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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsAm I crazy, or should we be more worried about this freeze of federal funding today?
This seems like a huge and very bad deal to me.
Have we fully processed this? Or are we too distracted by all the other crazy stuff also going on at the moment?
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I feel like a tsunami is about to hit and were all staring at the beach because the waters all pulled back.

(35,558 posts)people will die.
yellow dahlia
(1,803 posts)If they kill all the old people and disabled....and people reliant on Medicaid and Snap benefits - more $ for them to pillage.
Mr. Dahlia and I have been writing to our reps daily. So much to weigh in on.
(12,448 posts)bif
(24,806 posts)He's going to start doling it out only if he gets something in return. Fucking Hitler!
(7,694 posts)Its not clear to me exactly what it means but I assumed some lawyers or people who know legislators, etc. are figuring this out?
(49,131 posts)Last edited Tue Jan 28, 2025, 09:28 AM - Edit history (1)
Feds assist the states, and cities and counties. Assistance to people, governments, NGO's. Matching grants.
Undoing 100 years of Congressional action in a few weeks? This is a case study for insanity. No one voted for this other than Musk and Heritage.
It's all blatantly a violation of separation of powers. They are blending the state with religion and big business.
Governance by decree or EO's is not legislation. This is like edicts from a Royal throne.
What benefits will stop tomorrow? Who knows.
On edit: Is it a plan to bankrupt people fast and starve them?
(2,621 posts)Seems like a separation of powers issue that Congress needs to take directly to the SCOTUS, and then (ulp).....
yellow dahlia
(1,803 posts)
allegorical oracle
(4,282 posts)sentence of the wording that contains the actual motive:
"The use of Federal resources to advance Marxist equity, transgenderism, and green new deal social engineering policies is a waste of taxpayer dollars that does not improve the day-to-day lives of those we serve."
It's all about social programs vs. privatization.
(1,217 posts)There's no need to tip toe around the facts. This is where we are.
People who should get federal funds will have give Trusk something to get those funds.
(8,288 posts)If anything the media will be yelling "WHY ARE DEMOCRATS STANDING IN THE WAY OF OUR RIGHTLY ELECTED PRESIDENT?!?"
(82 posts)Bluethroughu
(7,003 posts)Pay no bills, buy nothing, no work.
Until we get programs reinstated and trump, vance, Republican party resign.
(2,341 posts)Lonestarblue
(12,385 posts)States get block grants for various programs, which are now frozen and probably include TANF, whose funds can be used for things other than food, such as helping to subsidize rent. How many poor people, especially in red states, will become homeless because of this stupid order?
This is exactly what Project 2025 promised in its section on giving extraordinary power to the Office of Management and Budget to control all spending according to the presidents wishes and ignoring Congressional laws allocating monies for specific programs.
(2,923 posts)mentality. Consequences? Who thinks that far ahead?
(54,628 posts)yorkster
(2,838 posts)Arazi
(7,593 posts)Im hoping someone is in court at 8 am to file an injunction.
Trump is seizing the power of Congresss power of the purse. Its a violation of the Impoundment Act and needs immediate attention.
Where are the Dems? Only a few spoke up last night. This is a 5 alarm fire
yellow dahlia
(1,803 posts)No amount of concern is hyperbolic at this point.
(7,400 posts)Last edited Tue Jan 28, 2025, 01:08 PM - Edit history (1)
It is more like: I feel like a tsunami is about to hit and were all stuck in the sand up to our necks, with no way to move or dig ourselves out, staring at the beach because the waters all pulled back.
Let's not forget that most of us have little to no options when that tsunami rolls in. Most of us cannot even consider trying to get out of the way. I am pretty sure the majority sees this coming.
It is just that some of us, it seems, prefer things this way. And, I am not just referring to the wealthy.

(314 posts)There is no one coming to save us. There is no high ground to run to. The only thing to do is hold on as best as you can and wait for the chaos to pass, hoping there will be something left that you recognize, that those you love and care about survive somehow.
I'm 82 and have never had such a strong feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. It is enervating and self-defeating. Perhaps someone will arrive to begin resistance and restoration - probably too soon for that - but where are you?! I've done my share of marches, demonstrations and picketing. I have said for the last few election cycles that the younger generations need to step up, bring new blood, new ideas and fresh perspective to our fight for our democracy, not to mention, younger bodies. I do still hold out hope that they will lead us out of this quagmire. I hope to live long enough to see our ship of state back on a more even keel.

