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Feel deep in my bones that the backlash to all of this is going to be enormous. Not sure how it will manifest and when it will explode into view, but confident its coming.
January 25, 2025 at 5:00 PM

(15,596 posts)liberal N proud
(61,085 posts)regnaD kciN
(26,836 posts) that we have a SecDef who believes it's the military's duty to carry out a "Christian Crusade" against the "domestic enemy" right here on U.S. soil.
(49,178 posts)Trump will demolish the federal government by April 1. Everything is paused so the Feds are spending little money. Then he announces income tax rebates April 15 and declares victory. We are cooked.
Bread and Circuses
(601 posts)I feel the shiteshow is gaining speed and the Felon will keep makes drastic cuts and changes. Some will be stopped by lawsuits, but many will go through.
For example, Im waiting for he senate and house leadership to tell him that he cant fire independent inspector general . If it was Obama, they would have been all over Fox screaming.
I expect that the Felon will move fast with the takeover and by summer - it will be mostly done. Thus, enabling him to ravage our institutions and rob everyone and everything.
(43,475 posts)dickthegrouch
(3,948 posts)And by then the worst of the damage will be irreversible
(1,742 posts)he has already (1st term) frozen fica collections. do that long enough then he can stop payments to us useless eaters , what a win for the oligarchs.
Kid Berwyn
(19,472 posts)DU 2021, when we had BOTH houses of Congreff
Growing body of evidence shows GOP has a paramilitary wing
(11,699 posts)They're on OUR side, and they're not the only ones. It ain't gonna be pretty when they face Meal Team Six and the Gravy Seals.
"Oh they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles
and they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn't go..."
(1,742 posts)defacto7
(13,906 posts)FirstLight
(14,722 posts)everyman for himself, cuz once the militias and the military get moving, we're definitely cooked I am not optimistic in any way. I think we've been raised to expect it to a degree... there's a reason post apocalyptic vibe everywhere.
(What we need is an actual coalition, is it the Anonymous, Occupy, what is it? how do we connect and stand firm on our principles when everyone is a target or runing scared?)
(1,775 posts)Paladin
(29,695 posts)However bad we thought trump's return would be, it is proving to be markedly worse. In just its first few days. If you're not upset and scared shitless, you're not paying sufficient attention. Let the backlash happen---the sooner the better.
Trump skates on everything. Seems there is nothing he can do to turn MAGATs off.
(29,695 posts)Mariana
(15,409 posts)It's a religion, and religious beliefs aren't rational, by definition.
allegorical oracle
(4,299 posts)Paladin
(29,695 posts)Awaiting the possibility that trump will self-destruct at some point in the future is the pinnacle of brain-dead wishful thinking. Democratic leadership needs to be working non-stop on actions to stymie the evil measures that trump is implementing right now. Plans for coast-to-coast national protests need to be in place---now, while we still have a country in which to protest. Leaving the whole process to trump, keeping our fingers crossed that trump will help us out---fuck that noise. Just the sort of lame-ass advice I'd expect from a loser like Carville.
(35,579 posts)After all he did as President and after, half the country still supports him. By now we must see that they will never turn against him.
(47,113 posts)I wonder if they figured out by now they are not getting those cheap eggs any time soon.
Yep, they will support him even WHEN he screws them up.
(2,521 posts)will when it starts hurting them personally.
His response to COVID killed people. He left office with record unemployment. They don't care.
maga on social security and Medicare will be angry if republicans make cuts to those two things I guarantee.
(35,579 posts)For younger people and let us oldsters keep it.
So they can say fuck everyone else, like they just did.
(2,634 posts)will get them the money soon enough
(35,579 posts)When did they ever off balance the tax cuts?
(2,634 posts)again goes agains't his message, and can't be blamed on Covid this time.
Plus, he also has to finance the cryptocurrency reserve.
(35,579 posts)his ignorance of economics is monumental. He will do things that contradict themselves and not care about the results.
His explanations of tariffs for instance, is beyond stupid.
(2,634 posts)like to carry on about the deficit even though they raise it more than Dems.
This is a guy who has never had to answer for his actions economically in his own life, and he is bringing that to the country and the world. If bankruptcy laws and then Putin hadn't bailed him out he'd have had to face it. Instead he gets to use us as a piggy bank.
Yeah, I think my cat understands tariffs better the Trump.
(15,409 posts)He'll slash the future benefits of younger people, disabled people, etc. The elderly MAGAts will cheer.
(7,630 posts)Maybe. I don't know if it's a guarantee though
(23,296 posts)To come out en masse to say "NO" I mean.. Senators, congressmen/women, judges, lawyers, media....
As long as they all kiss up to him in fear of being primaried or whatever I don't see a backlash.
