Recall Polis Organizer Is the Only Attendee at Anti-Mask School Walk-Out
Conservative activist Lori Cutunilli, leader of the multiple attempts to recall Gov. Jared Polis (D-CO), stood alone for another unpopular political protest today, literally. From a Weld County middle school this morning, Cutunilli posted to Facebook that she was the only attendee at what was supposed to be a National School Mask Walk Out today.

Recent national polling shows that mask mandates are overwhelmingly popular with parents, with 59% approval compared to 30% opposition.
An Axios|Momentive poll, released two days ago, noted the deep partisan divide over student masks: 85% of Democrats, 66% of independents, and 32% of Republicans supporting mask mandates for all students and staff at their childs school. It also notes that conservative opposition to student masks is lower in states with higher rates of COVID infections.
Drilling down even deeper, fewer than half (46%) of Republicans in Texas which has been especially hard hit by COVID in recent weeks oppose all mask mandates, states the Axios poll. In comparison, 70% of Colorado Republicans oppose the mandates.
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