Crumpton announces he will challenge Luther Strange (AL Political Reporter) {MJ activist}
Saturday, May 13th 2017
It has been 20 years since Alabama had a new U.S. Senator, that was until Friday when Governor Robert Bentley appointed Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange (R) to fill the seat vacated by Jeff Sessions (R) confirmation as U.S. Attorney General. Already one candidate has come forward to challenge Strange for the seat. Marijuana legalization activist, Ron Crumpton (D), who has already run for Senate in 2016, against Sen. Richard Shelby (R), has announced that he will run against Senator Strange.
Crumpton said in a statement, I would like to take this opportunity to announce that I will pursue the Democratic nomination for the United States Senate seat formerly held by Jeff Sessions.
Crumpton continued, Governor Robert Bentley has appointed Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange to fill the position. It is ironic that Governor Bentley would appoint Strange. According to press reports, the Attorney Generals office is currently investigating the governor for multiple ethics violations.
Crumpton said, The people of Alabama deserve a Senator who will represent the people, not one who was appointed through the Montgomery good ole boy network. Strange is not that person. He has wasted millions of our dollars pursuing lawsuits that were unwinnable to further his own political future.