is out there again grocery shopping !
He loves it!
What an insecure little man you are Jesse.
(10,226 posts)Buddyzbuddy
(449 posts)without worrying what other men think. Not only do I do all of the grocery shopping, I do all of the cooking and I can wash and sew and make all the repairs and home improvements on our home. I'm a former truck driver. And if I ever had the opportunity, I would make the time to kick your sorry ass, punk.
(96,614 posts)Is Moron Watters trying to build a case of who wears the pants in that family? That Kamala emasculates men?
We heard this crap and worse about Hillary and any other woman who dares to excel in public life as a Democrat, or simply not as a GOPPER.
(3,190 posts)We were poor and it was chance to walk and chate with no other responsibilities.
Any douchebag who refuses to help without a health or reason (I'm a man is not a reason) probably shouldn't be husband material.
(6,716 posts)the O'Reilly deal with women. Was he pimping and procuring for Bill and providing cover?
(57,428 posts)I frequently go grocery shopping with my wife, whether at the farmers market in the town square (open 3 days a week from 7AM to 1:30 PM), or to the local supermarket.
It looks like Fox Noise thinks I'm some kind of deviant kind of husband. Coming from them, I guess that's praise of a sort.
(19,722 posts)My husband and I go to the store together all the time.
Sometimes he goes alone. Sometimes I go alone. Sometimes we both go. There are no rules for this except what people make up for themselves.
Watters is a dumbass.
Lucky Luciano
(11,589 posts)Permanut
(6,878 posts)Been shopping regularly with my wife for 37 years. That's what kind, asshole.
(56,126 posts)cruising the local wallyworld. hmmmmm
(6,951 posts)He made the grocery hilarious. While I was fussing over produce he'd go find all the lone bananas and use them to spell something or take one over to the apples or oranges and make a smiley face. One time he took a pocket of stick on googly eyes and went to town.
If he caught the guy in meat dept putting out new packs, he'd end up with all the meat dept workers plus a few other guys shopping, having a whole conversation about grilling and smoking.
When our store installed a "moo" when you open the dairy doors, he'd stand there an play with it AND the chicken sound they put on the egg doors. Women would walk by and roll their eyes...smiling. Unless they had kids... then it was "but Mom, HE'S doing it!".
He'd thank everyone who worked there for coming to work. He'd shake hands with the managers and tell them "so and so" is really doing a good job "wherever they worked".
One time when his hair had gone all white there was a little boy acting up something fierce. David walked over and quietly said "I'm watching you", winked and walked away. Oh the shocked look at that boy's face. He straightened right up and started yes ma'aming his Mom. Hilarious.
question everything
(49,756 posts)
Jack Valentino
(1,657 posts)(that's what we call it)
Renew Deal
(83,649 posts)Also the kind that just moved
(20,084 posts)My wife gets to avoid the stress. It pleases me to do that for her.
I also do the cooking, so it's makes sense for me to get the supplies.
I feel quite manly.
(48,733 posts)But theres another way around it than using the old fashioned real men go shopping.
And its this: Anyone who eats food should know how to get food
without making their mommy do it for them.
Gah! I was so close!!!
(148,676 posts)And all of the cooking and cleaning up after meals. My wife doesn't cook, so I don't let her shop. When she does, she buys the wrong stuff most of the time, anyhow.
I like cooking. Learned it in my mother's kitchen when I was a kid doing homework on the table there. My wife said, "I don't cook" when we were first getting together. I said, "No problem. I do."
And that was that.