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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThe Lack Of Human Compassion Is Staggering
One of the reasons I am a Democrat is that I am a fairly compassionate person and I have always viewed most Republicans as heartless. Trump and his MAGA Gang take this to another level. The lack of human compassion is staggering.
I have come to the conclusion that most of the human problems that we have in the world arises from the number of people that either have sociopathic tendencies or are full blown sociopaths. These people should probably be in secure facilities, not running our government and corporations.
Part of the problem is that these are mostly invisible conditions and are hard to detect in some cases. Periodically we seem to get a grand alliance of these types of people and they start working together. Then we get Fascist Regimes and the like.
If we survive this dark period in history we should probably set our scientists to work on how to stop power seeking sociopaths from ruining our society. Then maybe we would have some peace and sanity and not this madness.

(939 posts)The crazies were isolated rendering them mostly harmless. Now, they are united in online incel clubs and real-world militias.
(1,334 posts)That topic could probably be a graduate thesis. Of course the Universities are going to be defunded so we will not be seeing much real research anymore.
(4,829 posts)you expect any better of them. I've spent a helluva lot of online time going head to head with 'em in other venues. They are immovable in their cruelty, obstinence, and willful ignorance.
One would think calling them or their 'chosen one' out for their hatred, racism, and fascism would bother them. On the contrary, they know who/what he is, and what they are.
And a matter of fact, they're pretty damned PROUD of it.
Take it from me. I've come to know them well.
(13,435 posts)to the sociopathic authoritarians .... But there seems to be some kind of built in attraction there.
Which in turn lends to one wondering - whether the characteristics you point to are not a good deal more wide spread (or at least accepted and to some degree admired) in the general population - than many of us would like to admit?
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I think that maybe one in five has sociopathic tendencies or is sociopath adjacent. The number of full blown sociopaths is significantly lower. I used to work with people with Bipolar Disorder and other mental health conditions. There are all sorts of varieties of people with these conditions. Many are decent people, some are not.
But statistically a small but regular number of people would show up that I would call empathy impaired. These people were often glib about the suffering of others but thought very highly of themselves. So there is a substantial number of these types of people. Luckily I only had to deal with most of them one on one, where they are easier to manage. If they start appearing in groups, that is when the trouble starts.
(2,513 posts)They see their failed, wrongheaded policies as tough love that severe measures must be taken to address problems that dont exist, such as immigration.
They buy into the lie that public assistance programs such as SNAP perpetuate poverty, keeping poor people poor the only way to end poverty is to end government assistance.
Motivated by fear, ignorance and hate, Republicans believe that their agenda is one of self-preservation, that of white grievance politics, where America is being taken away from real Americans.
We exist in a reactionary, fascist right dark age that began long before Trump and will continue long after Trump.
It took me a long time to recognize and accept that a lot of the high level managers in government and in the corporate world are sociopaths or have significant personality disorders. These people are ruthless and are impossible to work for or with. It will take an enormous change in the government and business culture to turn this around. I have no idea how that can be done.
(2,510 posts)... being sociopaths. Supposedly it's about 21% (which seems low, but maybe the higher up the chain the greater the percentage?). This article discusses it a bit, with links:
(138,763 posts)a repug, but tendencies did not show in that way, 'just' personally.
(162,451 posts)yes indeed
Response to Baron2024 (Original post)
Buddyzbuddy This message was self-deleted by its author.
(30,237 posts)is affecting huge numbers of people in the country.
I wish i was a professional in the mental health industry. I would like to see a study and/or a class, video, from professionals exploring the concept and then possibly suggesting the proper answer.
people on the street are nastier than they used to be. there were always bullies but this is beyond that i believe.
our country is so unwell. Unwell enough to elect the sickest of the sick.