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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsRemember all those minority groups who voted for Trump, claiming the Democratic party took them for
Well, now those motherfuckers know that it was only the Democratic party that was standing between them and the white male insurgency that fought on the side that was against equality. So, all the battles fought during their parent's time that were won, were completely undermined with one election because they took the Democratic party for granted.

Happy Hoosier
(8,808 posts)... I hope the others get everything they voted for.
(1,875 posts)Johnny2X2X
(22,519 posts)Harris still won the Hispanic, Black, and Muslim votes. Don't hold a whole group accountable because some members of that group got duped.
I hear the same thing about women, Harris won the women vote clearly, women aren't reponsible for Trump winning, white males are.
The largest shifts in support were seen among men, particularly men of color. Donald Trump won the vote of Hispanic men by one point (49 percent Harris 50 percent Trump), a 35-point difference from 2020, when Joe Biden won the vote of Hispanic men by a 34-point margin. Similarly, there was a 35-point difference in how Black men voted in 2024 compared to 2020. While Black men voted for Harris in 2024 by a 47-point margin (71 percent Harris 24 percent Trump), it was significantly less than Biden who won the vote of Black men by an 82-point margin over Trump in 2020. White men also moved toward Trump by 5 points (net +23; 37 percent Harris 60 percent Trump), compared to his margin of 18 points in 2020 (40 percent Harris 58 percent Trump).
(37,148 posts)Their methodology is stronger than exit polling. Results are usually not radically different.
(1,642 posts)you shouldn't be blaming white males as a group either.
Fewer Hispanics voted for Harris than they did for Biden. With Hispanic males, I think she lost 30% in that demographic this time. That's a lot. She lost ground with Black men, too, compared to Biden, though the majority still voted democrat. She gained with women. Black women turned out and were steady. She lost votes with young people, and that's usually a group where democrats do well.
Honestly, I don't think stats like this are useful for "holding people accountable" which only makes voters in those groups who DID vote democrat feel angry and alienated every time they see blame thrown their way in posts online--imagine being a white male voter who did vote democrat and having to constantly see white men suck and it's all your fault in every post... not exactly doing a good job to retain that voting demographic. We shouldn't be taking part in that as democrats if we want those votes in 2026 or 2028 ESPECIALLY in swing states. THINK. What I do think those stats are useful for is for showing democratic leadership where we need to improve. If we didn't do well with one group, we need to work harder to reach out and try to get those voters the next time.
(85,386 posts)Who they are, where theyre from, and what makes them tick.
Knowledge IS power. Knowledge is what helps you find vulnerabilities.
(2,583 posts)Thank you for your comment. I tried to communicate to a large number of (I'm assuming white) posters here before the election that going after FACTIONS of minority groups (Arabs, Muslims, Latinos, Blacks) for their wavering support was senseless, arrogant, and unhelpful. They used words like "stupid" and "they'll get what they deserve if trump wins." It struck me as misdirected anger when, in fact, the bulk of trump support was from white Americans, most of whom were also voting against their own interests. I would have thought that depth of misdirected anger was more native in magaland, but I was wrong.
It's one of the reasons I don't come here as often anymore.
(7,004 posts)The rainbow of men voted for a rapist, misogynist, felon and a racist... most men voted against themselves.
(37,148 posts)LOTS of people voted for Harris, so it is important to recognize this.
A huge factor for white voters and some but not all other groups is education level. GQP wants uneducated voters who can be more easily manipulated into believing falsehoods and propaganda spread on multiple media and social media outlets.
(3,903 posts)for the third straight time.
There was a big red shift amongst Latinos, especially Latino men.
More black men voted for Trump this time around.
More young men voted for Trump.
Union households went 45% for Trump.
Overall there was a rightward shift amongst many demographics, for reasons still to be fully understood.
(37,148 posts)It was nearly even, with others voting third party.
And FAR too many people eligible people did not vote at all. That's the group we have to focus on, IMHO.
