The DU Lounge
Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsHeard this song today and was reminded that pop music used to be pretty cool.
I wasn't actively listening to this kind of stuff during the 80s, but in comparison to what's on the Billboard top 10 today, it wasn't bad at all.
(70,549 posts)hlthe2b
(107,627 posts)and that includes a wide range of genres. Today? I won't insult it but just express sadness at what little is out there worth sitting down to listen to--much less sing or dance to.
Okay. That's my "Mr. Wison, "get off my grass" spiel for the day. Younger DUers can like what they please. But I do feel sorry for them for the dramatic lack of choices.
(71,384 posts)Probably on & off for 20+ years, more on than off.
That whole album was fantastic.
We covered about 10 Fixx tunes over time & 3 of them were off this album.
I saw them live in a small venue in around 1998. They were excellent live.
Different Drummer
(8,951 posts)modern music.
(4,232 posts)Last edited Sat Dec 14, 2024, 10:32 AM - Edit history (16)
I wanted to... but I couldn't imagine whatever that was being in my head for the next 3 weeks and me not remembering why.
The Gambler's Fallacy.
How many of you have ever studied a roulette wheel? For real, like truly studied it to see what exactly is it that is so alluring. Now I do have to admit that I might be a bit of an odd duck. Unlike most gambling addicts, I didn't actually want to spend any money until I was certain I could win. While I saw some very interesting patterns, I would play them out until they eventually busted. Sometimes, that would take millions of spins... 3 million was my highest.
So what I would do is, I would write the system in Python and just generate a random number and 0 and 37 would be the double zeros if I wanted to play the American Roulette but well, that's completely stupid if European Roulette is available since your 50/50 chances go up.
What the fuck does that mean? Your 50/50 chances are 50/50, dumbass.
Um, no dumbass... the zeros make it so it's not 50/50 which is why you cannot beat the house, it's impossible.
You know that's not TRUE!
Shut the FUCK UP... yes it IS!
Oh shit, right... My bad. It's this booze man, it's fucking with me.
So, you cannot beat the house. You can't. That is a fact. IF you could, that would require knowledge that you believe is unobtainable. Correct? Isn't that the theory? Or no, that would be a fact then wouldn't it? Well, maybe... maybe... I have to ask AI about that as I don't actually know any of the theories on Randomness.
That being said, I know more about Randomness than what's his name... shit... what is his name... he was a gambler and a bit of wild card... Cardano? I want to say for some reason...
Anyway, I am pretty well versed in the Reality of Randomness and well, oddly, I am not drawn to seek out any of your opinions, past or present. Of course without your opinion, I cannot be right about anything... which is why I use Python. With Python, I honestly don't need or want your opinion. Sorry, you have been replaced by a machine that is built on math and logic. You are completely obsolete to any of my equations. I hope you know that... and I mean that... completely and totally useless. Which sucks... I think you could be of use but well, you're a bit dumb there Lenny... Lenny! Put the Puppy down!!! Lenny less love.... LOL. It's funny because I'm insinuating you're stupid like Lenny from the Catcher in the Rye.
It was a Few Good Men, you idiot!
Really? That's not right? Who was Weinberg? (AND i before e except after c my mother's asshole... we need to fix English!)
He was that bald dude... funny. I think he OD'ed on Fentanyl. Someone laced it into his weed.
You are a complete idiot. Who the fuck puts Fentanyl in weed?
Good question... you find out and we're buying that shit! LOL
You do know that children will one day be reading the awful stuff you write. You know that right?
Oh, My bad... Hey kids... sorry. Please. Go fuck yourselves. And I mean that... your genitals are constantly swol..
Oh shit, that's right, we hate kids. Sorry, kids, Intellect is not for kids... or Physicists.
Can we get back to random?
Holy shit, that wasn't random enough?
That wasn't random, you were doing that on purpose.
And you don't think Random can respond to your purpose?
What, what?
Fuck you, what does that mean?
Well, when you play roulette, you get this feeling. It's this gnawing feeling... now, most of the Muggles reading this won't understand this but an addict does. They start playing and they find that fucking frequency... they do... they lock in and on and man, they ride that fucker up and up and then well...
The frequency changes but the high... the high man... that just pulls you right over.
Holy Shit, that's just like the Stock Market!
Exactly, just like it... right? You see a stock shooting up and you buy into it and you see it just explode up! Then it hits the top and your 4 grand went to 4400 and fuck, you just made 400 dollars...
And then you wake up and some whale dumped out and your 4 grand is now 3906... FUCK!!!!
But that's ok and that's how it works, you cannot beat the house! You might win from time to time but if you add up your total losses compared to your total wins... well, you are financing the casino. That's fine. That's a fun business and you agree that's how it works. You accept that you can win some but lose more and that's gambling.
Stocks aren't quite so mercurial so you can win eventually... you just have to play roulette real slow. Like really real slow. Also you have to understand that the ball never stops bouncing either... it just touches down into a pocket and jumps out again. It's not hard to see... it's just hard to catch.
