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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsHow can you tell when someone with a warped personality has dementia?
Memory loss Forgetting recent events, Forgetting names, Forgetting where things are, and Losing track of time.
Communication difficulties Difficulty finding words, Difficulty following conversations, Difficulty reading and writing, and Repeating questions.
Planning and organization difficulties Difficulty making decisions, Difficulty solving problems, Difficulty following a series of steps, and Difficulty performing familiar tasks.
Mood and personality changes
Anxiety, Irritability, Sadness, Fear, Loss of interest, Depression, and Paranoia.
Behavioral changes Inappropriate behavior and Agitation.
Dementia is a chronic condition that worsens over time. While there is no cure, medications and therapies can help manage symptoms
He has too many of these symptoms to name. He is certainly irritable and agitated. He's paranoid. He finds insult where none is intended. And he's making really stupid decisions. At what point does he get yanked off the stage?

(162,399 posts)he's been acting like a demented dipshit for decades so it's hard to tell
(65,540 posts)He has both a narcissistic and sociopath personalty disorder.
Long time cocaine and adderall abuser.
Now he has dementia.
He is currently enraged all the time, out of control, paranoid, poor judgment
and makes no sense.
A long time criminal history, he is ruthless and dangerous.
Mike 03
(18,211 posts)Thanks for remembering that one. It's a biggie.
(65,540 posts)Probably other drugs as well, and they lived fast and hard.
Now he does adderall to make himself seem more respectable?
But Don Jr and Musk are big drug users so I wonder if Trump joins them
from time to time.
Donjr and Musk always look high as kites in the videos.
(19,371 posts)Or is it just a rumor?
See what you can find on google.
Listen to the videos from some of his staff from Trump's TV shows.
Look for all the pictures of Trump with Epstein and their parties.
The ones where Melania looks totally zonked out of her mind.
I assure you that Epstein was not running Bible classes and prayer meetings.
I don't know how much of these stories have now been scrubbed from the internet.
It is well known that in the 80's Trump was doing cocaine and screwing every female he
could get his hands on. He used to brag about it.
(19,371 posts)Looking "zonked" at a party isn't hard evidence. You're right about him being a horn-dog though, that he has bragged about on Howard Stern. The amount of women that he had sex with is probably over 500.
(65,540 posts)Trying not to catch VDs.
He brags about not drinking. He never brags about not doing drugs.
He admits to doing adderrall which is an upper, a stimulant.
Additionally Trump is a pathological liar.
I disagree strongly with you. We can see that DonJr looks high in every video we see of him.
Melania looks high in pictures in the 80's and some of her current photos don't look like she is
a model of sobriety.
Pictorial evidence is very useful in putting together a person's profile.
Also reports from people who know Trump from back in the 80's.
Also to think that Trump was running with Epstein and that crowd and thinking
he was not partaking of the deviant sexual trafficking and drugs going on is naive.
People here also defend Trump saying he is just a funny stupid buffoon and poses no danger
to anyone.
Trump is a vicious, ruthless psychopath. He is a mentally ill drug abuser, rapist and criminal.
I keep saying that underestimating Trump is very dangerous and foolish.
(1,736 posts)the place was known for cocaine and dancing, and we've all seen him dance.
allegorical oracle
(4,282 posts)behavior at NY's "in place" -- Studio 54 -- was a frequent topic. He allegedly did coke there because "everybody" was doing it. Stern would obliquely joke about it (also djt's attraction to daughter Ivanka).
(38,613 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,540 posts)yourout
(8,284 posts)claudette
(5,177 posts)Mike 03
(18,211 posts)That one was hard to miss, and truly by the time COVID happened, it was so bad that I cannot imagine anyone not noticing. It's the poverty of vocabulary, the repetition, and not merely repeating things he's said before but, as Bob Woodward has described, saying the exact same thing in the exact same way four, five times during a twenty minute conversation.
Right now the most perilous aspect of his deterioration is his decision-making. He will make many crucial decisions, including life-and-death decisions, the same cavalier way he approved mass pardons for the J6 insurrectionists. Spur of the moment. To hell with it! The other way is too hard, too time consuming.
(19,802 posts)and the rest of the world.
(50,568 posts)Reminds me too much of my abusive father with dementia at the end of his life. You have no idea what a relief it was to me when the doctors told me they couldn't save him.
(939 posts)"How can you tell when someone with a warped personality has dementia?"
This describes my mother. Throughout her life, she spent way too much time by herself because she constantly snubbed other people. It astounded me how people could do nice things for her, only for her to speak negatively of them.
She puts others down to feel better about herself.
In her 30s, she ran meetings for NOW (National Organization of Women). In her 70s, she voted for Trump over Hillary.
Now, she's in memory-care assisted living, living in a cloud of dementia, thinking she's better than everyone else around her.