(2,784 posts)Not just white women either. It astounds me. I know women who won't go to a woman Doctor. And you are right. There's a pool of 90 million people we need to spend our money on not just 10 or so counties. But that's for the new forum
(20,255 posts)spooky3
(37,148 posts)Americanme
(160 posts)I know a lot of guys in my local were vocal about supporting him, and lots of other republicans. Slitting their own throat, and not smart enough to see it. But, by golly, they felt like men. Ridiculous.
(18,956 posts)Americanme
(160 posts)The moron members are the problem. Leadership got me a great career, a pension, a 401(k), and full retirement at age 61. I am very thankful to be a member of UWUA. I retired after 37 years at that job. Worked at a few non-union places for several years before that.
(18,956 posts)Following the Republican National Convention and Bidens campaign exit, the Teamsters commissioned a national electronic poll of its 1.3 million members, overseen by an independent third party. During a voting window from July 24-Sept. 15, rank-and-file Teamsters voted 59.6 percent for the union to endorse Trump, compared to 34 percent for Harris.
I should probably rephrase my original statement. I dont care about unions that dont support Democrats.
(160 posts)Here in Michigan, republicans made us a right-to-work state, and they got our prevailing wage law repealed. Democrats had to fix both of those, and my moron union brothers still say they support republicans. Frustrating.
(3,498 posts)and voters is:
bound to backfire
a problem of the should
may cause us to deserve a bad outcome or at least be perceived that way
For me, if my heart and mind aren't right, things don't work out well for me. Seems like it's a principle of the universe.
Misdirected anger. Good description.
The anger rightly belongs to the manipulators and propagandists, not the people who got fooled. The Musk influence operation to sway voters towards cynicism and lack of motivation to get out and vote was chillingly effective. The anger over the indiscriminate killing in Gaza was fanned into a conflagration. Those fault-lines were exacerbated by foreign and domestic forces determined to win by all means.
The OP makes a great point about our party being taken for granted by many voters who are usually Dem voters. Our messaging weaknesses and the propaganda environment we are in now both factored heavily into that, don't you know.
(13,435 posts)so we're going to withhold our support (or "teach the Democrats a lesson".). Which is precisely where the OP went in the beginning.
You get no argument at all that the Trump base is, and always has been, predominantly white. But it's also true that formerly reliable Democratic votes - almost undeniably have begun to drift away. That effect is just clear as a bell in what we saw in November. Whether you think it is reasonable (or smart) to finger wag these pockets of diminished support - or similarly saddle them with the with the "just deserts" tagline ... Is probably a separate debate. That they weren't showing up for party - really is not.
(2,583 posts)I didn't miss that part. And I was I was around during the election. I was around during previous elections when the "taking us for granted" line was popular. I was around for the '84 election when the "Reagan Democrats" became a thing. So I'm familiar with the ebb and flow of party choice over time. And it's always an agenda issue for campaigns.
I may even have some choice thoughts for the FACTIONS of minority groups that flipped for a felon myself. But I wouldn't call them out in posts. By the same token, not being a woman, I'd think twice before I speak about women voting against their interests. I certainly wouldn't call them motherfuckers. It just seems a little torch-and-pitchforky.
(13,435 posts)the MF stuff - falls into a little different category. I'm not a big fan there. But there too - this has become utterly commonplace for these pages - and kind of skirts the larger issue of whether the voting behavior at the base of it - should be called out ...
Should stupid (and blatantly) self destructive be mocked and derided - or molly-coddled and met with 'sympathy and understanding' .. ? And, putting aside the MF bit - I'm kind of leaning toward the former. Sometimes a kick in the ass, or a clout on the head - is not only the more effective - but also the only response really deserving.
(2,583 posts)I am definitely not a molly-coddler. Back in December 2023 I posted "Help me, I'm Stupid?"
I was actually "lectured" in the comments by one reputedly grumpy and arrogant poster that my approach had gone too far (they've since been flagged for review and not by my doing).
I had no problem posting that since it was a jab at stupid people in general and not a punch down specifically at anyone within a marginalized group.
