Now you see it: Porter Sink reopens and Lake Jackson disappears once more
Now you see it: Porter Sink reopens and Lake Jackson disappears once more
James Call, Capital Bureau
July 13, 2021
Daniel Matinko's drone captured these images of the dry-down at Lake Jackson and Porter's Sink recently.
Porter Sink at Lake Jackson has reopened, and for the second time this summer the lake north of Tallahassee is performing its periodic disappearing act, about nine times in the last 184 years.
This isnt anything like it was when I was last here, said Marcelle Praetorius, who was walking the mud-caked lakebed near Faulk Drive Tuesday morning.
Praetorius is a birder who records her bird sighting locations and dates at an online site. She finds that a dry down at Lake Jackson provides prime bird sighting opportunities.
Insects feeding on plants blooming in the wet conditions left by a lake draining away lure birds and other critters to the site: Its a kickstart to the ecosystem, former fishery biologist Michael Hill explained.
Florida's "swiss cheese" limestone bedrock. Helen Roth
I don't think Lake Jackson has ever drained twice in one year, though this is not from drought as Tallahassee has had good amounts of rain for the last two years.