Pima County COVID-19 Vaccine Information & Distribution
Who is eligible in Phase 1B?
The state on Dec. 28 changed its recommended guidance for the Phase 1B group to include those 75 and older. No registration is available at this time as we work to vaccinate the 1A group, but keep checking back for more information. UPDATED JAN. 7: Pima County’s tentative 1B plan.
Eligible 1B professions/groups include these three that are the top priority in 1B:
People 75 and older
Education and childcare providers (teachers and staff)
Protective service occupations (law enforcement, corrections, firefighters, and other emergency response staff)
Adults in congregate settings
Power and utility workers
Food and agriculture related occupations (packaging and distribution workers, grocery, farmworkers and restaurant workers)
Transportation and material moving occupations (public transportation providers, airlines, gas stations, auto shop workers, and other transportation network providers)
State and local government workers that provide critical services for continuity of government, such as food and agricultural workers, United States Postal Service workers, manufacturing workers, grocery store workers, public transit workers, and those who work in the educational sector not in the prioritized essential worker category
Other essential workers (e.g., business and financial services, supply chain for critical goods, funeral services, critical trades, etc.)