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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsATTACK MODE! A strategy.
One thing Fatass is good at is messaging. Sometimes it sticks (low energy Jeb) sometimes it doesnt. Sometimes its purely lies, sometimes its close enough to what might be the truth to be believed.
But he keeps repeating his message over and over, until it sticks in the brain.
Democrats do not do this, at least not well.
Rather than coming up with a set of focus group talking points, Democrats need to attack. With facts.
Too often, Democrats have had four or eight years of progress only to see it trashed by the next administration.
So lets start pointing out the promises made by the other party and the results of their actions.
Biden was correct about Felon45 being a threat to democracy, but that message was too vague to capture the hearts and what passes for minds of many voters.
Go on the attack. There is plenty of material to work with, even after one week, and there will be plenty more if Felon45 survives four more years.
Hey, anyone out there have a grandma on insulin? Remember when Democrats negotiated that price down to $35.00? Whats she paying now? (Shouts -hella lot more) Thats because the other guys rolled back our order to lower the price!
How many of you lost someone during the last pandemic? Did cutting funding for research help any of you? Did the anti-vaxxer in the Health and Human Services Department help you?
And what about inflation? Did the Trump lower the price for your eggs? NO!! Because he wont fund the NIH! Can he even spell science?
Did Trump appoint the best people? NO!! Lets have a look at the best people! (Show video of various Trump appointees, beginning with Kimberley Guilfoyle screaming for more ouzo, and ending with Pete Hegseth barfing on Trumps shoes in the Sit Room.)
Did Trump cut waste, fraud and abuse? NO!! He fired the inspectors so no one could see what he was spending!
Lots of other attacks possible, especially if you use Dr. Phil on ICE raids.
I think we have return to the crowd stirring speeches of another time, coupled with the attack mode that
Republicans introduced during the Newt era and refined until it morphed into Trump spew.
We need someone loud and proud to trumpet the message. And repeat it again and again and again until
It sinks in. Democrats may have the right policies, but negatives work. Attack! But attack with facts.
I have no doubt that there will be examples and pictures of more atrocities that can be used. And will stand up to fact checking (unless its a Zuckerberg site).
We should find an attack spokesperson for 2028, ideally one who could start now. Possible that Gavin could do it, although Im a bigger fan of Mayor Pete especially if running with AOC.

Think. Again.
(21,757 posts)I think that instead of sitting through confirmation hearings and (some) voting "yes" on trump nominees, our elected representatives should be hitting the talk shows and counterattacking the lies and the crimes of the nazi regime.
(2,109 posts)But let us remember that the MAGATs were out holding rallies and holding Festivus festivals to air their grievances the entire time the Biden administration was doing quiet, competent work fixing as much of Felon 45s mess as possible. Im saying be loud about the wrongs being done to our country.