General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsAt this point I believe Musk threw the election for TSF
His former employees have been put in positions enabling them to wreck the federal government.
I can come to no other conclusion.
I don't know how it was done, but I'd bet my life on it now.
That's why he's being allowed to run rampant over Congress. What he has on Trump ,("our secret", as Trump called it) is the biggest kompromat in all of history.

(54,733 posts)Like Donnie winning despite tepid crowds, a highly unpopular agenda, and a lame and bizarre schedule in the critical last few weeks before the election. Never mind felony convictions and more. We're to believe that for the first time ever, voters were willing to overlook things that were always considered massive disqualifiers for anyone else.
Sexism and bigotry explains *some* of this, but that alone has never been enough before. I mean, how is this consistent with McCain and Romney both losing to Obama?
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)Maraya1969
(23,215 posts)Dem4life1234
(2,521 posts)That criminal didn't win them. Michigan? NC? NC went Dem for executive and yet somehow he won presidency? Bullshit
(51,986 posts)In 2001 and 2004, the voters of North Carolina chose Mike Easley, a Democrat, as governor and George W. Bush, a Republican, as president. North Carolina has a LONG history of breaking for the Democrat in the governor's race and the Republican in the presidential race. North Carolina has had five governors in this century, and only twice has the governor and president races broken for the same party: in 2008 Democrats Bev Perdue and Barack Obama won the state, and in 2012 Republicans Pat McCrory and Mitt Romney won it. (McCrory is the only Republican North Carolina governor of this century.) The rest of the elections were won by the D gubernatorial candidate and the R presidential candidate.
This happens enough that the state Board of Elections sets up ballots so a "straight ticket" vote doesn't include the presidential race.
(8,087 posts)office. I said back then that they were going to examine them and find a way to rig the software that would not be noticeable. I have no doubt that that is what they did and the voting machine manufacturers need to completely revamp their software before the 2006 election.
(13,671 posts)And defying signatures in certain locals so those votes did not count.
And social media had stories of violence against voters.
Our counts do not include how many were rejected.
(39,224 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,637 posts)Trump and Putin were desperate.
And Musk and the billionaires wanted total power and control.
What good is all that money if you cannot buy the judges, congress and the WH?
I think it was done in a number of areas, all subtle and incremental.
No one thing tipped the scales. But all of the cheating added together did the trick.
(1,775 posts)for Dementia Donnie seem so odd to us. Young people, hispanics, black males, women, non-white people in general.
There was simply no sense to these people suddenly voting for this terrible man who has already tried to hurt them badly.
(7,713 posts)But I would not stake my life on it 😹
(41,572 posts)I know I do.
(7,713 posts)But not by me for sure. Lotsa crazy people voted for os which helped whatever else happened.
(281,739 posts)Doubting malaise
(37,602 posts)...a Republican one without some sort of skullduggery afoot was: Eisenhower.
(54,733 posts)The only thing that's hard to explain is if they did cheat, how did they keep is secret?
Because utter incompetence is a key part of their m.o.
Dave Bowman
(4,781 posts)questionseverything
(10,600 posts)Phoenix61
(18,152 posts)discord in general, animosity towards democrats, voter suppression, amplifying Gaza, etc, yeah he threw the election to the Orange POS.
(8 posts)Highly rec Jessica Denson on YouTube. Data-heavy, analyst-backed, clear digital trail.
Completely thrown.
Also, as a market researcher, there is zero possibility that the Dems get wins up and down the ballot but somehow 8-14% of those voters also chose Trump. Zero.
Digitally manipulated months before the elections on acient technology by a dude who can spend us into a Nazi future and not even break the bank.
Until the people involved in this know fear, we are all screwed.
Bring on the Luigis.
(2,786 posts)Harris and Biden were aware of this, but for some reason, they chose not to fight it. Someday, the truth will come out, but I will never believe the felon won.
(1,742 posts)but they kept quiet "for the good of the country." i imagine biden's reasoning is similarly flwed.
(308,448 posts)Last edited Tue Jan 28, 2025, 10:16 PM - Edit history (1)
Shocked if he did.
Fucking Mump can't keep his mouth Shit.. so he Brags about it.
(24 posts)Trump Lost -
Here are key numbers:
4,776,706 voters were wrongly purged from voter rolls according to US Elections Assistance Commission data.
By August of 2024, for the first time since 1946, self-proclaimed vigilante voter-fraud hunters challenged the rights of 317,886 voters. The NAACP of Georgia estimates that by Election Day, the challenges exceeded 200,000 in Georgia alone.
No less than 2,121,000 mail-in ballots were disqualified for minor clerical errors (e.g. postage due).
At least 585,000 ballots cast in-precinct were also disqualified.
1,216,000 provisional ballots were rejected, not counted.
3.24 million new registrations were rejected or not entered on the rolls in time to vote.
If the purges, challenges and ballot rejections were random, it wouldnt matter. Its anything but random. For example, an audit by the State of Washington found that a Black voter was 400% more likely than a white voter to have their mail-in ballot rejected. Rejection of Black in-person votes, according to a US Civil Rights Commission study in Florida, ran 14.3% or one in seven ballots cast.
