'Drip, Drip, Drip: Manifest Lunatic Gaslighting Destiny Looms'
"Though we got distracted by the confederacy of fascists hoping to run and burn down the government, we were just rudely reminded their Cantaloupe Leader is still a jabbering madman at a presser where he said the Jan. 6 mob was FBI, Hezbollah and peaceful grandmothers, Biden wants to ban drilling in the 'whole ocean,' aka 0.7% of it, heaters make us itchy, commies will kill showers, and we should invade Greenland, Panama and Canada because. Post-election Onion headline: 'America defeats America.'"
"With a media focused for weeks on the stunningly unqualified racists, rapists and billionaire crooks the crazy Hitler-elect guy was gleefully choosing to do his bidding - Space Nazi! Mr. Brainworm! - many Americans managed to tamp down the terrifying reality the country had elected a spiteful, sputtering, narcissistic nitwit who can't follow his own train-wreck of thoughts, has no clue and has no fucks to give on the stupendously dumb premise gas and eggs would be cheaper. (They won't.) There were signs, mostly via rabid missives online. During the holidays, he offered an alleged 'Merry Christmas' to 'the wonderful soldiers of China who are lovingly, but illegally, operating the Panama Canal' making sure we spend 'Billions in (and 'repair' work but have nothing to say about 'anything';' to the 'Radical Left Lunatics' trying to 'obstruct our Courts, Elections, and (our) Great Patriots but, in particular, their Political Opponent, ME'; and to the 37 of 40 Death Row inmates whose sentences Biden commuted - who 'killed (and) plundered like virtually no one before them' - with, 'GO TO HELL!'