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In a two-page memo, obtained by POLITICO and authenticated by three people, the Office of Management and Budget ordered all federal agencies to temporarily suspend payments, while making clear that Social Security and Medicare wont be affected.
The use of Federal resources to advance Marxist equity, transgenderism, and green new deal social engineering policies is a waste of taxpayer dollars that does not improve the day-to-day lives of those we serve, according to the memo.
The document was first reported by the journalist Marisa Kabas.

(70,778 posts)LisaL
(47,113 posts)NT
(7,597 posts)This is a five alarm fire AND the sky IS falling kinda thing.
Hes seizing Congresss authority tonight
(17,016 posts)to supersede the Executive Branch?
(7,597 posts)They should do so. Asap.
They should also be unified tonight on calling this out. Loudly. Everywhere and on every megaphone they have.
In It to Win It
(10,178 posts)Arazi
(7,597 posts)Instead of a coequal branch of government?
I know its close to that now with Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell in charge but this is the fight Dems must attempt
(1,532 posts)"What would Mitch McConnell do..."
Do Democrats truly stand up for the people it represents?
(17,016 posts)of a total obliteration of the separation of powers, regardless of what the Constitution says, derived from whole cloth by a corrupt god-king-enamored SCOTUS as early in TCF's second term as possible. Brilliant strategy.
(96,614 posts)Arazi
(7,597 posts)Im exhorting them to action. This is the fight they need to engage with.
(8,306 posts)In fact Schumer is already on this............
(6,092 posts)People not being able to eat has a revolutionary impact.
(41,431 posts)And all because a person who more people voted against then voted for is sitting in the same seat that held Lincoln, FDR, JFK, President Obama, President Biden. A man who lies easier than he breaths. A man whose motivation to run for president was the strong desire to stay out of jail where he belongs. He leads todays Republican Party my fellow Americans.
(7,930 posts)I know, I know
Were surrounded by idiots.
(13,515 posts)
(120,041 posts)Not an actual majority.
(7,930 posts)
(73,524 posts)Silent Type
(8,646 posts)hope this isnt quite accurate. Again, wouldnt surprise me. In my rube red area, the local white wingers are loving the ICE raids. Sometimes reads like a lynching crowd on the neighborhood sites.
(14,023 posts)Drug Treatment, Disability services, Transportation Assistance, Heating Assistance...
They really tore it all down, didn't they. I'm sure they're going to equate it to ripping the bandaid off quick, and all those lazy elderly, disabled, and children will just suddenly realize they all need to get off their lazy asses and fix their own problems - or starve in a ditch...
Just like the rich folks do.
Yes, it's cruelty. But that's part of the New Republican ideology. You must be cruel so the Mediocre Rich White Man Status Quo can be conserved.
(7,597 posts)Like literally on the street
(14,023 posts)If it's monthly or or a quarterly grant payment based on applicants.
But I do know that landlords and property managers for nursing homes or assisted living are probably going to be starting eviction notices on their resident who use Medicaid or Section 8 if they think that resident won't be able to make up the difference next month.
(7,597 posts)Impatient for their $$ and unrelenting about delays. Not slamming them - they have bills too but they wont wait his out
The media needs to actually show the elderly and the disabled being put out into the streets. Maybe that would shock America into action.
(6,884 posts)...Trump recession.
(23,582 posts)Which is a handful of billionaires.
(87,196 posts)Chakaconcarne
(2,746 posts)"According to the memo, the budget office may grant exceptions allowing Federal agencies to issue new awards or take other actions on a case-by-case basis."
Red States will remain on the teet... Blue states are on their own.
(5,914 posts)Bengus81
(8,306 posts)and the Inflation Reduction act.
Chuck Schumer:
They say this is only temporary, but no one should believe that," he said. "Donald Trump must direct his Administration to reverse course immediately and the taxpayers money should be distributed to the people. Congress approved these investments and they are not optional; they are the law.
(39,956 posts)the bench. Or the chance to stand up for the First Branch's constitutional powers.
(29,850 posts)How long before I lose my job and my insurance?
I'm in remission but I need the insurance to catch it.
(114,021 posts)Marxism is often criticized by the likes of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson for its championing of equality of outcome. This abhorrent tag, arguably, gives Marxism a stigma that is intensified by a collective right-wing obsession on the web. I took the liberty of searching about equality of outcome on a popular video-sharing website. I was not disappointed. Hundreds of videos stared at me, screaming how pernicious the Marxist notion of equality of outcome is. Yet, almost no one from that camp seemed to quote extensively from real Marxist literature. Apart from a few monotonous, soulless readings of the Communist Manifesto, most of these videos did not seem to have any substance. But, does Dr. Petersons argument against Marxism hold any water? Did Marx and Engels really vouch for equality of outcome at all? Or, is it just sloppy research to conflate the duo with the so-called social justice warriors?
Well, basic Marxist literature reveals that an accusation cannot be more preposterous. Marx never saw equality of outcome as a goal. If anything, he detested this bourgeois notion. In The Critique of the Gotha Programme, Marx says:
one worker is married, another is not; one has more children than another, and so on and so forth. Thus, with an equal performance of labor, and hence an equal in the social consumption fund, one will in fact receive more than another, one will be richer than another, and so on. To avoid all these defects, right, instead of being equal, would have to be unequal.
(1,334 posts)A social safety net in a mixed capitalist economy is not Marxism. The Trump Regime calling public assistance Marxism is pure propaganda. We need to counter that propaganda in the media and online. A dissertation on Marxism is not an effective counter argument. We simply need to say " No, public assistance is not Marxism. Calling it Marxism is a lie. It is Fascist propaganda." Which is both true and accurate.
(3,032 posts)leopards we warned them about.
(4,829 posts)Is America getting "great again" yet?
(3,032 posts)He wasn't sure, but he will log my opinion that I'm against freezing FEMA funding. So...let's all call all our elected gov't officials daily, and express deep, overwhelming, "is this even constitutional," concern about the latest distracting BS SHitler has pulled.
Oh, and the phone guy also said that, if SHitler does something a voter think is unconstitutional, they can always sue to have that corrected.
(11,102 posts)Millions of dollars used to provide addiction treatment services to 10,000 people annually. Stopped.
Fuck Trump. and to hell with those people who voted for him.
Evolve Dammit
(20,275 posts)EndlessWire
(7,584 posts)Impeach him, it again. Immediately. He's a rat weasel who deserves to be in jail. I haven't once heard anyone say anything other than, "What He wants, His vision of His agenda, etc." Nothing about the People.
Well, eff him. Eat another cheeseburger and drop dead. Let him shove his P25 agenda up his doughy, fat ass.
Sorry, I'm having a bad day. Even my dog is in a bad mood. We're going back to bed to watch videos and snack on crackers and dog treats. Probably run out.