I have wondered if a few of them would have the guts to do this, would others follow? It's peer pressure for them too.
(49,178 posts)mokeyz
(70 posts)when there are no elections
(25,190 posts)Last edited Tue Jan 28, 2025, 07:32 PM - Edit history (1)
If there is backlash, it will come from the general public.
Response to wnylib (Reply #63)
birdographer This message was self-deleted by its author.
(103,217 posts)so I don't think there will any "enormous" backlash.
Faux pas
(15,570 posts)the hump and minions are trying their best bombardment strategy. They're going to be gone much sooner than they expect. I say that because I think most of the shit is illegal.
Prairie Gates
(4,415 posts)The denialism about where we are is just sad at this point.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,079 posts)... by an enraged populace, if we get there.
Prairie Gates
(4,415 posts)Good point.
(67,671 posts)we will see that enragement, soon, and I would like them to as you say, "Get shoved back".
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson123
(25,976 posts)Im not sure Chris means it will be a good backlash
it could be much the opposite
(19,020 posts)johnnyfins
(1,822 posts)elleng
(138,763 posts)SO AGREGIOUS that WE the People CANNOT enable it to continue.
(28,327 posts)allegorical oracle
(4,299 posts)defied that oath by jumping on the 14th Amendment.
Can't imagine he won't get blow back from his older voter base when they start paying more for their prescriptions. Hope we get ourselves lined up for the next election and take back the Congress. Then we might be able to really impeach him.
(2,730 posts)FakeNoose
(36,846 posts)

(121,814 posts)JoseBalow
(6,983 posts)ailsagirl
(24,048 posts)

Bernardo de La Paz
(53,079 posts)struggle4progress
(121,814 posts)
(65,636 posts)We see people supporting Trump or saying nothing.
A few people speak out.
We see people who speak out in public being targeted with dire consequences.
(36,846 posts)Chris Hayes is one of the good guys. Let's cut him a break, even though it's slightly over the top.
There ... I used another dumb expression.
(10,093 posts)RussellCattle
(1,869 posts).......chaos that leads to the end of the regulatory state. They got their messiah in Trump and managed to get him elected, even though their views are decidedly in the minority. When they see how this chaos is hurting them personally, some of them will jump ship and go over to the other side, where a majority of Americans will be increasingly appalled at our new reality. Like Chris Hayes has said, the backlash "is going to be enormous".
(8,208 posts)
(17,519 posts)Javaman
(63,444 posts)the harder the swing one way, the equal and opposite effect will happen when it swings back.
it won't be pretty.
it will make the reign of terror look like a picnic. they only had the guillotine back that and a few hold over tortures form the Spanish Inquisition (no body expects them)
the shit that can be done now, scares the shit out of me.
(194 posts)TSF has in mind.
The MSM will eventually wake up.
(36,846 posts)Pretty much every American cable network, news conglomerate and major web forum is owned by a one-per-center. I know there are a few exceptions here and there, but the point is, almost all of them are as happy as pigs in shit right now. The ones that aren't happy are planning to keep quiet and hope for the best.
The Executive Branch, Congress and the judiciary are all in on it, for the most part. We just have to find a way to ride this out for the next four years.
(8,140 posts)Three Days of the Condor.
Not only has media been captured, add to the list the judicial system and most of the federal govt post-purge, and most of the states.
(17,519 posts)tishaLA
(14,565 posts)Other countries are going to have to get involved in some way because we are too divided to mount a serious counteroffensive.
La Coliniere
(1,319 posts)from the inevitable increases in the price of food, not just eggs, medicine, building materials etc. etc. etc. will the general public push back with any meaningful urgency. There may also be some blowback from his other dangerous decisions like pulling out of the WHO and the Paris Climate Accord if theres another global pandemic or cataclysmic natural disaster that affects the US. I dont know the form it will take if there is blowback, but we should be ready for the felon to declare martial law at the first stone cast. I dont see the public participating in general strikes because this country is so fractured, sadly.
(24,480 posts)I already saw in my SF newspaper that a group is starting a petition to make California an independent country and they are furious how the 🍑💩🤡said he would make aid conditional on Newsom kissing his big fat a$$.
(308,448 posts)Arthur_Frain
(2,226 posts)Ive seen this movie one too many times. Im not waiting up this time.
(7,004 posts)Sick of the anti-American policies
Sick of the dictatorship
Sick of the income inequality
Sick of the discrimination
Sick of the wrecking of our commons
Sick of the wrecking of our institutions
Sick of paying more taxes
Sick of paying more to corporate greed
Sick of wars
We Love our country and we want it back from corporate rule and oligarchy!
We want peace, strength in our institutions, and power for the people!