What really disappointed me and made me feel icky here were the posts insulting American Arabs and Muslims who voiced withholding support following the attacks by Israel on Gaza. Many of those Arab Americans knew people or had family that were being injured or killed. They were going through trauma and trauma can lead to unclear thinking. I totally agree that their withholding support from the Democratic ticket was completely counter to their (and my) interests, and while I couldn't sympathize, I could empathize to the point that would never imagine calling them names which people did.
But again, I do use choice language for all people in all subgroups who I think should know better. I just don't post it here. So this is just me clarifying where I'm coming from. It may not have helped, but in the long run, we are both on the same side.
(597 posts)but too late
(32,736 posts)Last edited Mon Jan 27, 2025, 04:40 PM - Edit history (2)
That indicates that it was a majority of Latinos, male and women who voted for Trump.
Border Counties with more than a handful of voters:
Webb County 95.22% Latino:
Trump/Harris/Third Party 50.63%/ 48.46% 0.91%
Cameron County 89.47% Latino
Trump/Harris/Third Party 52.44%,/46.65% 0.91%
Hidalgo County 91.87% Latino
Trump/Harris/Third Party 50.98%/ 48.11% 0.91%
Val Verde County 80.29% Latino
Trump/Harris/Third Party 62.70%/ 36.15% 1.15%
Starr County 97.68% Latino
Trump/Harris/Third Party 57.74%/ 41.76% 0.50%
Maverick County 94.90% Latino
Trump/Harris/Third Party 58.97%/40.48% 0.55%
The only border counties that went for Harris were El Paso, which is 82.64% Latino, Presidio which has a huge area, but very small population, also Zavala, which has a small population.
Hidalgo, Webb, and Cameron Counties were disasters for the Democrats!!
Compare with 2020!
Compare with 2016
(32,736 posts)Presidio was also blue, but I believe they are only 60% Latino, and had less than 3,000 voters. Zavala had less than 3,000 voters also.
But the counties that include Del Rio, Eagle Pass, Laredo, McAllen, and Brownsville went red.
These are Latino votes...No ands if or butts!! No exit poll required!!
(6,983 posts)That's quite an edit!
(32,736 posts)Sometimes I get impulsive, respond and then think: Oh I gotta get the data.
Yes, but we can't just blame the Texas border stuff on Latino males. It's Latino women too. And we can't blame it on white people, because there are just not enough of them. The Texas border has pretty solid demographics and it isn't very cosmopolitan like San Diego.
Self Esteem
(1,980 posts)Either in overall turnout or toward Trump. It's a big reason Harris lost.
The reality is that Democrats need to ask themselves why the shift happened because it's not just isolated to this election. Yes, the lurch was significant in this election it seems. But Biden would have won Texas in 2020 had he performed at Hillary levels in border counties. He didn't. So, despite doing better among suburban voters in the Dallas/Houston areas, he still lost. Hispanics were shifting toward Trump in 2020...but no one, over the last four years, thought it was all that important to address. And, despite poll after poll showing Trump doing better among Hispanic voters than four years earlier, so any here denied the realities: the polls were being cooked! They were fake!
Well I think we can see in retrospect they weren't.
Democrats have seen less of a shift among Black voters but it does appear to exist, especially among Black men. It's the second election in a row where Trump has improved his margins among this group. And the Harris campaign understood this. Why do you think Obama hit the trail the way he did? His entire message in the final weeks was targeted toward Black men.
We gotta figure out why these groups are shifting. It's not blaming them - I don't blame minority voters who have supported the Democratic Party for generations. I do think it's important to figure out why they're drifting away from the party, tho.
(32,736 posts)In inner city San Antonio, which is about 80-90% Latino, we saw downward shift of about 10% Democratic to Rep since 2016. We used to have quite a few precincts that voted 80% Democratic. Now, many of those areas of 70 and 60% Democratic. It's trending downward in our inner city. It's still blue, but not "as blue".
However, looking at metro areas, usually requires someone who is familiar with the area to see the trend.
