Jamie Foxx Says He 'Would Not Be Here' Without His 'Courageous' Sister

Rolling Stone link:
AFTER RECOVERING FROM a medical complication that landed him in the hospital earlier this year, Jamie Foxx took to Instagram on Tuesday to share his appreciation for his sister Deidra Dixon.
The 55-year-old actor posted a photo of them together followed by a carousel of images in honor of Dixons birthday. Happy birthday to my beautiful for sister, wrote Foxx, adding you are magical you are beautiful you are the courageous lionesses #leoseason And without you I would not be here
had you not made the decisions that you made I wouldve lost my life
. I love you forever and ever happy birthday sis.
Prior to Tuesdays post, the actor appeared on video for the first time in July since his health emergency. The Academy Award winner credited both his sister and daughter for saving his life, along with God and great medical people. I cannot tell you how great it feels to have your family kick in in such a way, they kept it airtight, didnt let nothing out. They protected me, and thats what I hope everyone can have in moments like these, Foxx said.
After Foxx was hospitalized in April, unfounded rumors about his condition began to spread online as weeks passed without any updates.
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There's still no word about the mysterious illness or malady that cause Jamie Foxx to be suddenly hospitalized. Maybe it was something like Madonna's serious infection? Maybe Jamie ignored the symptoms until it was almost too late? I don't think we'll ever know.
But I'm glad he's OK now.