So unlike roulette, if you play the odds over multiple tables, you can diversify your risks and not compound them. Also, if you win a great deal, odds are no one is going to come pound you into the ground. Now hear me... if somehow you figure out how to beat the house... the house absolutely should come and pound the living fuck out of your ass. A lot of people work for casinos you selfish asshole... and you better bet your ass... if that was not the case, you would not have casinos any longer because I would have wiped them out.
Oh, quit being dramatic!
I'm not, I'm being honest. Even though my 3 million spins eventually bombed out... I started with $1000 and ended with $0. But the electricity alone costs more that $1000. I fucked the casino out of a great deal of money. The dealer, the house, the vendors, the families that rely on their income...
Gambling is a game and it's entertainment. Not a livelihood for an aspiring Mathematician. Even the stock market... if you somehow had some magic math to win more than you lose... well, you ruin the fairness doctrine. The only reason people invest is because they believe the house is fair. They believe no one can possibly know what is going to happen from one spin to the next because they have no idea what is going to happen from one spin to the next.
Do you see it? IF they don't know, you CAN'T know... sound familiar?.... LOL Morons...
So there is a Frequency?
Oh, shit yeah... it's real and well... oddly, it's there every single time but it's absolutely different every single time. Sometimes it's just like it was the game before and sometimes it seems to be just like it was but it is NOT. You play the fallacy one day and man... up and up and up and BAM down... shit
Then you play the next fallacy the next day and it's so close to the last and it's up and up and up and up an...FUCK!!!
The problem is is the first time you learned about the Fallacy. The first time you got that high. You rolled up your sleeve, tied the rubber thingy around your arm... you were afraid of a needle but this was just money... so you shot up and FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKK.... that felt good.
And it was so easy... you could actually see it! You just knew what was coming... not next but soon!!! You could FEEEEEELLLLL it...
Sorry, I was giving the addicts a chance to finish that mental orgasm. You're welcome baby... I know you like that... oh yeah... just relax... lay back... no one saw... LOL
And you wonder why they don't pay child support... LOL.
So am I going to tell you how to beat the house?... No. Sorry. This beating the house thing is not a toy for your vanity. With it... I intend to ensure your spaceships don't hit a planet at 1 billion miles an hour. At this moment... as fucked up as that sounds... I do think I know how to save the ship. The planet, is going to have a billion year recovery but will be fine. IF life was on that rock... well... it is no longer viable. You wiped out the planet but hey... you and your crew are fine. Right? That's all that matters you selfish FUCK. And so you know... I will have given you the math by then to ensure that doesn't happen so the only reason that it did happen was you thought you were good at math. Fucker.
So... like what the fuck does this have to do with Hawking?
Who said it had anything to do with Hawking?
You did, Asshole... you click the link and you're promised that you will learn about Hawking Radiation.
Do you honestly think these fucking idiots are going to remotely understand Hawking Radiation or Black Holes in general. They have never created one... how on Earth would the understand what it is... and why that matters to gambling.
Well... try... just Muggle through it...
LOL, I see what you did there... funny...
Glad you liked it... quit stalling...
Fine... Hawking Radiation is an emission from the Black Hole.
That is not what 'THEY' say it is...
Well, 'THEY' are medically stupid. And I mean that in the medical sense of the word and not derogatorily. They are just colossally dumb and there is no cure... sorry. The idea that particles are ripped apart at the event horizon and ejected out into space... well, that's is just complete nonsense and anyone who has ever learned about the Laws of the Conservation of Energy and Momentum knows that that conclusion is simply ridiculous. I have not read Hawking's work but I find it impossible to believe he actually said anything of the sort. IF he did, well, he was wrong but I find it impossible to believe you can 'see' Hawking Radiation and not know exactly what that means.
Am I going to explain Hawking Radiation to you? No little monkey... Hawking Radiation doesn't create that smell in poop... sorry... pull that finger out of... OK... Fucking Physicists!
If I were to explain what Hawking Radiation really was, then well, you would understand that even in a black hole... Information is conserved. Meaning... there is some residue left over from the last spin...
Well... they do have probability and statistics that define the math of roulette, right?
So? Those are just statistics... not absolutes...
Well, you're right, they are statistics but those statistics predict the eventual loss of the player, no?
Um, yeah... duh...
Well, if it's random, how can it predict anything? Randomness is unpredictable...
Well, that's not the game! You aren't beating randomness, you're beating the spread... or trying to... you're getting 48% and the house is getting 52% of the equation... that's math... You may win some more today but you will lose 52% of the time... and since your losses are usually ones you chase... well... down you go... LOL. See, they get you!
Do they? You don't see it do you?
Well... I better not!
Oh right... you're right... there is nothing to see there but if there was a point...
Ah... right... so here's the thing... if you could somehow invert those numbers... which is impossible right? Totally impossible but if it were possible, you would win 52% of the time and they 48% of the time... and that makes sense. Only if you can do the impossible, correct?
Why do I feel like this is a trap?
