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Sheila Markin August 3, 2024
Trump is a psychopath based on a 20 point rating scale called the Hare scale which is used to assess people for that specific psychopathology. Just as he is referred to as a twice impeached, criminally indicted and now convicted former president, he should also be identified as a psychopath with a rating of 33 on a 40 point scale. Most normal people score around 4. Most convicted criminals score around 22.
Psychopaths have brains that are fundamentally different at birth from other normal people. The deep structure of their brains are different and cannot be changed by being raised in a supportive home, for example, or by becoming religious or having an authoritarian parent who tries to force better behavior. These people are impulsive, remorseless, and have a drive to dominate, are unable to pay attention or follow through, get off on being mean, cruel and vengeful. They dont care about others. No empathy. They are all about their own aggrandizement and power.
Trumps personality traits are clear to everyone by now. We have seen him be self-centered, get triggered, be impulsive, be mean and lie as easily and almost as often as he breathes. We know he is driven to dominate others, not capable of collaboration. unable to handle complex problems, unable to follow through and is easily bored. We can all see this behavior for ourselves.
Many Americans laugh these things off and think that Trump is just being Trump. They think he is mean funny. They think he is choosing to act this way. I have heard Republicans who have voted for Trump in focus groups mention that they wish he would not be so impulsive or they wish he should stop being so chaotic or stop lying or stop being so heartless. They dont realize this is part of his deep brain structure. They think he could act differently if he wanted to. Americans need to understand that this behavior is hardwired in his brain (nature) and not subject to change (nurture). He cant help being who he is, in other words. More to the point, he cant change to be a better person. Unfortunately, he can, he is and he will get even worse.
Snip...when it comes to being a psychopath, there is a way to assess and measure what that means because of the Hare rating scale.
What follows is an interview I did with Dr. Vince Greenwood, a psychologist, who is certified to make assessments using the Hare assessment scale. He did an assessment of Trump. In the interview below he explains the Hare scale and how Trump scores using that scale. He also talks about Trumps handling of the pandemic to explain how a psychopath thinks about a crisis like that and how that thinking resulted in 1.1 million deaths in America.
Who are you and what is your background? Why should we trust that you know how to assess who is or is not a psychopath?
(40,046 posts)Somehow he has charmed the rubes and even those with brains, power and money.
(26,472 posts)Kid Berwyn
(18,996 posts)A professional hypnotist tried to warn us in 2016. Doesnt let Congress or Corporate McPravda off the hook, either. How Demented Donnie does it:
Hypnotist Richard Barker Shows How Trumpnosis, Donald Trump's Form of Covert Hypnosis, Affects Millions Around the World
Richard Barker, Incredible Hypnotist
Mar 29, 2016, 08:35 ET
ORLANDO, Fla., March 29, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Hypnotist Richard Barker has just released research surrounding mass hypnosis and has coined the phrase "Trumpnosis". has been receiving lots of interest as of late. Covert hypnosis means having access to people's subconscious mind and altering the way they behave and think in a disguised or somewhat hidden way. Some popular covert hypnosis techniques used to align someone's behavior and thoughts to the desired outcome of the hypnotists are displayed during mass hypnosis.
Barker typically refers to mass hypnosis as "Trumpnosis", since he states, "Mr. Trump displays it so well". The media have also made comments regarding the Hypnotizing of a nation and questioned what is happening to America. Through the words and actions of an individual, can we influence and suggest a nation to think a certain way? Richard Barker who is known as the 'Incredible Hypnotist' thinks so. Barker said, "Everything we do and see must first start with a thought process. We don't see the world; we think it. If your thoughts are influenced by a master Hypnotist to think in a certain way on a mass level, this is 'Trumpnosis'".
Mass Hypnotism can apply to everything and be everywhere in families, in schools and in politics. The influence and use of repetition on crowds is identified through Mr. Trump's speeches and is seen to influence even the most enlightened minds. The power is due to the fact that the repeated statements are embedded in those profound regions of our subconscious mind.
