A tule reed boat runs the Grand Canyon
kind of cool
SNIPThe tule raft joined a fleet of five 18-foot rubber rafts, one 16-foot rubber raft, a dory, two hard-shell and one inflatable kayak for a 30-day Grand Canyon run. Our launch date of December 30, 2020, soon approached. After inspecting all our river gear and providing our group with a river orientation, National Park Service Ranger Peggy Kolar allowed us to launch Lotsaknots. It helped that Ranger Kolar observed the tule raft as it floated and performed well at the put in.
My longtime friend Peter Brown, a dendrochronologist from Fort Collins, Colorado, offered to row the tule. Peter had never kayaked before. He brought along a cheap $50 kayak paddle and a not-so-cheap dry suit and lifejacket. Peter was convinced the raft would make it. I gave it odds to Soap Creek, just 11 miles downstream and assumed it wouldnt be long before Lotsaknots would be draped over the back of one of the big rafts, next to one of the kayaks. That never happened. SNIP

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