Related: About this forumAs 'Podiumgate' roils Arkansas, governor's office accused of criminal cover-up
by Hunter for Daily Kos
One of the hallmarks of New Republicanism, the thing that Donald Trump so expertly latched onto, is an insistence on lying about everything, all the time, even in situations where the lies can easily be disproven or aren't even advantageous to begin with.
The latest example comes to us from Arkansas, where the Arkansas Times has been covering the mysterious case of Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders' new $19,000 custom-ordered podium. That is not a typo: Last June, Sanders' office evidently decided that she, of all people, could not possibly post up for one of her trademark lie-a-thons at a merely expensive-as-hell $3,000 or $5,000 luxury podium. Instead, she needed a new custom-built, state-of-the-art (?) version, complete with custom travel case, that costs much, much more.
Last month the public found out about that via an Arkansas Freedom of Information Act public records request, known as a FOIA, and all hell broke loose as Sanders' office tried to explain how and why they spent nearly $20,000 on a single damn podium, with the story getting sketchier and sketchier as time went on.
Sanders' spokeswoman called the purchase of the podium with a state credit card an "accounting error," with the state eventually being reimbursed by the real purchasers, the Republican Party of Arkansas. Oh, and the Republican Party of Arkansas would be letting other officials use the podium too, not just the governor of Arkansas.

(8,091 posts)Hassler
(4,123 posts)WhiteTara
(30,564 posts)took her two gal pals with her...they are lobbyists and I think it's their podium making company. I think it was to pay for their trip (the State paid for Sarah.) Grifters all.
(15,893 posts)What possible business would she have on the Champs Elysees?
(30,564 posts)In fact, she blocked her travel records and expenses. BUT, she blocked the wrong department; she blocked transportation records, but was in fact traveling under Commerce money. Soooo, that's how she got found out and why she falsified documents. I hope that stroll down the Champs Elysees was the most wonder trip she ever took because there is a foul smell coming from the governor's mansion and the Arkansas Times is relentless in uncovering republicon shit.
She's a liar and she's stupid!
(30,564 posts)Grifter, liar, cheater and all around terrible person.