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Since Trump seems hell bent on destroying the Federal Government, I believe that State Governments should step in to protect our citizens. I have proposed what I called a Blue State Alliance. After the Federal Government, the biggest Government in the Country is the California State Government. A close second is the New York State Government. Both are controlled by Democratic Governors and both their Legislatures are completely controlled by Democrats. This is important. An Alliance between the Blue States could be formidable and could compensate us for the cuts that Trump is making to the Federal Government.
The following States have Democratic Governors- Arizona, California. Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin. Add to that all of the major cities that have Blue Mayors and you are dealing with a lot of potential power.
A Blue State Alliance could almost be an inter-state treaty organization where these states pledge to assist one another to provide for the rights, security, health, prosperity, and well-being of their citizens. We might even be able to convene some sort of Convention to hash out the Alliance, sort of like the Constitutional Convention of 1787. We might be able to develop a new form of Democratic Government.

(10,596 posts)we voted for Harris and will soon dethrone our trifecta of ignorance.
U.S. Virgin Islands has a Democratic Territorial Governor. They would certainly be welcome.
(7,668 posts)The poster means Virginia.
(1,334 posts)They have Youngkin right now. An election coming up later this year. I hope the dem candidate flips it.
(1,334 posts)State Legislatures should pass laws demanding the return of their citizen's federal income tax dollars. If Trump is going to cut federal agencies and federal programs, it is incumbent on the states to demand that revenue back and to establish state level programs that substitute for the federal programs that Trump and his MAGA Gang in Congress intend to cut. Blue State Governors, State Attorneys General, Democratic State Legislatures, and Democrats in Congress should all coordinate with each other to try and establish this kind of policy across the nation.
If Trump intends to destroy the federal government and withhold federal money from Blue States, then these States should act to protect themselves and their citizens. They should have their federal tax dollars returned to them and those States in turn could use those monies to protect those citizens that will suffer due to the loss of federal programs. Blue States should demand Federal Block Grants to get our money back. Congress should try to help, even if controlled by Congress. A Democratic Bill in Congress to return State's money might not pass, but it would raise attention to the issue and be good for optics.
(7,668 posts)whatever they want to, but it wiwuls be meaningless and unenforceable.
(1,334 posts)Even if such a project fails it would be worth attempting. It would give us some way to try and fight back. We have natural rights. Just as British Tyranny in the 18th century violated our natural rights this current MAGA Tyranny is a fundamental violation of our basic rights to freedom. We have a moral right to form alternate democratic forms of government. We have the right to resist Tyranny.
Even if we lose, I think for history's sake we need to fight back somehow. And maybe we might win. If the Republic survives until the midterm elections we might retake Congress. If we do we could try to pass legislation which returns federal tax revenues to their respective states in the form of block grants. Such a plan might fail, but we have to try something. People need hope and some sort of plan to act on. We must try to save democracy somehow. What do you suggest?
yellow dahlia
(1,825 posts)The "Blue" states generate the lions share of the GDP. They contribute more than they "take out " - they subsidize the "Red" states. If we're left to "our" own devices, then we should be left to our own resources.
California has a bigger economy than most countries. I have been wondering about secession. There are people smarter than me who are probably talking about all these realistic and unrealistic options.
And seriously - if the NY/New England region were invited to be part of Canada, I would vote yes.
Thank you for sharing analysis. Hearing thoughts from people smarter than me makes me feel like there are solutions.
(1,334 posts)I appreciate the goods words. If the country gets divided, we would probably have an ally in Canada. Thanks for mentioning that idea.
(3,801 posts)Article I, Section 10 prohibits states from making alliances, treaties, or confederations.
(1,334 posts)Thanks for that information. That said, if the Constitution were suspended or dissolved, perhaps the American people would have the right to form a new government. I know it sounds extreme but we might need to do something radical to resist what seems to be a fascist takeover of the government. If a Dictator and a Tyrant takes over, we have the right to rebel, just as the Colonists did against the British Monarchy in the 18th century. Natural rights trump all other considerations in my view.