(7,713 posts)Trump dominates the media as his poll numbers continue to climb. Misinformed people will stay misinformed and it takes a long time for a crack to show and attitudes to change. MSM is scared shitless of a Trump/MAGA boycott for true fact-checking
(26,247 posts)One can only hope!!
(159,752 posts)Self Esteem
(1,980 posts)If Trump ordering his supporters to attack the capitol didn't end him - nothing will. The only hope is that he tanks the economy and things get so painful that Americans turn on him over that. But they're not going to turn on him because of any policy or action. I think anyone who's half paid attention to the last few years can tell you that.
Americans don't care about other Americans. They only care about their situation and maybe those closest to them. They would sell you out for cheaper eggs and lower costs.
(47,113 posts)if Trump starts laying the eggs himself.
Self Esteem
(1,980 posts)We'll see where Trump is approval wise when that happens. It's not going to be for a while but they'll eventually go back down like they did in 2023:
(11,853 posts)Right now, the only way to keep it from spreading is for farmers to destroy infected eggs and flocks.
(442 posts)
Harris/Walz was going to win.
Didnt happen. Can hope and pray for the backlash Hayes feels.
(17,519 posts)bobalew
(365 posts)Except for the possibility that TFG & Eloon his buddy did a really bang up job of CHEATING. When did Chump ever get anything without cheating?
Sibelius Fan
(24,664 posts)Dem4life1234
(2,521 posts)And I'm damn irritated, how can this go on for four years?
None of his EO has actually benefitted the average American.
(7,941 posts)When their day to day lives start to be negatively impacted in a significant way, things they have always taken for granted are gone, they will wake up.
And, those who are to blame will be clear to them.
We are where we are today because the social safety nets constructed and maintained over the years have facilitated the political nihilism of the sleep walking majority.
To paraphrase Churchill, this is their finest hour.
(718 posts)with all due respect to your bones.
(17,519 posts)Hotler
(12,806 posts)maybe not.
(3,997 posts)When tiny hands EO policies trickle down and people are forced to pay... attention, I 'think' the rubber will hit the road.
I thought I knew this country well enough. Pendulum swings back and forth.
This is something else.
Edit: We need both houses. I know, easy to say.
(1,652 posts)krawhitham
(4,957 posts)paparush
(7,992 posts)Mark my words.
Trump ordered the CDC to stop reporting on Bird Flu because hell use the coming pandemic as his excuse for declaring martial law and suspending the Constitution. He wasnt lying when he said youll never have to vote again.
(22,307 posts)MontanaMama
(24,314 posts)dont support his feeling. Democrats in that conversation overwhelmingly feel abandoned by Dem leadership in the House in particular.
(56 posts)I usually agree with Chris. Hopefully there will be a strong backlash but predicting one requires better evidence than that which resides in his bones.
Mr. Mustard 2023
(297 posts)MAGA may be biting off more than they can chew, or pissing off more people than they can intimidate at one time.
Mz Pip
(28,025 posts)Trump supporters seem fine with what hes doing and even when prices skyrocket they will just say its a sacrifice we all have to endure to make America great again.
Every despicable thing hes done hasnt made much difference. Hes more popular than ever.
(11,378 posts)their anger will boil. Sadly, much of it will be skillfully redirected toward 'the other'. "It's not Trump's fault your Medicaid went away! Libtards did it!"
(18,856 posts)All this is happening at once.
Trying to change everything immediately becomes glaringly apparent.
If this had been done over a period of years it might not get the same attention.
He creates an explosion on the first day and a backlash will have to be huge to counteract it.
(7,469 posts)stollen
(721 posts)of fascism.
I tried my best to cocoon them, but it was not to be.
(18,955 posts)Chefs kiss in the responses.🤪
(8,087 posts)HarryM
(341 posts)Magoo48
(6,043 posts)Americans in general have shown an unwillingness to be inconvenienced for any reason, no matter how profound, as exemplified by our reaction to climate catastrophe. The grassroots must be willing to sacrifice consistently, courageously when needed, and massively.
May we collectively be inconvenienced now for as long as it takes. Our freedoms are on the line.
(597 posts)But we didn't get it. Don't underestimate how brainwashed his cult is. most of the true believers will live in a mud hut and eat rabbit dung if that's how they end up, and they'll still say they are better off than they were under Biden.
(6,872 posts)The first step has been achieved - people knowing or coming to realise Trump isn't good for the country.
The second step is much harder. People working out what to do about it.
Complaining to your neighbour or anyone who stops to listen won't achieve anything.
The third step is even harder - coordinating resistance into an effective action plan.
One thing is for sure - waiting out the 4 years or hoping the Grim Reaper visits Trump soon, isn't an effective option.
(49,939 posts)A lot of people are going to get hurt.