Florida education chairman's dirty dredging case represents a failure to communicate
One of the dumbest things I ever did was skip the chance to learn Spanish. While most of my high school classmates were busy habla-ing their Espanol which turns out to be pretty handy here in Florida I was bungling my way through German like a dummkopf.
I took German because I was a teenage boy and the German teacher was a former Miss South Carolina. Turns out thats a really bad reason to sign up for a language class. I dont remember much of what we studied, other than how to count to 23 (drei und zwanzig) and sing the first verse of Silent Night (aka Stille Nacht).
But, as a result, I do know how to pronounce schadenfreude. I know the definition, too. It doesnt mean giving your friend some shade on a sunny day. Instead, its a German psychological term for when you feel a tremendous surge of glee at hearing about some misfortune befalling a person who reeeeeeally deserves it.
Someone like Tom Grady.
No, not Tom Brady, the Buccaneers star quarterback. I mean Tom Grady, a Florida political insider whos spent years being one letter away from a Super Bowl ring.
Read more: https://floridaphoenix.com/2021/10/28/florida-education-chairmans-dirty-dredging-case-represents-a-failure-to-communicate/

This Google Maps image shows the channel that the feds accuse State Board of Education chair Tom Grady of digging illegally.