LOL... well, I won't spring it but you're right. IF you could reverse those numbers, it would mean that you could conserve some information from past spins. That is the only way possible. In fact, you would be seen as a cheater immediately as you are breaking the energy of the equation...
It's like counting cards... they count the cards and based on how many high cards or low cards are left, the bet evolves based on those energy evaluations. That's all that is... it's not even hard... or complicated... if you're a gambler... count cards... LOL It's easy and profitable and the casinos don't really mind because it's not really all that great... plus... the high will drag you over the top of the hill so they're not worried...
Even with counting cards, you aren't really going to win the house, it's just you start to get into Noether territory and well Physics and Cards... not remotely the same thing.
Well, not with your shitty math. LOL
Well, luckily we don't use their shitty math.
Oh, right! LOL. So if Hawking Radiation isn't magic... or nonsensical... what might it be? And if you were to say what it was... is there someway to explain it so they don't kill themselves?
Dude, look at them... look at those slack jawed monkey's. Really, are you worried they can possibly figure this out even if you tell them point blank? They are stupid beyond comprehension... just tell them and let's go find some whore to bang. I'm tired of this shit...
Well, we need their money... ASSHOLE.
Then just fucking take it... stop being a pussy and fuck these worthless, ignorant ass MOTHER FUCKERS... why are you protecting people who wouldn't walk across the street to piss on you if you were on fire?
Fuck if I know...
Damn right...
Fuck if I know too...
Fuck em... you tried.
So if your concept of Hawking Radiation is fundamentally impossible and most likely if you know about Hawking Radiation, your ideas on what it is just happens to be complete nonsense... sorry, your teacher failed you LOL.
This means that if Hawking Radiation is real and it does get ejected FROM the interior of the black hole... then every assumption you have about a black hole is completely wrong. Correct? If particles magically split in two... well, then you can somehow feel right even though there's not one tiny shred of math to support your ridiculous notions. Now, I understand, even though you look completely absurd, your hostile vanity with keep the notion that you are right long after the reality of your ignorance has settled in.
But I have to assure you... regardless... if a particle containing information is sucked into a black hole... the Pauli Exclusion Principle Guarantees that information will be just fine regardless of the spatial geometry. You are not remotely familiar with concepts like quantum tunneling or superposition. I do understand you think you know those words but you still think that Wave Particle Duality means the particle is the wave... sorry... you're just dumb. That idea is patently false and violates the laws of the conservation of energy and momentum to insinuate that it is true. It's not and cannot be... read Noether, Morons.
Einstein one said, 'God does not play dice.' He was absolutely right as usual. God has no need to do shit for us... Can It/He/She do whatever?... I've no idea. I just know that the math of the universe means that Einstein was right and that God has already done all the work he has to do.
Of course Einstein couldn't get I before E correct so maybe we have to worry he wasn't perfect either. That's why he wrote his original equation as... c2m=e2. Of course he also left out chirality and spatial considerations as he was only talking about Photons and not Neutrinos... but both have perpetual information. Both exchange information and save it from one moment to the next... just as Noether guarantees. It's just you don't really believe in Neutrinos and you really don't believe in Tachyons and well... you just don't believe in shit, do you?
What God doesn't play dice to me, means... there really is a true randomness. It is not remotely the pseudo random nonsense you pretend to understand. Even your ridiculous quantum random from Australia... I can beat it. Why? Because it's not really random. Random has a direction and it's away from your perspective... random is relative to the observer so that is the weakness of your Random. Your paltry Random... it's very predictable.
True random, runs away from you. You cannot catch it. You can barely see it. Even when you guess right, you find out the answer you put down wasn't what you guessed. How the fuck did that happen? LOL
Well, that's what true Randomness is... it's magic. It's also reliable and unguessable and the only real solution to cybersecurity. When your information goes into a black hole... only you can get it out and to do that... you have to be able to beat roulette. Just ask one of those idiots who bought those new quantum computers. Those are guessing machines... Computing via magic Eight Ball.
There is no guessing in Quantum. If you're guessing... well, your computer sucks and you've wasted a ton of money on nothing. It is probably fast but well... my Raspberry Pi can do so much more than your expensive piece of shit and well... it can also beat the casino and the stock market like it's standing still... I don't care if you don't believe me... what else is new?
The point is... at some point, you're going to have to pull your heads out of your asses and start catching up. Your stupid is flaring up and it's getting all over you... looks like a terrible rash. Go do some math... you'll feel better. You'll also look better because the day is coming where your stupid is going to scream out to the world as loudly as it screams out to me. And the world won't remotely tolerate it as well as I do... you ignorant fuckers.
Get your shit together. You are Eight up like a soup sandwich and you're embarrassing yourself. You're actually embarrassing me too... you think I want to call you the dumb fucks that you are? Who the fuck wants this job... assholes. Here try this... have a real coherent and intelligent thought sometime so I can take a fucking break from my eternal disappointment in all of you. Fuck!
(11,492 posts)they wont get you nominated for a cabinet position.
Response to LudwigPastorius (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.