Inner city San Antonio is very different from the border. They really don't worry too much about immigrants causing trouble. However, there is Spanish media, plain old media, inflation and now a whole lot of homeless people. The homeless people are pretty much harmless, however they are just kinda everywhere, and pretty much in the " vacant lot next door" type of stuff. It has an impact on voters. I also think the shoplifting stuff is getting to voters. There is nothing like having to drive 10 miles to shop at Walmart because too much merchandise in your local Walmart is locked up.
(55,670 posts)MadameButterfly
(2,636 posts)though the margin was close.
White men overwhelmingly for Trump.
White people are the problem. What is wrong with us?
Still it is of concern and worth noting that Republicans made big inroads in Black men and Hispanics, especially Hispanic men (who did vote slightly more for Trump)
This is particularly disturbing since Republicans have had overt policies to harm people of color since Nixon (or earlier)
I don't excuse White people voting for racism, but you can at least understand that there are some selfish White people voting for policies that they perceive to favor them. It's harder to understand people of color voting for that same racism.
That is the point of the OP: People voted against Democrats not because we didn't support minorities but because we didn't support minorities enough. Kind of like the Muslims who voted against Harris on Gaza. Most Muslims voted Democratic, but it's understandable that we are frustrated with the subset of them who made their point by voting for Trump.
Maybe there are better ways to get results from the Democratic Party, and easier done while we are in power.
(44,162 posts)I feel much sympathy for all those who will be hurt by what they've done, but none for them.
Lemons UK
(225 posts)mcar
(44,162 posts)The people leading the charge with all this pro-Hamas marches, etc., were well organized and getting funding and instruction from somewhere. The dupes who followed them? Maybe ignorance, with a splash of antisemitism.
(12,806 posts)Bobstandard
(1,840 posts)We continue to see Democratic leadership take us for granted. Note the profiles in courage of House Dems who voted with Republicans re Noem. Note Schumers inability to stand up against the Republican steamroller, instead saying hes looking forward to working in a bipartisan manner with them. Im going to continue to vote Dem, but Im looking forward to primarying the DINOs. The old guard either doesnt get it or are only out for themselves. Im tired of it. Were going to keep losing until the leadership shows some fight
Im also with you regarding those numbskulls who thought not voting Dem in the general was sending a message to the Party. Talk about screwing yourself over. Talk about screwing me over! Thanks morans
(85,386 posts)One that I suspect theyre realizing THEY dont like. Slowly and surely.
I think we might start seeing confessions in the media. The random newspaper editorial. The objections that go public and - in some cases - take root, or better, validate objections already held. Those objections are like little kids. They grow up. They gain strength and certainty and vision. And they find friends.
William Seger
(11,460 posts)republianmushroom
(19,020 posts)mainer
(12,313 posts)Is exactly what happened, with voters of all colors and stripes.
The working class. Farmers and labor unions. Young women, white women. College students.
They ALL took for granted the only party that cared about them.
It's like turning your back on mom and dad after they've raised and nurtured you, and instead falling under the spell of Rev. Jim Jones.
(85,386 posts)And look how THAT one turned out.
(24,027 posts)that they were being taken for granted. That's been a part of their campaigns for a long time.
(17,519 posts)Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)That'll bring them back to the fold. You betcha.
(5,402 posts)

Response to Mysterian (Reply #51)
Post removed
(64,861 posts)One can almost admire your fearless disregard of the TOS.
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)Meaning, that type of hateful attitude is the kind routinely exhibited by MAGA.
But I didn't state that he himself was MAGA.
But apparently you're okay with him being supportive of someone else referring to minorities as "those motherfuckers" when they didn't even cause Trump to win. In my opinion Trump stole the 2024 election just as he almost succeeded in stealing the 2020 election.
(64,861 posts)Am I justified in making similarly dubious assumptions about you based on the posts spot which you dont reply?
Also, Ive had posts hidden for saying that sounds like something a Reichwinger would say, and your post is cut very much from that same cloth.
And of course he fucking stole it, with the help of a $250M buyout from his Nazi pal.
