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Is anyone watching this season? I guess I'm confused and must have missed something.... There was a scene where Kellee implied that she was willing to use her issue with Dan's inappropriate touching to distract and get Missy voted out. She ended up changing her mind, for some reason, but I remember being appalled by her earlier statements. Unless I've missed an important detail, Kellee is no better than Elizabeth and Missy.

(34,502 posts)I am not entirely certain. There was an issue, they had videos of him putting his arm around her with his hand around her waist but very low in the front, he would put his hands on their butts as they slept and he just in general felt OK touching them. I am bothered by this, I think they are trying to handle it but then again, they have the complaints and the videos and there are apparently more issues from their interviews.
The fact that the women decided to use it as a play in the game rather than push him out bothers me a lot. Once this came up I lost most interest in it. It was not exactly a gang busters game any way, it was dull.
I am casually watching because I want to know what happens but I really have no clue what happened this last week. It was on but....meh.
I started watching this with my kids from the beginning so I feel like I need to watch it. I know that is strange but....they are grown and neither watch it but my husband kind of does now. LOL.
(34,662 posts)Between impeachment and everything else going on!
(2,054 posts)My understanding is that Kellee was honestly upset and freaked out by Dan and his behavior. But in her personal interview, when the producer asked if she wanted him to step in she said no, because she didn't want it to turn the group against her. She would be able to separate her feelings from her play strategy. At that time she wanted to get Missy out because she felt Missy was her biggest threat. I don't recall her saying she would use the issue to distract, but I might have missed that.
Then, when Missy and Liz lied to her and played up their dismay about Dan, giving Kellee (and Janet) the idea that all of the women felt harassed the same way as she did and they should vote Dan out now, Kellee fell for it and changed to vote for Dan.
I think Missy and Liz are really bad for the way they played it, somewhat for Kellee's sake but more for Janet's sake. She went against her initial feelings and voted or Dan based on her belief that all of the other women were distressed by his behavior. I guess you could say that it was just game play on the younger girl's part but based on all of the comments and opinions I've read on Survivor related sites almost no one thinks they were ok in what they did. They posted apologies on their social media pages after the show aired and the uproar started, but they were pretty lame really. Even Aaron posted an apology for his attitude that the harassment couldn't have happened or he would have known about it.
That's just my understanding and I was pretty confused at a couple of points during that episode, as to who was really bothered by Dan etc. Especially when Janet confronted them after the vote and realized they had tricked her. I had thought initially that they really did feel same as Kellee. So when the girls were telling Dan they had no problem with him I was like 'WHAT??' Guess it's a good thing I wasn't on the island, lol.
(34,662 posts)alongside Dan, of course, because they pretty much put Kellee in the awkward position of having to choose between the game and standing up for herself. Why didn't CBS just make an executive decision and kick Dan out? Hell, they have the footage and would have known if something inappropriate was happening.
But Kellee did say that she would use the Dan situation as a decoy to get Missy out...
(34,502 posts)FloridaBlues
(4,473 posts)Cuthbert Allgood
(5,213 posts)I would argue too late, but better late than never.
They indicated that they had no idea it was as bad as it was and got caught up in game play. They (and Aaron) have said that they should have stuck behind Kellee and are sorry for what they did. They have also said that things didn't go the way the show wants us to think they did, and that not too big of a deal was made in their meeting with people (which Aaron said was basically, "Hey, if you don't feel comfortable with something, know that you can talk to us" with no context about what was happening).
(10,701 posts)Wont be back or in the jury. Apparently when his behavior turned to the crew it then crossed the line. Im thinking of not watching next weeks final - this is beyond pale that the network kept him on until he touched a crew member.
(16,600 posts)that when they (production) had to meet with Dan after the first allegations, they must have seen something to give them pause. They must have had concerns. But then Elizabeth and the others mucked it up by using it for game advantage and downplaying the seriousness. Dan's "I'm just a huggy person" crap didn't explain why he touched Kellee's hair when talking to her. I'm glad that turd is flushed.
(3,522 posts)Perhaps CBS wants the ability to edit anything that is said that they dont want to get out to the public. Wow. This season has been a huge disappointment and definitely not fun to watch with Dan still in the game. I wonder if any lawsuits are going to happen. Kellee has a twitter account and responded to last nights episode.
(16,600 posts)they can't afford the truth coming out during a live show.
I just think now the whole thing is skewed. He should have been removed earlier and the fact that he wasn't means really different voting outcomes from that point on. Not to mention poor Janet's game play. I suspect we are going to see many of these players again on an upcoming season.
(3,522 posts)He should have been removed immediately after Kellee talked about it in her confessional. Keeping him in after that affected the voting outcomes and allowed him to assault others.
Cuthbert Allgood
(5,213 posts)Be interesting to see if she takes it.