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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI Wonder How Hegseth Is Going to Do at the Pentagon.
I mean, he's going to be in charge of an organization full of General officers. All very experienced and knowledgeable about the branches they run. Hegseth, on the other hand, really has no managerial experience of note. Not of any kind. He's going to be telling Generals what to do. The idea makes me chuckle a little when I think about it.
Now, I haven't known too many Generals. A couple, but one thing I've noticed is that they're much more used to being in command than being commanded. And by a whippersnapper mid-range officer, at that. It's going to be uncomfortable for Hegseth, I'm pretty sure. It's not going to be all that comfortable for the Generals, either. I foresee certain difficulties.
Will Hegseth puff himself up and try to dominate? Or will he allow himself to be guided by men of experience. I don't know. I suspect he doesn't know, either. Should be fascinating to watch. I can see the Generals chatting to each other, and chuckling about some dumbass thing Hegseth said. I can see that happening many, many times.

Frasier Balzov
(4,059 posts)between Trump and seasoned military personnel who are at all times ready and willing to resign.
(148,676 posts)But Hegseth isn't a giant at all. He's like a shift manager at the local McDonalds. All full of himself and in charge of a bunch of minimum-wage teenagers. Problem is that Hegseth is stepping into an environment where the people he has to deal with are way more experienced and not at all used to listening to orders from stupid youngsters.
It should be fun.
(6,447 posts)He is an alcoholic - that's all you need to know.
(5,404 posts)Just sayin'
(734 posts)AltairIV
(786 posts)Less witnesses on a helicopter.
(17,770 posts)

(31,330 posts)???
(148,676 posts)Nope.
(31,330 posts)I really expect Hegseth to make sure that all officers
are Trump loyalists.
(14,023 posts)Most of them would be at the 0-3/O-4 level.
Basically, there would be perhaps 1 MAGA loyalist for every 10 Military or Senior Civilian purged, if the administration decided to go hard on the MAGA loyalty requirement. Even confirmed Christians will find themselves under the microscope.
Are there enough replacements that are competent enough to manage budgets, personnel, or strategic goals for a large organization - or even manage the outsourcing and oversight required by congress if the majority of the military is privatized?
The main problem comes from reality bias. Most senior officers cannot conceivably operate in a squadron level bubble like an O-3 can, where all one has to do is complete an objective and sit back waiting for further orders.
In the mean time, the word from up the chain is that they're going to study what orders are coming from the administration and what the implications are to efficiency in operations.
Meaning 8 months from now, there's probably going to be a draft report because it's far more important to do the work we've been funded to do. Or close to one.
(92,521 posts)malaise
(281,739 posts)Hell take orders from a fancy office
(431 posts)Should be able to get a recon team to link up and tell Us all About the Place
(148,676 posts)2naSalit
(95,938 posts)Be there long. Either he'll be pressured out or meet with an unexpected end.
(734 posts)He is out of his element.
(148,676 posts)I'm pretty sure that most Generals are not good at taking orders from inexperienced junior officers. It's going to be a difficult situation for Hegseth.
(51,730 posts)Last edited Sat Jan 25, 2025, 06:14 PM - Edit history (1)
(148,676 posts)"I can quit anytime I want," I think was what he said.
(17,770 posts)He now injects fentynal with a dirty hypo directly under the bottom of his tongue. That way no needle marks for the public to see.
(2,341 posts)Walking into a den of sneering generals can't be a good gig for him.
(12,608 posts)Should make for an interesting thing to observe. I think the generals are going to eat him for lunch .
(28,455 posts)No blue Generals will remain
(3,015 posts)Years ago a friend of mine was a political appointee (SES IV) at the Pentagon where I was doing a tour as a field-grade officer. He was a competent and professional official, not a political hack given a sinecure. When I went to his spacious suite, sitting in the outer office was a USAF Lieutenant-General (three bright stars) with a bunch of papers.
Stunned, I stammered out the greeting of the day. The general gave me (a US Army officer in BDUs) the once-over, courteously returned the greeting of the day, adding, "I'm just waiting for my boss." When the door opened, the general and I stood up. My friend smiled and gave me a hug, advising the USAF general "be with you in a sec, Xxxxx."
Warmly ushered into the office I noticed an ashtray on my friend's coffee table. I suggested we meet later as a three-star general was waiting for him. My friend replied not to worry because he was his boss. Nevertheless, I made an excuse to leave and we agreed to meet later. When I walked out I bade the general farewell (military courtesy) and he replied "Uh, huh."
The generals in the High Command are going to hold their noses and comply with the former Faux News TV host, misogynist, and dipsomaniac, but will be snickering behind his back at the Officer's Club, wondering how this miscreant became their "boss."
(4,943 posts)I imagine they will all be seething and not chuckling, and maybe try to sabotage him and throw in monkey wrenches
liberal N proud
(61,085 posts)dem4decades
(12,454 posts)Norrrm
(734 posts)Passive (non)resistance.
(4,283 posts)Those generals will run circles around hogseth and Mr. Duump.