At least 100 saguaros blow down in Saguaro Park-West windstorm

At least 100 saguaros blew down in Saguaro National Park-West during a major windstorm earlier this week, a National Park Service official said Friday.
While park service officials say the full extent of storm damage to the saguaros wont be known for weeks, they and a private saguaro researcher agree there hasnt been a wind-driven saguaro blowdown of this size or larger for more than a decade.
Late Tuesday afternoon, Saguaro Park-West experienced a large blowdown that damaged many large saguaros, said Perri Spreiser, the parks acting chief of interpretation. Our current estimates are that at least 100 were knocked over. Others lost arms and had their tops sheared off.
Other plants palo verdes, ironwood, ocotilllo and prickly pear were also damaged, Spreiser said, adding there are still many, many hundreds of standing healthy saguaros in the area.