There are also the uncountable effects of the explosive growth of voter intimidation tactics including the bomb threats that closed 31 polling stations in Atlanta on Election Day.
The nasty little secret of American democracy is that we dont count all the votes. Nor let every citizen vote.
yellow dahlia
(1,825 posts)But I think the cincher was in the tabulations that Musk had access to.
Never forget: the grifter said, "I don't need any more votes". And there was another cryptic confession about the stuff Musk did in PA.
The voter suppression alone wasn't enough to get them there. They needed to do even more to get the numbers they wanted. And I believe they made sure they got the House and Senate as well. And I believe the grifter made sure he got the popular vote, to prop up his fragile ego.
I expect some will come after me, and try to put a tin hat on my head. Oh well.
I think nothing else makes sense.
(23,582 posts)Thanks
not fooled
(6,177 posts)Who would be naive enough to think that the republican party wouldn't do everything to ensure that red don got re-installed so that the sociopathic billionaires could loot the country and sell it off? Trillions to be had. Of course they made sure he "won."
I think Palast has identified the means.
(2,627 posts)Secretaries of States in the swing states purging voters - millions of Dem voters...
(18,167 posts)Nothing would surprise me anymore.
(2,627 posts)Wiz Imp
(4,158 posts)The other 5 swing states had a Democratic Secretary of State.
And only Georgia had a Republican governor.
(2,627 posts)If republicans are in control - they purge voters.
Wiz Imp
(4,158 posts)Musk? Maybe... More like
Reply to orangecrush (Original post)
Tue Jan 28, 2025, 08:16 PM
Secretaries of States in the swing states purging voters - millions of Dem voters...
So you said it was secretaries of state in the swing states purging millions of voters. Now you move the goal posts and say it's just Republicans in charge.
Democrats completely control (Governor & Sec. of State) 5 of the swing states and the Governorship in PA. Only Georgia is controlled by Republicans. Who are these Republicans that are purging millions of voters in states where they are not in charge?
Why would Democratic Governors and Secretary of State elected officeholders in 5 swing states illegally purge millions of voters ?
Makes zero sense unless one believes they somehow wanted Harris to lose.
(10,600 posts)Wiz Imp
(4,158 posts)The legislature has no power to order anyone removed from the voter roles.
(36,223 posts)speak easy
(11,270 posts)Trump's criminal administration is out of control. This is our focus now.
(4,595 posts)Yes, it's out of control and may the Force be with us during this shit storm. Other countries know that Eloon and ilk f'd with their elections. Canada released a report today. It's going to come out. Drip. Drip.
be sure to post when there is evidence fit to present to a court. After 2020, it will take a shitload of concrete evidence to gain any traction.
Meanwhile, there are attorneys today in the courts trying to the put a brake on Trump Administration crime. Fascism is coming down the tracks at a terrifying speed. When we have to get out on the streets to take on the stormtroopers, we will not be talking about election fraud.
(2,521 posts)That is a valid concern.
speak easy
(11,270 posts)I agree. And it should be investigated where there is evidence.
But that is not the same thing as we won the election.
(2,578 posts)By someone who gives orders daily to sidestep? I horse has gotten out of the barn...the door was left open
speak easy
(11,270 posts)Highway61
(2,578 posts)Don't believe any of that anymore. Investigate misconduct? Did you read project 2025? Too much going down and it's only been a week.
speak easy
(11,270 posts)gopiscrap
(24,298 posts)since the day after the election
(8,713 posts)karin_sj
(1,178 posts)And continue this day to believe the election was stolen through vote suppression, vote challenges, voter intimidation, and election tampering. No way did this orange moron win every single swing state.
(4,595 posts)yellow dahlia
(1,825 posts)rubbersole
(9,498 posts)This is a form of treason that the participants don't seem to think there will be any penalties to suffer. I don't see anyone able to hold them to account. Pretty fucked up.
(35,830 posts)There was buzz in the media about data requests from the feds and courts were involved during Trumps first Imposition. It was just before Musk bought Twitter and it allegedly involved many and lots of money.
I havent seen anything about it, recently.
If theres kompromat, thats where it came from.
(23,582 posts)applegrove
(124,942 posts)of the vote.
(121 posts)and 'member this summer when the monstre l'orange bragged to his maggot marks: "We don't don't need your votes. In fact, you'll never have to vote again, we're gonna fix that." Also, he pretty much confessed right after the (s)election that it was rigged. Just as any criminal, he just had to blab. What we could use right now is that little red-headed boy from The Twilight Zone, to turn 'em into jack-in-boxes.
yellow dahlia
(1,825 posts)
(1,275 posts)But I believe it with my heart
Ive always believed we have fair elections, but they have destroyed that belief.
Just too many quirky, coincident things that make no sense
I also have come to believe he truly maybe had the same thing happened in 2016 and some form 2020 was an abnormal thing so its even possible they were suppose to win
But because of they way the election went he didnt thats why he claimed we cheats in just certain places etc
yellow dahlia
(1,825 posts)birdographer
(2,827 posts)sciencescience
(116 posts)BannonsLiver
(18,956 posts)Last edited Thu Jan 30, 2025, 12:35 AM - Edit history (1)
I just think back to all the nuttery after 2020 (which they apparently forgot to steal) from Trumps attorneys, Rudy etc.
