Activist Headquarters
Related: About this forumToday I called Pelosi,the whitehouse, and my reps to call for an audit of the voting in swing states
A few of them said they'd gotten calls about this, but not many. We all should call - what do we have to lose, except gasp, being called sore loser by the Trump gang. And I don't care how expensive it is to ask for audits - it's worth it.
I'd like to leave the same message for Hillary Clinton but don't know how to reach a comment line or person and if that even exists now.

Ruth Bonner
(192 posts)red dog 1
(30,367 posts)The petition:
"Demand An Audit Of The 2016 Presidential Election"
has more than 124,000 signatures so far
Ruth Bonner
(192 posts)red dog 1
(30,367 posts)I just now posted a thread titled:
"NSA Chief Says Russia Hacked The 2016 Election..Congress Must Investigate"
It has contact information for both houses of Congress,
as well as a link to e-mail President Obama.