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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsCongressman Eric Burlison introduces the 'Life at Conception Act' life is a sacred gift from God, deserving of dignity and protection from the moment of conception, said Congressman Burlison. The Life at Conception Act uses Congress constitutional authority to define personhood, fulfilling our moral and legal obligation to safeguard the lives of the unborn.
The 14th Amendment states, No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. The Life at Conception Act ensures this promise applies to the unborn, recognizing them as persons with equal protection under the law.
Congressman Burlison pointed out that the Supreme Courts landmark decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health Organization overturned Roe v. Wade but left unresolved the vital question of personhood. This Act fills that gap by making it clear that unborn children are human beings entitled to protection under the Constitution, he said.

(44,217 posts)Bettie
(17,951 posts)and it's not just a fetus, it's a fertilized egg...menstruation is murder!
Aviation Pro
(14,065 posts)What a fucking moron. Tell you what, simp, go implant a uterus in you and self-inseminate yourself.
Solly Mack
(94,368 posts)ratchiweenie
(8,087 posts)NYC Liberal
(20,397 posts)Let's take this to the logical conclusion of right-wing insanity.
(28,455 posts)unblock
(54,733 posts)Foreign tourists have the rights of "persons" the minute they enter America.
Also, while those born in America automatically become citizens, this is not limiting. They can't prevent those born in American from being citizens, but that doesn't mean they can't grant citizenship to others.
That being said, the whole concept of fetal personhood is idiotic.
(87,196 posts)durablend
(8,293 posts)unblock
(54,733 posts)Pregnancy causes damage and pain and serious risks and is even lethal in some cases even with the best medical care.
I'm allowed to shoot and kill anyone I reasonably think might put me in such danger. I don't even have to be correct in that assessment, it only has to be reasonable. In stand your ground states, I may not even have to consider a less lethal alternative.
Fetal personhood is stupid, but it doesn't change this argument. You *still* have to completely ignore the woman's perspective and rights to come to the conclusion that abortion is even immoral, never mind something that should be illegal.
(733 posts)Life begins at first breath. Genesis 2.7 breath of life
Life begins at conception? - Bible verses KJV

(19,345 posts)
(5,828 posts)Vinca
(51,730 posts)WTF don't these people get about mind your own fucking business?????????
(32,736 posts)mr715
(1,538 posts)clearly begins at erection.
(32,736 posts)
(1,538 posts)Its biology damnit
(663 posts)a Dem politician somewhere who proposed that very bill, "life begins at erection act"?
(Can't remember if it was local, state or Congess).
(663 posts)Based on this idiots pretzel twisting illogical, that means if a fetus causes it's mother's death, murder charges can be filed against it. There is plenty of precedent for charging persons who are legally children with very serious crimes.
(7,713 posts)Retrograde
(10,979 posts)make it all the way to birth. Aside from spontaneous miscarriages (will these women be charged with murder?), there are chimeras and other oddities where one embryo absorbs the other and ends up carrying both sets of DNA: can such a person be charged with pre-natal murder? Then there are identical twins and conjoined twins who form from one fertilized ovum: since the "soul" is formed at conception, does that make each one half a person? Or does one get the whole personhood, making the other a non-person?
I recently read Carl Zimmer's "She Has Her Mother's Laugh", a survey of current thought about genetics and heredity, and it's more complicated than one learns in high school - or used to learn: I often wonder if biology is still taught.