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)Sometimes I don't reply to a particular poster because I've put that person on full ignore to avoid the possibility of a flame war.
I'm not deliberately trying to breach any of DU's rules. But, if in the heat of the moment I go too far, the mods will deal with it. None of us are perfect. I try my best to abide by DU's rules, but I'm still human.
Orrex, I think it's safe to say that we're all under a lot of stress because of all the crazy things Trump is doing. Not only is he bent on being a tyrant over his own country, he seems to want to be a tyrant over the whole world. And, his fellow Republicans are bending over backward to accommodate him. What a nightmare and it's only going to get worse, much worse.
Orrex, if I offended you, you have my sincere apologies. It wasn't intentional.
Oopsie Daisy
(5,428 posts)Fascinating. The great care being taken to split hairs reveals to me the intent and weakness of the argument and defense being made. I'm not convinced that the original comment was as innocent or well-intended as now being claimed. Rather, it's more likely that it was an intentional insult to claim that anyone "fits in" with MAGA. It's an attack on their character, so that's really the same thing, isn't it? The defense of such smears attempts to blur the lines between innocent critique and character assassination. It looks to me that there's some very thin ice ahead... proceed with caution.
(31,330 posts)that they don't hold Republicans to.
It shows a serious lack of concern not only for others, but
themselves as well.
Voting for Trump meant agreeing to a pattern of destruction
across all spectrums, for all people.
This was NEVER not absolutely clear because Trump and Project
2025 said that this would happen.
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)I think the American electorate did elect Kamala Harris but Trump stole it from her with Musk's help.
Trump himself has pretty much admitted it.
And no, I don't have any hard evidence. It's just my opinion.
But I'll never believe that Trump won all the swing states. No fuckin' way.
not fooled
(6,177 posts)Purging voter rolls and otherwise suppressing turnout. Kamala would have won if not for GQPee cheating. I don't know whether this knowledge makes me feel better about my fellow Americans for not actually wanting the felon elected, or worse because nothing will change to prevent this from continuing to happen.]
Will get no coverage from the corporate media, or pushback from Democratic leadership.
(29,695 posts)To hell with each and every one of those minority individuals who voted for trump (or who stayed at home and didn't vote at all) for such stupid, false reasons. Are you pleased with yourselves for endangering our democracy? I went to my first civil rights demonstration when I was 14 years old---over 60 years ago. Now I wonder if it was all just a waste of time.
Response to Paladin (Reply #21)
Post removed
(1,465 posts)"Never give a sucker an even break".
live love laugh
(15,026 posts)and are incapable of critical thinking skills. They grab onto whatever sounds good that makes them seem like they know what theyre talking about when they dont.
(20,084 posts)I'm worried that they won't, that something has changed long term.
(940 posts)LeftInTX
(32,736 posts)Of course they had influence by the media. However, you can't deny inflation. Homeless people are now kinda everywhere. (Like in the vacant house next door) etc....I had to keep my tools with me at all times, when putting up campaign signs. Normally I would put my tools near where I was putting up signs and go to my vehicle and fetch more. I had parked at the gas station and it was full of homeless people. Homeless people will take petty things like tools etc. They also steal large campaign signs (worth $40) and use them to make forts. This is a recent thing. We had to fortify the signs with barb wire. We spotted the missing signs in a homeless camp. So if they are stealing from us, you know they are stealing from locals.
Also shoplifting is forcing more merch to be locked up. Customers are not happy and are driving 10 miles to go a store where stuff isn't locked up.
I live a few miles out. However, my son lives more inner. He won't shop at the local Walmart.
(609 posts)Because it seems like republican propaganda is all that makes the airwaves. Dems need to do better on countering the constant republican propaganda
(843 posts)Black and Hispanic votes are miniscule compared to the amount of white votes in this election. White people, look at your family and neighbors if you want someone to blame.
70 of votes were cast by white people. They overwhelmingly chose Trump.
(47,113 posts)But democrats could still win if minorities overwhelmingly voted for democrats. That didn't happen in this election. Trump didn't get more white support than a republican normally does.