(314 posts)Hugs are always welcomed and more often needed in this climate.
yellow dahlia
(1,803 posts)I am a little younger than you. Physically arduous demonstrations are out of the question.
I am trying to use what resources I have right now. I continue to spread the information and truth in whatever means I can. I think we need to get the information to those who have been conned by the cult. Once they realize the rug is going to get pulled out from under them, they might put pressure on their reps in Congress...and the administration take over.
I am looking to see which watchdog groups are in court right now, fighting for us. I will make a donation to those fighting for our Democracy.
It's frustrating times. I am a problem solver in search of solutions and ways to help.
DU is helpful right now as a source of information and a sense of community.
(11,056 posts)coming back to bite the USA in the ass REALLY HARD.
(10,113 posts)Musk even said that suffering will be the lot of the American public when they institute their plans.
(11,056 posts)johnnyfins
(1,812 posts)TSF actually said the amount of money(our taxes being given back to us) was " Very Generous". As if the $ was coming from his pocket. He thinks tax revenue is his.
The backlash to this and the reckoning that follows will be, as TSF likes to say: "Something on a level never seen before".
" Hungry people don't stay hungry for long"
- Rage Against the Machine
yellow dahlia
(1,803 posts)Money for their business pals.
There was supposed to be oversight - it was written into the legislation. BUT Mnuchin prevented the oversight. Go figure.
(2,493 posts)dsc
(52,819 posts)multigraincracker
(35,071 posts)remember shutting down a war.
Hit the streets with nonviolent marches.
Hell No We wont Go
Change that to
Eat The Rich
Start With Musk
Just a thought.
(64,852 posts)In my town several grocery stores rely heavily on SNAP-driven purchases, so this fuckheaded policy will hurt a wide range of people and businesses.
(64,852 posts)This is yet another way for fuckface to screw them.
(5,828 posts)But the real concern is probably not as obvious.
I see a lot of people rightfully outraged about cutting of things like SNAP. While evil and impactful, there is a much worse level of concern here.
When someone says 'all grant funding', the average person has no idea what that means. Virtually everything the Feds pay for comes through grants. That includes big stuff like infrastructure and public education.
Cutting off the flow of federal funds suddenly will be like running into a brick wall. Those grants pay for people's jobs.
If they don't backtrack on this, we will be in recession before the end of the year and unemployment will rise.
I used to think it would take 18-24 months to tank the economy with stupid tariffs and immigration driven labor shortages. I realized that last night that my outlook was too rosy. They found a way to make it faster.
The only thing that might save us is that state and local conservatives are going to lose their shit. They won't admit it publicly but even they know that federal spending is what allows them to pretend to be low tax. They are going to freak out when they realize that they either have to raise taxes or put millions of people out of work.
Our only hope is that the backlash to this Mad King happens faster than he can destroy things
(7,593 posts)We may see patients out of nursing homes by the end of the month for example, as their funding is frozen.
DUers (and most of our Dem leaders - JB Pritzker aside) aren't hair-on-fire concerned enough about this action
(22,507 posts)That's what this is. He's going to demand something in return for every dime. Universities will probably be asked to do away with DEi to get their funds.
(7,593 posts)There should be a lawsuit today and an injunction by this afternoon if were lucky
(3,569 posts)Project 2025 is right on schedule.
America has turned into a third world fascist banana Republic.
(2,493 posts)Democrats are so worried we should expect a few to step up to the camera, wag their fingers, wring their hands, then go to lunch with their Republican colleagues.
Am I a bitter lifelong Democrat who is tired of our leaders who reach across the aisle and who take a pillow to a gunfight?
(793 posts)tavernier
(13,513 posts)were very strict with our own. Just ask Al Franken or Joe Biden.
(6,751 posts)Was this actually something trump promised to his base?
(24,156 posts)Arazi
(7,593 posts)Its a direct challenge to Congressional authority.
Its a legit constitutional crisis now
(24,156 posts)if they did , ohm myyyyy.
(16,246 posts)Like, the constitution is screwed.
Not to mention the utter havoc currently playing out.
