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Related: About this forumI知 partnering with Democracy for America to demand action on Paid Family Leave. Join us....
sign if you agree. thanks
Keith Ellison <> Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 9:57 AM
To: xxxx
Paul Ryan has a new job: Speaker of the House. When Paul Ryan first considered running for Speaker he gave the following ultimatum, I cannot and will not give up my family time."
Requesting that his colleagues respect his work-life balance is entirely reasonable.
But what is entirely unreasonable is that newly-elected Speaker Ryan does not believe this right should extend to all Americans.
Thats why Im partnering with Democracy for America to demand action on Paid Family Leave. Join us and sign the petition if you agree.
Ryan has consistently fought policies to help hardworking Americans care for their families, voting against paid paternity leave and proposing cuts to child care subsidies for low-income parents.
As chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, he wouldnt even bring a bill to establish a paid family and medical leave program up for a vote.
Its unfair that Speaker Ryan would demand more time with his family while refusing to protect the same rights for others.
The United States is the only developed nation in the world that does not provide mandatory paid family leave, and only 13% of Americans have it through their employer. This has to change.
People are working harder than ever and they deserve to be able to care for their families without risking their job.
If Paul Ryan is entitled to this right, so are all hardworking Americans. Sign the petition and demand action on Paid Family Leave if you agree.
Keith Ellison
Authorized and Paid for by Ellison for Congress
Ellison for Congress
P.O. Box 6072
Minneapolis, MN 55406
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(6,719 posts)Funny how he did not say a word about this when he was running for veep.