Still white people trying to lay blame. Blame your friends and family.
(47,113 posts)What exactly should I blame them for?
(55,670 posts)that's for sure.
(47,113 posts)lost at least some of the minority support. It didn't have majority of support from whites to begin with.
"Latinos had signaled what was coming: They drifted away from Democrats and toward Mr. Trump in 2020, before defecting in greater numbers this year. But working-class Black and Asian American voters have also now broken ranks in startling numbers."
(55,670 posts)You are speaking as though Blacks, Hispanics, and other groups owe white people their votes because white people are self-destructive. Obviously, the party lost a share of the vote from all groups, except for black women. The biggest loss was among white people. Trump gained in 90% of the counties in this country.
Secondly, the info now relies on exit polls, which have consistently proved faulty. Even then, the much-discussed decline in the black male vote was grossly overstated.
Lastly, think about the implications of what you're saying. Do you really want to drive more people of color away from the party by insulting them because the great majority of white people voted for Trump? Additionally, this thread is openly hostile to non-white members of the DU community. The last thing we need is less diversity on this site.
I know you're a good person. I would just caution you to think more carefully about this issue.
(47,113 posts)some of the minority support this time around. Especially from males. We lost support from minorities but we didn't gain support from whites. So we can blame everybody for the results.
(55,670 posts)but blaming them isn't the way to go.
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)Blame Trump for stealing the election with Elon's help (which Trump has seemingly confessed to publicly).
Blame SCOTUS for their Citizen's United ruling that paved the way for Musk to use undue influence to get the election close enough for him to steal on Trump's behalf (do you think Trump really won all of the swing states?).
Blame Republicans for purging voter rolls throughout the country.
Blame Republicans for racial gerrymandering that disenfranchised black people throughout the country.
Blame Republicans for the wave of new voter suppression laws that came into effect using the pretext of Trump's Big Lie that the 2020 election was rigged.
Blame the foreign countries that meddled in the 2024 election in order to help Trump.
Even if a person were of the opinion that Trump legitimately "won," he didn't really win in the truest sense when you take into account all of the Republicans' dirty tricks. Marc Elias had to constantly battle Republicans in court.
But in my opinion, I have no doubt that Kamala Harris won but had it stolen from her. I think if there had been recounts in two or three of the swing states, the coup would have been exposed. That's why I now think that blaming people who voted for Trump (no matter their race) is relevant. Harris really won. I'm also of the opinion that Republicans found a way to keep control of the U.S. House by cheating. But I think Republicans really did legitimately win back the U.S. Senate.
(13,435 posts)the blame is leveled not at ethnicity, but rather squarely at individuals that have changed recent voting behavior. (starving the party of previously reliable votes) That is an important feature for what is currently going on in our country. And - it is not at all incongruous with ALSO pointing out (one more tired time) - that white people have been voting for Trump all along! Both things can be equally true at the same time! But to ignore or gloss over a serious issue of both current and future support ... Aids nothing.
(55,670 posts)Last edited Tue Jan 28, 2025, 08:21 AM - Edit history (1)
Other than alienating BIPOC Americans and non-white DUers? Does it make you feel better to blame them for the actions of your own ethic group? Do you actually think your important issue of shitting all over BIPOC voters is going to win more votes for Democrats? The OP calls them mother fuckers and does notcontrary to your assertion acknowledge white people cost Democrats the election.
One reason why our party is losing those votes is people feel taken for granted. Too many speak as though they own the votes of the non-white. They dont. The party has to earn votes, and this thread does the opposite.
Might as well have railed against DEI. This is no better.
(13,435 posts)(in my opinion) - and rather commonplace on these pages.
And incidentally - I (and a whole lot of others) have been calling out farmers (and union members?) as the complete dumb-sh*ts I think they are (in so clearly voting against their own best interests) for years now. Same goes for POC, Palestinian supporters, Bernie bros, or any other stripe of voter that persists in their dumb-sh*t behavior. I don't feel particularly bad about wounding their delicate feelings. And I plan to continue pointing out the error of their ways. If you're a black person that voted for Trump - you DESERVE to be called out - and LOUDLY - at the very least!
