Which episode of "The Brady Bunch" was showing on TV this night, November 12, 1971?
Last edited Tue Nov 12, 2024, 01:55 PM - Edit history (1)
Fri, 12. Nov 1971
Onedin Line S01E05
The Brady Bunch S03E09
The Fenn Street Gang S01E09
The Goodies S02E07
The Partridge Family S02E09
The Brady Bunch, Season 3, Episode 9: The Private Ear
Posted on September 15, 2017
Hello again readers, friends and family. Thank you for joining me this week to review The Private Ear. Viewers first saw Peters eavesdropping antics on November 12th, 1971. The episode is a solid one and the first in some time to have no guest stars. Also, no scene of the entire episode occurs outside the Bradys house and yard. While it is not the whacky laugh riot that was And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor, it also was not the drama that was Juliet Is The Sun. While the plot of Peter planting a tape recorder and listening to his siblings is not comedic, there are some funny lines sprinkled throughout the episode. Lets begin reviewing The Private Ear.

Peter is called to Mikes den for a talking to. He only meant for his eavesdropping ways to be a joke. Mike warns him that invasion of privacy is no joke and people have been sued for such. Peter is briefly worried that his siblings will be suing him, but is assured an apology this time around will suffice in place of a lawsuit. In a funny true to life moment, as Peter leaves to apologize he stops briefly at the door in hesitation before Mike motions him onward. That is one of those things kids just do and it is always fun when those little slices of life appear on The Brady Bunch.

What follows is Greg entrapping his brother into listening to the recording. He brings the recorder into Peter and angrily accuses him of placing the it under Marcias desk. After Greg leaves the room, Peter reveals himself to be not fully reformed of his eavesdropping ways and gives the recording a listen. He falls for Greg and Marcias setup and is excited to learn about his pending surprise party.
Fri Dec 10, 2021:
The Brady Bunch, Friday, December 10, 1971: Season Three, Episode 12, "Getting Davy Jones"
Fri Nov 12, 2021:
What's showing on TV tonight, November 12, 1971?