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This message was self-deleted by its author (guyton) on Tue Jun 21, 2016, 12:48 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)upaloopa
(11,417 posts)NoJusticeNoPeace
(5,018 posts)yeoman6987
(14,449 posts)That is why it is an accident. Sad story all around.
Response to yeoman6987 (Reply #4)
guyton This message was self-deleted by its author.
(14,449 posts)It might have been the driver's. it does seem to be his car. I can't imagine any charges coming from this.
Response to yeoman6987 (Reply #6)
guyton This message was self-deleted by its author.
(14,449 posts)What I really wish was that we would learn from our mistakes as a society. That would help a great deal to end these tragedies from happening again.
Midnight Writer
(23,491 posts)I guess Colorado has never experienced a school shooting. (I would insert one of those dripping sarcasm thingies here if I had the skills)
(1 post)It's not like he was walking around the school with it, and this wasn't a "school shooting." Maybe you need to implement a policy that every school in CO has somebody go around to every student's car every day and inspect them for guns. Good luck with that.
(3,797 posts)Firearms don't "accidentally discharge".
Someone accidentally discharged the firearm.
Response to whopis01 (Reply #10)
guyton This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,797 posts)Guns are inanimate objects. They don't do anything of their own accord.
When someone mishandles a firearm - either through recklessness, lack of training, or whatever - they may fire the gun without meaning to but the gun doesn't just "go off".
I don't think you and I are actually in disagreement here. I just find it annoying when I hear someone say something like "I was just cleaning my gun and it went off" or "he was showing it to a friend and it went off". It smacks of trying to avoid blame by making sound like the firearm malfunctioned somehow. As if the gun took action on its own. In virtually every case there was no malfunction - it was misuse.