Related: About this forumBad enough being called a Tea Party of the Left
and "fractivists" by the Denver Post, but as one of Boulder County's activists who has researched fracking I think being labeled a "maggot-infested, longhair hippie freak" and part of the "flat earth discussion group" by the Colorado Oil and Gas industry is a little over the top don't you?
We cannot hope for a respectful discussion regarding fracking and local control while the size of the ad spending by the industry is unprecedented in Colorado history. And while all our media as well as most of our legislators and governor have been bought and paid for by COGA. And we certainly can't hope for a fair vote on the initiatives in the fall.
The Denver Post, the Boulder Daily Camera, the Longmont Times-Call, the Coloradan, Colorado Springs Gazette are all owned by NewsMedia Group. The only independent papers in our area are the Boulder Weekly and Westword. I hope you will read the article by Joel Dyer, editor," Fracking activists are the Tea Party of the Left? Denver Post doing its part for the oil and gas industry's disinformation campaign" in the July 24-30 edition online.
And I hope you will protest to the TV channels running these sick ads. Thanks
House of Roberts
(5,819 posts)on KKZN. It was always a welcome break from the flatulent humor of the Stephanie Miller Show, and it covered all these Colorado issues.
The problem is that Dick Cheney created a phony status quo for the fracking industry, and a divided Congress won't ever address rectifying the damage it is causing.
I submitted the theory a long time ago that these chemicals used for fracking were any toxic waste liquids the oil companies wanted to get rid of cheap, because you can cut six inch plate steel with a jet of water and garnet powder, on a machine called a 'water jet'.
(68,644 posts)By Joel Dyer
Lets recap: First, the message was the oil and gas industry equals jobs and if those who oppose fracking dont back down, those jobs will be taken away from Colorado.
Of course people figured out this dirty industry really only accounts for a tiny 1 percent of Colorados jobs and that with hundreds of billions of dollars worth of hydrocarbons under our state, the industry was never going to take their jobs and go home as promised.
Then the industry and its political and media helpers told us those who were concerned about all that drilling in their neighborhoods and next to their childrens schools were just ignorant alarmists because Colorado had the toughest laws in the land when it comes to oil and gas extraction. Again, not so much.
Turns out that Colorado, like the other states, has virtually no control whatsoever over health-threatening, oil-and-gas-industry wastes because the federal government has either exempted the industry completely as in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle C or given it special provisions that allow it to bypass important parts of other laws designed to protect our air and water like the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act.
The rest at the link: