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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI was never good with algebra in school...
I didn't know what "x" was and I didn't care. It seemed like a waste of time to my young mind. Why go thru all those steps to get a simple answer? It felt like thought control.
But now, after all these decades, I think I know the meaning of "X"?
It is about thought control.

(17,012 posts)

(722 posts)
(9,539 posts)but I can't count on all my fingers and toes how many times I've used it in real life, to great advantage!
(24,478 posts)X-4=21 is as far as I got in knowing the answer.
Xavier Breath
(5,394 posts)Throughout my entire scholastic career I only ever failed one class: algebra in high school. Try as I might, my brain was just not wired for it. The thing is, I can do basic math in my head at a fast pace. Friends I dine with will often ask me to calculate their tip for them.
I thought for sure that my failure as a teen was going prevent me from getting a degree at night as an adult. Fortunately, the school I attended gave me credit for a statistics class I had taken at community college years before, thus permitting me to get a degree. If I'm being honest, though, even forty-some years later it still bothers me a bit that I could not master it back then.