Donald Trump successfully uses techniques such as pacing and leading, anchoring, verbal confusion, repetition and so on. He successfully bypasses the critical factor in minds of some people and has the ability to turn off the rational thinking. By using certain words and behavior, a speaker can very quickly establish a rapport with an audience. Repeated exposure to the same speaker can result in them being viewed with admiration, bordering on worship. Every word uttered is accepted as the complete truth.
Through the words he has used, both now and in the past, he has placed others into a hypnotic state without them knowing," says Barker. "Trump's speeches contains hypnosis techniques of hypnotic anchoring, pacing and leading, critical factor bypass and so on."
Hypnotist Richard Barker insists, "All you need to remember is that most people's needs are based on their instincts. Understanding people's instincts, especially in a mass gathering, is one of the key goals of mass hypnosis. Trumpnosis is a vehicle for enabling large groups of people to have an altered belief system."
Richard Barker is a World Renowned Professional Hypnotist. He has spent the last 20 years working with thousands of clients across the world. Richard Barker has recently appeared on NBC's The Today Show, CBS' The Late Late Show with James Corden, FOX's Good Day LA and News channels for FOX and ABC
He has written a new book focusing on Persuasion and Suggestion titled, "Selling Hypnotically. The Art Of Suggestion"
Source (press release for news, public use distribution and publication):
(40,046 posts)admitted to being mesmerized by the sound quality of his voice.
(12,193 posts)LT Barclay
(2,815 posts)adjustments it takes to fit in. After being bullied in middle school I gave up on the idea of fitting into a large group and find myself rejecting group activities that require some change be it in appearance, required structured social settings etc. I can function in groups but find myself comfortably on the outskirts.
I think that imparts some immunity to mass hypnosis.
(19,514 posts)Woodwizard
(1,108 posts)It triggers a hostile emotion every time I hear that whiney victim voice.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,117 posts)His voice is massively irritating apart from any connection to his horrible personality, but knowing what a psychopath he is makes hearing his voice downright painful.
(188,292 posts)walkingman
(8,787 posts)Americans who are proudly racists, misogynistic, and white nationalists. Then there is the wealthy class that will support anyone that will cut their taxes. That is the sadly the reality of the American public.
(10,637 posts)More than "hypnosis" is what the Nation's Psychiatrists tell us:
If a person ONLY watches Fox News and listens to ONLY RW Radio, it very effectively, and literally "Brain Washes" them. Not any different than other Tyrant led country's Dictators do with their population.........
There is no question in my mind, that the RepubliCONs have utilized every type of psy-op they could, in bending the minds of their Trumphumper Voters and RepubliCON politicians..........
Their, before now, subdued hatred of others, esp minorities, non evangelical christians, women, LGBTQ, was a major appeal to them by anyone spouting their same rhetoric and propaganda.........
I think that what we have seen, what we are currently seeing, should frighten everyone to the bone. I predict that what we will see in the near future will be far worse than ANYTHING seen since the start of our great nation, including the Civil War, the World Wars, the Great Depression, etc etc......
A "behind the scenes" group of RepubliCONS have been organizing, orchestrating, planning, executing, their "Long Game" since they Treasonously installed Reagan 45 years ago.........just chipping away bit by bit. People like HWBush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Pearle, Wolfowitz, Oligarchs, etc etc etc
LT Barclay
(2,815 posts)of folks who tried to overthrow FDR. They just decided to break down what he had done bit by bit with the roaring approval of the people who benefited the most.
(10,637 posts)our first realization of true Brain Washing, was during the Korean War when the NorComs were brainwashing our POW's.............
It took the U.S. awhile to understand just how they were doing it......
LT Barclay
(2,815 posts)erode the foundation of truth, and when people allow someone else to be their sole source of truth, it accompishes the same thing. Aldous Huxley states this in "Brave New World Revisited". Sadly the techniques he describes are widely used by churches. I don't believe this affects the value of the source material because if the manipulated would look there, they wouldn't be so easily controlled.
He desribes a process of describing a threat (others, sinners, hell), and the speaker (not God) is the only one who offers them safety or a way out.
To me this describes how the Republican party has operated since WW2 and as someone said, it has been a coordinated effort from within and without the government.