(55,670 posts)Last edited Tue Jan 28, 2025, 02:59 PM - Edit history (1)
Not the people you are blaming. What are you going to do about your people?
The groups you are dumping on are the party's most reliable voters. You are not thinking rationally.
(13,435 posts)But if your a black person (or of Palestinian extraction) that voted for a clearly racist candidate and agenda ...
That earns you a special brand of "dumb-shit"
happy feet
(1,173 posts)Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)I applaud you for your sound analysis and wisdom.
It's people like you who make DU great.
(55,670 posts)I find this thread obscene. That so many people have rec'd it is shameful.
(32,736 posts)"We aren't voting for that Kamala lady".
Alot of them are cops, military and rednecks. Think Henry Cuellar types. We had a talk with Cuellar pre-indictment because he wasn't getting along too well with progressives in the party. He said, "Look don't ask me if we own guns. Ask us how many we own. Don't ask me how we feel about fracking and the new green deal. We hate it. And a bunch of us are against abortion" Biden did poorly along the border in 2020 because so many work for border patrol. It was a wake up call. Border patrol here hire Latinos. They don't hire white people.
Despite being indicated, Henry Cuellar soared to victory. That's how popular he is in his district. He's going bye bye this summer. I'm pretty sure a puke will end up replacing him.
(32,736 posts)12.40% African American
7.24% Asian Americans
2.92% Native American
1.06% Middle Eastern
Generic White is only 57.38% now.
(869 posts)I would take a lesson from the repubs and
be more up to date with communications such as podcasts. Barron Trump played a big part in getting the youth vote of all races: No one mentions this. Play to win for a change.
(32,736 posts)iemanja
(55,670 posts)It's the majority of white people who fuck over America. This blame the people of color game is bullshit.
(47,113 posts)But democratic party lost some of the minority support.
"Hispanic voters were more open to Trump than they were in 2020. Roughly half of Latino men voted for Harris, down from about 6 in 10 who went for Biden."
(64,861 posts)Why do any minorities vote for him, when his campaign is 50% racism, 30% bigotry, and 20% ignorance?
happy feet
(1,173 posts)I'm disgusted by this thread.
The majority of no one minority voted for Trump. And black people hold the Democratic party together. White voters are the problem especially white women who despite roe and the turn back of women's rights still voted 52% for the Orange one. Leave black people out of this
Response to Baitball Blogger (Original post)
Post removed
(30 posts)but remember all the US soldiers, sailors, and marines who were killed or crippled fighting for their country. Their sacrifice is being debased by Trump. Of course, he told us what he thinks of them.
(32,736 posts)Aussie105
(6,872 posts)You can consider yourself and the group you think you belong to as mainstream, and the mainstream desire for an election result should be the correct one, but voting is individual based and the result after the tally is a collective one.
Calling other groups 'minorities' and accusing them of being duped in some way doesn't get you anywhere, either.
Sad truth is, and quoting my sister-in-law in the States the last time there was an important vote, 'there is no one to vote for!'.
So I guess she didn't vote then, she voted this time but didn't like the outcome.
But her comment points out one flaw in a lot of thinking - you don't actually vote for a person and their public persona, you vote for a political party.
But looking into the past performance and stated goals of a political party and judging where best to put their vote, seems too complex for some.
So voters go . . . Kamala . . . female, not white, smiles too much so not serious.
Trump . . . strong man, great businessman, intelligent, promises to 'sort things out'.
Treat voting like how you decide which sports team you choose to follow, and you get what you got - Trump in the White House, Dems looking for who to blame.
Unfortunately voting on personality is becoming more common around the world.
Cultism in politics is becoming more mainstream globally.
But cultism was always an early American tradition.
Jim Jones for president, David Koresh for VP, Charles Manson for House speaker?
(25,135 posts)They are already finding out what the alternative was.