NSF grants? Absolutely halted yesterday. I dont even think students that applied for NSF scholarships get thru this. (My own kid had a 3 year stipend from NSF for his PhD program, and I think now is the time the panels decide who gets one.)
(8,288 posts)The Republicans high fiving one another right about now? Or "our side" who are cutting out their cardboard sporks gearing up for a fight?
(148,652 posts)It still needs digesting, and that's what's going on this morning, by everyone. By this afternoon, we should have a clear picture about the potential damage it will do in many areas.
Keep an eye on the news today.
(19,802 posts)yellow dahlia
(1,803 posts)Everyone is till trying to figure out exactly what is and isn't affected.
Medicaid to hospitals.
Money for homeless veterans.
School lunch programs.
USAID! And USAID employees have been furloughed or something like that.
There are so many things this could be affecting, and it has real consequences for many organizations.
Many questions. Is HUD effected?
The reporters and pundits on MSNBC are trying to figure this out this morning.
Plus - here is what is to me the key point. This is money that was already designated by Congress. It has to be used for what it was appropriated for. So the order is in violation of the law.
And the firing of the 17 IG's is also in violation of the law.
Our Congressional leaders need to take action.
Betty Boom
(325 posts)Yes, you should be very worried. Beyond just how horrible it is in a practical sense in terms of these funds, not flowing to programs, the larger picture here is that he has you surfing the role of Congress as an equal branch of government. Congress has appropriated this money for these programs. The executive branch is then supposed to administer those funds and run the programs. So yes, its a very, very big deal that he is creating a constitutional crisis here. Its a dictator move
(8,281 posts)Spray tan HITLER can't stand that Biden got the Infrastructure act passed and that's working. So...just like the ACA that's wildly popular he needs to try and destroy it.
That POS has severe mental issues.
(138,395 posts)TBF
(35,052 posts)if he gets away with it, he goes deeper. He and Leon are there to pillage, never forget that. They will stir up as much hate and division as they can along the way, but that is their purpose.
allegorical oracle
(4,282 posts)pertains to a future budget.
FREEZE: With the exceptions of Social Security and Medicare benefits, the federal government has paused issuing grants, loans, and all other forms of financial assistance.
That means funding for schools. That means funding for disaster relief. That means grants to state and local governments. That means homebuying assistance.
"This temporary pause will provide the Administration time to review agency programs and determine the best uses of the funding for those programs consistent with the law and the President's priorities," wrote the acting director of the OMB in a memo announcing the freeze, which will go into effect at 5 p.m. tonight.
In Fiscal Year 2024, of the nearly $10 trillion that the Federal Government spent, more than $3 trillion was Federal financial assistance, such as grants and loans," reads the memo. "Career and political appointees in the Executive Branch have a duty to align Federal spending and action with the will of the American people as expressed through Presidential priorities. Financial assistance should be dedicated to advancing Administration priorities, focusing taxpayer dollars to advance a stronger and safer America, eliminating the financial burden of inflation for citizens, unleashing American energy and manufacturing, ending 'wokeness' and the weaponization of government, promoting efficiency in government, and Making America Healthy Again. The use of Federal resources to advance Marxist equity, transgenderism, and green new deal social engineering policies is a waste of taxpayer dollars that does not improve the day-to-day lives of those we serve."
(10,272 posts)over last week and so far this week, Trump will shortly get the federal government tied in so many knots it can't function. THAT will be a very bad day indeed. It also may be the bottom that needs to be hit so the adults can come out of hiding and start running the country again.
(36,014 posts)All my concern is used up.
(9 posts)Oh stop it. Everything is fine. The children I teach wont have to worry about eating breakfast or lunch anymore. More time for studies.
And, since many of them will be deported, along with their families, this will work out fine.
My disabled sister doesnt need any help paying for the crappy little apartment. Nor help with her ongoing medical bills. And, certainly, I can run by the food bank to get her meals, since I doubt she can afford her own anymore.
(91,593 posts)...not crazy.
This is an open power grab away from Congress. They either fight this and win, or they cede their reason for being to a unitary Executive.
They're already compromised by a unitary Supreme Court majority which increasingly regards their own compromised judgments as the ultimate deciders and crafters of law and democracy, as they invent protections against accountability for lawlessness for one man in the Executive, and opportunistically block and change laws passed by Democratic Congresses and signed by Democratic presidents.