(10,637 posts)for the input!
(12,452 posts)The language he speaks embarrasses them, but his ability to cut taxes and that he is transactional (which aids their own business interests) wins support from many of them. The others fear his mob connections.
allegorical oracle
(3,896 posts)give him the respect that he felt he unfairly lacked. Probably attracted him to Roy Cohn, who suffered similar feelings of inferiority. He found that power in politics (too bad for the USA).
(12,452 posts)He sees the presidency as a prize acquisition for the 'Trump' brand and a means to get whatever/do whatever he wants. He owes some (Putin, and MBS 'bigly'), uses some (Musk for sure) who have paid him for favors and access, and is heavily involved in organized crime.
He cashed in on his celebrity and his mastery with pr stunts--the one thing he has actually learned aside from plowing through norms and abusing the legal system.
He does not 'work' for The People, and certainly not for his party--they/we now all work for him. In his mind, but he will use every tool available to him as FOTUS and mob king to do it.
(1,197 posts)Neurotypical people are wired to empathize and support others.
Psychopaths not only do not do this, but are wired to actively take advantage of others because of this
(1,197 posts)There is interesting evolutionary biology to this. There is some equilibrium where the number of psychopaths would make empathic behavior selectively disadvantageous, so evolution has kept it to I think 1%.
Also, lefties. Another weird phenotype maintained in the population by competitive advantage vs. equilibrium.
(2,331 posts)Back in 2015, when he started running his damn mouth into politics, I would have never ever known he would come this far, and "win" twice.
Fucking clown makeup, bad hair, ridiculous ill fitted suits and some dumb women twits still voted for him.
I've seen politicians like him before be laughed out of politics.
Somehow he is still here. How??
(48,372 posts)FakeNoose
(36,460 posts)... but they're careful to make him think these are all his own ideas. He thinks he's the star of a TV reality show.
If that makes him a psychopath ... well I can go along with that.
(24,996 posts)mwmisses4289
(341 posts)Anyone who has been paying attention since he started being covered in NYC during the 1970's and 1980's realized this. It showed in an incident when he was a child, and threw rocks at a neighbors baby who was in a playpen in their yard. Not surprised at all, just surprised at the number of people who are surprised he is like this and think he will change to be a better person.
I suspect if that hare scale is used, we will find most of the dictators, past and present, are psychopaths.
(1,197 posts)would score uncomfortably high.
Don't leave out most of the top CEO's, Board of Directors, and the upper tier of Executives that the CEO's promoted to their positions......
Any highly competitive and "cutthroat" position.
I would exclude teachers and academics.
I think there are probably a staggering number of psychopathic doctors and lawyers.
Nurses? Probably not so much, but there is always the odd story of a nurse doing serial medical murders
(10,637 posts)Trumphumpers in the Trades and other blue collars, Police across the nation, soldiers and sailors, and MOST surprising: Firefighters and Paramedics.........I fear the number of these Trumphumpers that have infiltrated the National Guard, as well as the Soldiers and Sailors, even generals and officers, Secret Service, DOJ, FBI, etc etc etc
(63,019 posts)I have gotten a lot of pushback here for warning people that trump is a ruthless dangerous psychopath.
People insist he is just stupid and funny.
He is street smart and cunning.
And would kill us all in our beds if he could get away with it. And maybe he can.
(64,611 posts)Cirsium
(1,622 posts)There is method in the madness. Other dangerous men throughout history have been dismissed as buffoons and clowns.
"A trite, nauseatingly repulsive, ignorant charlatan without esprit, who with unexampled impertinence scribbled together twaddle and nonsense, which his venal adherents trumpeted forth, the hollowest farrago of words devoid of sense that ever satisfied dunderheads - repulsive - it recalls the ravings of madmen."
Milton Mayer, describing Adolph Hitler in They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45
"He was a populist and nationalist, known for his jutting chin and perpetual frown. He had a keen sense of how to use the media to his advantage, and he was always looking for ways to project an image of strength and power. A journalist famously labeled him as 'neurotic, excitable, self-pitying, excessively blasphemous, vindictively vengeful, ill-dressed, and a sponger.'
