The Evangelicals Calling for 'Spiritual Warfare' to Elect Trump
Lance Wallnau, a self-styled prophet in a fast-growing evangelical movement, came down off the stage to lay his hands on people who had requested prayers. Then he explained why re-electing Donald Trump is essential to save America.
Dont think for a moment that it isnt possible for this country to veer off course and go over a cliff in November, Wallnau told about 2,000 people gathered under a tent in late July. Its quite possible, and the only thing that can arrest that is an activated, catalyzed body of Christian patriots.
Wallnau, 68 years old, is one of the most important figures in the New Apostolic Reformation, an influential movement in evangelical Christianity that blends direct experience of the Holy Spirit with a call to engage in politics as a form of spiritual warfare. He opposes abortion and same-sex marriage, but his main goal is to elevate Christians to greater influence to transform society.
Wallnaus Courage Tour events, equal parts tent revival and political mobilization, are part of his strategy to help put Trump back in the White House. On a recent weekend, JD Vance, Trumps running mate, appeared at a Wallnau event in the swing state of Pennsylvania. If Christians arent out there voting, Christians arent going to have a voice in this country, Vance told the crowd.
Response to Zorro (Original post)
wcmagumba This message was self-deleted by its author.
(46,092 posts)Who they gonna call... Zuul?
(3,496 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,915 posts)![](
(511 posts)
all Christians. Read my post that follows yours.
(511 posts)The first six letters of the word Christian spells Christ. I challenge any of these hypocrites to find a single chapter or verse where Jesus teaches hate. How can anyone wear a cross around their neck and preach their sermon? By now you might have assumed that I am ordained clergy and yes I am. The word of God is being taken completely out of context by the likes of Franklin Graham. If you are challenged by one of these racists send them to Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus..
(4,699 posts)Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's...? I see that as a clear mandate for a separation of church and state.
(511 posts)13 Later they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians to Jesus to catch him in his words. 14 They came to him and said, Teacher, we know that you are a man of integrity. You arent swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. Is it right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not? 15 Should we pay or shouldnt we?
But Jesus knew their hypocrisy. Why are you trying to trap me? he asked. Bring me a denarius and let me look at it. 16 They brought the coin, and he asked them, Whose image is this? And whose inscription?
Caesars, they replied.
17 Then Jesus said to them, Give back to Caesar what is Caesars and to God what is Gods.
And I completely agree with you. Cleary the heretical white Christian nationalists do not.
(16,270 posts)On the good side.
(36,594 posts)![](
(511 posts)My brother Reverend!
(4,911 posts)Skittles
(161,486 posts)zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
(4,699 posts)is to be pushed back on as much as possible. They're the ones who want to create a theocracy out of our country. They're goal is to Shariah law-ize the United States (only it will law as THEY make). They used to fall under the title Dominionists, but they rebranded as they made strange bedfellows with other Christian sects they'd formerly preached against. But those Opus Dei people... they're right in line with the NAR. So are deeply embedded Southern Baptists, and other evangelical, charismatic, and non-aligned christian sects. They started down this path many years ago. Getting Bush the younger in was a big win for them. And with all the Opus Dei people on the SCOTUS? No wonder they decided to install our president, instead of leaving it up to the people, as the Constitution says. A religion/God that makes you worship it is not a valid religion... it's a cult.
Many decades ago, I was a member of an evangelical church. There were requirements to be accepted as a member, and to be able to testify as being "born again." Believe me, forced belief was NOT included! In fact, trump and most of these magats don't hit any of the required points. And of course they started with women to begin stripping rights from citizens. We were only granted rights since the 1970's. And women are their prime subjects to push down. We've been way too uppity! /snark
(24,000 posts)Who will burn in hell someday for supporting the second worst man on earth Putin is number 1 and the orange Satan is number 2 in my opinion.
(36,594 posts)She thinks we are the ones going against god. It's sick and pathetic.
(24,000 posts)This orange turd has done so much damage to our country and has divided family and friends like no other. Even in the bush years we were able to be civil to one another now its out the window. And hate and lying are the main qualities of the repuke party.
Is user daughters husband the MAGA who brainwashed her?
(36,594 posts)Supposedly life long christians but never called, emailed or reached out when my husband had a stroke and nearly died. In the hospital for 22 days and in rehab for 5 months.
(24,000 posts)Ex President in my lifetime.
Hang in there maybe someday she will come to her senses. And if she calls you ask he if she believes in the 10 commandments because she is disobeying the Honor thy Mother and Father one.
(36,594 posts)Its not seeing my grand kids that is soul crushing.
(11,969 posts)Stay home and pray, rather than vote.
(6,223 posts)now identify the cult within the Evangelical Christian branch of American Christianity. We know who the heretics, phonies and fakes are now.