Activist Headquarters
Related: About this forumAnnual School of the Americas vigil to be held November 2013 your flags, your banners, your voice, your schools, your communities. Last year, two more countries in Latin America - Ecuador and Nicaragua - joined Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia and Venezuela in pulling out of the infamous "school". We won our lawsuit against the Pentagon when a federal judge ordered them to release the names of thousands of SOA/WHINSEC graduates that have been cloaked in secrecy for close to a decade.
There are many ways for you to be a part of history be participating in the Vigil! This is how we do it!

(1 post)Thanks for your post. Wow the abuses of the school of America's sure relates to what is happening to a Canadian El Salvadorean right now. Jose Figueroa, is the most amazing guy, being deported from Canada for reasons which don't make sense. He and his family have been living in Langley for the last 16 years... ..
Jose Figueroa was a student leader in El Salvador in the 1980's and spoke out peacefully against the military dictatorship which ruled El Salvador at the time - a regime responsible for the deaths of between 70,000 and 80,000 people. Despite living peacefully in Canada for almost 16 years, this husband and father of three, faces deportation from Canada because of his advocacy for the , the broad opposition movement in El Salvador which opposed a government that stole elections, committed widespread torture and murder and used death squads to silence any opposition. Despite being a non-combatant in the conflict (a fact admitted by the Canadian government) Canada now wants to do deport him arguing wrongly that the is a "terrorist" group. The is now the elected government in El Salvador and is recognized as a legitimate government by the entire world - including Canada! The more people who sign the petition the more chance we have of ensuring that this deportation order is reversed! Jose's case is not isolated and many refugees are at risk. More info at
Additional news stories about Jose's case: See this article about Joses case by a Latin American expert, Professor Maxwell Cameron:
Most recent major news coverage about Joses case
Documentary about the case that included about the law from Immigration lawyer Peter :
Jose speaking at the prestigious TED X Vancouver event
For additional information and for other ways to help see or feel free to ask me any questions you might have.
(51,907 posts)gopiscrap
(24,298 posts)in 1990 I ran against our DINO congress critter from the left because he kept on voting for funding for the SOA