(39,220 posts)"Embarrassing" is not the word that fits your situation.
First, embarrassment means deep discomfort. Why would you be embarrassed or in discomfort?
You seem to be comparing DU-ers to MAGAts, and there is no comparison. DU posters don't "follow the leader" and wear red hats. I can't think of anyone here who takes direction from a "leader" and spouts propaganda. The topic of voting machine manipulation has barely been mentioned at DU.
Cupach and Metts are psychologists who have defined types of embarrassment. One cause is the failure to perform a duty or obligation. In this case, as citizens of a democracy, we have a duty and an obligation to speak up if we find credible evidence. There's enough evidence that NY Congressman Daniel Goldman has called for an investigation. You may recall Mr. Goldman: he prosecuted trump's two impeachment cases. He was the lead counsel. The office from which he worked is the Southern District of New York. Are you unfamiliar with the reputation of this office?
That's not good enough for you? If not, what would be?
Based on what you wrote, I think you are failing to distinguish between the posters here and MAGATs. Now that is embarrassing. It is also embarrassing that you don't seem to think enough of this governmental structure into which many of us were lucky enough to be born to defend it.
(18,956 posts)NJCher
(39,220 posts)For your erudite response, complete with scintillating reflection and insight.
(7,116 posts)There were a lot of clues, but no one even challenged the count to check. Personally, Im reasonably convinced that happened. As Stalin is quoted (paraphrased a bit) , the person who votes is nothing, the person that counts the votes is everything.
(17,519 posts)orangecrush
(23,582 posts)reACTIONary
(6,329 posts)... Most relevant comment so far: "l have no proof."
(23,582 posts)Greater and straighter.
(18,956 posts)Deeply embarrassing to watch.
(11,357 posts)in the electorate knew the kompromat, would it matter?
Musk might as well let it out. He is in like flint, after all.
Of course he put Trump in office.!!! Duh a bit?
(3,026 posts)But 8 years later Trump has suddenly turned into honest John and won 2024 fair and square with no hint of corruption, even after his first disastrous administration?
That doesn't even make sense. We'd have to be stupid to believe that.
(7,713 posts)progressoid
(51,087 posts)And if you perused right wing web sites you'll see they believe Obama and Biden stole their elections too.
(11,897 posts)There is very little that can't be done with three hundred billion dollars at your disposal. Think of that.
$300,000,000,000 dollars. A 3 followed by 11 zeroes. If you wanted to put a pile of plain pieces of paper beside that stack, you'd need three hundred billion of them.
(257 posts)I don't post much, Just my theory, but I think it was stolen by a death from a 1000 cuts. A massive push by the R's state by state, county by county to lie, steal and cheat at every chance to work the vote. It's been on-going for years. The .$$$ and outside $$$ made it effective, crooked and undercover. Hard to show or prove.
KY Used to be BLUE. Now all it does is follow ALEC legislation like most red states. For the people, that needs to change.
(33,100 posts)an election? Come on, everyone knows he's an honest man.
(26 posts)As George Carlin said, "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."
(716 posts)Trump were making right before Election Day were bad enough, and even more incriminating statements have come out from Trump since then.
Never forget, Elon isn't just a POS, he's the richest man in the world. He has access to means and methods most of us can't even conceive of.
You don't get the richest man in the world--who also happens to be a tech billionaire--involved in your campaign only to have him sit on the sidelines, when there's literally nothing he can't afford to do in order to make it absolutely certain that you win. Especially not when you're Trump.
Nigrum Cattus
(434 posts)elocs
(23,589 posts)Where did the 6 million votes that Biden got in 2020 that Harris didn't get go?
(16,423 posts)Trmp Lost. Vote Suppression Won. By Greg Palast for the Hartmann Report
Anil Dash on what DOGE really means. Procurement Capture extreme grifting.
The shadow of apartheid South Africa in America.
(2,961 posts)Crazed wingnuts burning up drop off ballot boxes.
Psychological warfare from inside of the USA (Musk, Twitter, republicans). The anonymous Twitter whistle blower who said Twitter knew exactly how to target people/American citizens in 2024 or earlier. Facebook probably had fuckery just like before 2016
Psychological warfare from Russia (bots amplifying fascist messages).
Why isn't there counter warfare from the 3 letter agencies inside the USA?
(11,099 posts)Do I have proof? No. Other than the otherwise illogical and unfathomable result considering the massive enthusiasm for Harris/Walz. Then, as you mention, those little criminals are now working in OUR government hacking and robbing everything else.
Deep State Witch
(11,643 posts)I think he was able to rig the vote tally enough in certain states in a way that is difficult to prove.
(1,933 posts)Republicans have been hard at work for years to eliminate voters. But for some reason a lot of Democrats just don't want us to talk about that. While the party leadership chases white suburban voters, and big money donors, millions of African Americans - the most loyal rock solid Democratic voting bloc - are subjected to a variety of voter suppression tactics.