"Beneath it all was an insecurity. He was plagued by self-doubt and constantly seeking validation, often interpreting even the slightest perceived insult as an offense and seeking revenge. He was determined to achieve retribution at any cost. His was a politics of power and resentment.
"According to many who knew him, he was in politics, not because he loved people, but for the power and adulation. He campaigned on a platform of making his nation great again, returning it to its old glory.
"He was a womanizer. He had many mistresses, treating women as objects to be possessed and discarded when they were no longer useful to him. He bragged about dominating women and even about raping a woman."
Jay McDaniel, describing Benito Mussolini in Mussolini's Life and Personality and The Politics of Scowling: Core Characteristics of the Fascist for the BBC
The Blue Flower
(5,682 posts)They have adopted his pathology for themselves and are happy to see it become policy. So we're now a mentally ill nation.
(691 posts)Superman: Is that how a warped brain like yours gets its kicks? By planning the death of innocent people?
Lex Luthor: No, by causing the death of innocent people.
(23,996 posts)When I see him on TV I block his face with my hand or a piece of paper. I mute it or change the channel when he comes on. I watch the ABC evening news and unlike nbc and cbs they just report and dont fawn over him.
(12,452 posts)mountain grammy
(27,484 posts)Response to littlemissmartypants (Original post)
YodaMom2 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(26,472 posts)DSM diagnosis and the other isn't.
Also, it's not the point of the article for each of us to weigh in on how we would diagnose him.
Response to littlemissmartypants (Reply #21)
YodaMom2 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(26,472 posts)H2O Man
(76,095 posts)"malignant narcissist" is the name that Erich Fromm gave to psychopaths. Narcissism is a personality trait found in Cluster B personality disorders. When it reaches the malignant level, it is psychopathy.
For a fuller DU definition, people would do well to refer to the first of the series of three interviews I did in 2020 with Dr. Bandy Lee.
(26,472 posts)I have posted about this and the distinction before.
It's amazing that since the very beginning of this ordeal how many are aware of this and are rightly horrified while there are still those who are more interested in debating a diagnosis.
Please add your link. Thanks.
H2O Man
(76,095 posts)I do think people would benefit from reading all three in the series. I'd say that there's a test on them coming up, but alas, we are already in the test.
(26,472 posts)Certainly not a pop quiz.
(10,637 posts)on others is repeatedly documented, and he takes great glee in doing so, pushes him into the Psychopath territory.
BTW have you noticed the re-vision of many words to be softer, kinder, nicer?
The "Powers To Be" have downgraded Psychopath, to Sociopath.....sound so much nicer.
I love the Supreme Court, calling what they did, "Citizens United"........
(12,540 posts)This frees them from normal social constraints. They can do anything.
Response to littlemissmartypants (Original post)
dlk This message was self-deleted by its author.
(95,959 posts)Ocelot II
(122,615 posts)C Moon
(12,676 posts)FullySupportDems
(264 posts)Only a DNA test would convince me. He's like a Star Trek Ferengi. But seriously, if he isn't a psychopath, he's something just as awful. And his people love him for it. They're Ferengi too.
(85,095 posts)FullySupportDems
(264 posts)It was an insult to Ferengi. He has their worst qualities as a transactional person. But he's definitely worse.
(2,331 posts)By his actions and his continuous runnings with the law, inability to self reflect at his twilight age, his executive orders, ridiculous lies, the man is a psychopath.
Had he not been rich, he would be sitting in a jail cell.
These evil types tend to linger somehow, he's massively obese, unhealthy, poor diet and lack of exercise, yet his black toxic heart is still ticking. That is so unfortunate for us.
(8,515 posts)claudette
(4,940 posts)been apparent from Day One of his first term
(26,048 posts)...just for him and the melange of pathologic characteristics he possesses.
(26,048 posts)Last edited Wed Jan 29, 2025, 09:07 PM - Edit history (1) because he's never been held to account for any of his behaviors. If he ever were on parole, he would surely break it, and then his score would be 35 out of 40.
Reading about psychopathy gives credence to the bad seed notion.