I have no relationship with her. One day, not too long ago, it became too much for me to bear.
(19,802 posts)and she was never hateful. She was just very confused towards the end, but even then she was easy to love.
(939 posts)My mother was a fundamentally nasty person. Once the dementia set in, she could no longer compensate for her angry and jealous thoughts. Always speaking ill of others.
(19,802 posts)I don't want to be around when it hits.
Wicked Blue
(7,695 posts)
(939 posts)I'm not sorry any longer. After 59 years of it, I am finally free.
I should have broken off contact with her years ago. It would have been for her own good. No one makes her more angry than I do. I remind her of my father, a man she did not love, but chose to marry to get away from her own mother and father.
She had a shitty childhood. And years later, she failed in her many attempts to pass that anger onto me.
Here I am talking about myself. Fuck that! We got a Trump to deal with.
Maru Kitteh
(29,750 posts)So far I see roughly the capacity I would expect from a born-wealthy white man of his age who started with a rather pedestrian IQ, a profound, complex personality disorder and the lifelong practice of incurious sloth and gluttony. Its not impressive, and I wouldnt expect it to be.
Those who have thought him on the edge of death from dementia, Im sorry to tell you that youre mistaken, and believe me, nothing would give me more hope than for his sure and timely demise to be true but alas . . .
Both of his parents showed signs of mental decline before their deaths but from what Mary and Fred Trump have written it doesnt sound to me like his mother had an Alzheimers-type dementia. She sounds like she was a needy, transactional, entitled, manipulative, icy psychopath. She seems to have been ruthless and calculating to the end with her faculties largely intact till the final weeks or months. His father on the other hand seems to have developed a rather classic-style senile dementia and suffered with it for a fairly lengthy period of time.
I saw signs of hope in him showing up with blood-thinner-bruised hands a few months ago, prior to the inauguration. He may have suffered a TIA or minor MI at some point, perhaps with or after Covid. Past is prologue, maybe his disease can progress faster than Mitch McConnells.
(44,198 posts)Maru Kitteh
(29,750 posts)and it can look real ugly, real fast.
allegorical oracle
(4,282 posts)Maru Kitteh
(29,750 posts)given his sedentary lifestyle and strict adherence to a the principle of sparing all physical efforts I would say its more likely than not from a blown IV or blood draw than some physical event like hitting his hand while doing something although I will add one caveat - hes getting old. That means hes experiencing decreased muscular coordination, and unexpected loss of balance doe to decreased proprioception. He may have lost his footing getting into a golf cart or something and smashed it.
Edited to add; no matter how it happened, the bruising pattern itself points to blood that is not clotting normally, which is usually due to medications commonly called blood thinners. It can also be an acquired clotting disorder from something like anemia, infectious disease, and cancer leap to mind. Im sure there are others (maybe he got bit by a snake, ha ha). As I said though, blood thinners are your number one suspect in this demographic.
(44,198 posts)such as forgetting names, voices, faces, etc.
(55,655 posts)ananda
(31,315 posts)I didn't recognize it the first time till a friend explained
it to me.
Right now I only have one partner who can remember how
to play consistently.
I'm cutting back playing time with the others.
It takes me forever to recognize it and figure out how to
deal with it.
THe problem is that they get defensive and combative over
their mistakes, wanting to make them mean something else
that's supposed to make sense, or else putting it on me for
not figuring out what they were really doing.
I literally can't handle that kind of stress all that much. So
as I said, I'm cutting back playing time and just taking it easy.
Turns out, I like it that way. It gives me a chance to relax and
work on my physical issues, and that is going pretty well so far.
Life is good.
(6,895 posts)There were probably much Coke and ludes flowing there.
(7,692 posts)The narcissism and psychopathy some of them can seem similar. However, I think he definitely has worsened and whatever else is going on hes had personality disorders or whatever you want to call it from the time he was young. Plus add years of drugs etc.
(33,036 posts)Emile
(33,036 posts)Maru Kitteh
(29,750 posts)Truth: You were attempting to imply he has LBD, People have been pointing to pictures of him in high-profile events where he knows he will be highly photographed for about 10 years now and spouting LBD!!! CLEARLY, he does not. Again in 2020 the internet was overflowing with remote and promising but superficial diagnosis of every manner of neurological disorders that were certain to result in his complete incapacity and demise at any moment! He was gonna be dead any day now! You may have noticed, it didnt happen.
You might also notice, hes never standing that way in candid photos or when he is walking.
Its the lifts, and his vanity before the cameras, and his insecurity about his weight and height.
I will freely admit I should have been more specific than answering with a simple no. That was wrong, I just didnt have time for any of this. I still dont. I suppose I should have said No, leaning forward by itself is not a sign of dementia. Hopefully everyone would know that anyway. Or more precisely No, Trump is not standing that way because of a neurological disorder.