Related: About this forumNew Florida bill could make it illegal for drivers to stay in left lane unless passing
A new bill in Florida could make it illegal for drivers to stay in the left lane unless they're passing another car.
There is already an existing law that states slower traffic should move right but this would be different.
The bill aims to ticket drivers who continuously drive in the left lane of traffic if they're not intending to pass another car.
It was filed in the Florida Senate last week by Representative Jenna Persons-Mulicka of Naples.
The law would apply to certain roads, streets and highways across the state with two or more lanes and a posted speed limit of 65 miles per hour.
Looks like someone's been behind a left lane driver who won't accelerate to move past right lane traffic; there are plenty of those drivers in Florida.

(862 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)This law is never enforced in WI.
(17,633 posts)But yes, it can be infuriating to be behind someone doing the bare speed limit in the left lane because they can.
(18,441 posts)sinkingfeeling
(54,447 posts)sl8
(16,286 posts)Ocelot II
(123,535 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)Sounds like another way to racially profile.
Ocelot II
(123,535 posts)I think it's a reasonable but ineffective effort to keep traffic moving, but it doesn't really work because people just drive around the slowpoke and don't bother to call it in. There might be a few extreme cases where someone is poking along at 40 mph for miles (maybe they're stoned or very old) and they do get get ticketed (there's a $50 fine) but otherwise nothing happens.
(17,757 posts)We call them "fast lane homesteaders." It is incredible how many of them drive their pickups from Dallas to Jacksonville, a couple of miles below the speed limit, in the left lane. The seem to be oblivious to the 40 miles of traffic that they back up, and don't notice that everyone passes them on the right waving with erect middle fingers.
(43,203 posts)With that wording a driver would have to make a left turn from the outside lane.
(16,286 posts)From the House bill:
(4) On a road, street, or highway having two or more lanes
18 allowing movement in the same direction with a posted speed
19 limit of at least 65 miles per hour, a driver may not
20 continuously operate a motor vehicle in the furthermost left-
21 hand lane, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle,
22 when preparing to exit the road, street, or highway, or when
23 otherwise directed by an official traffic control device. This
24 subsection does not apply to authorized emergency vehicles and
25 vehicles engaged in highway maintenance or construction
Baitball Blogger
(49,477 posts)jimfields33
(19,382 posts)Anything to stop traffic is a plus. Saves the environment as well. This is one idea thats good from the state legislature.
Baitball Blogger
(49,477 posts)A) It encourages a lot of back and forth lane changes. That creates a lot to keep track of. And B) Sometimes an entire line of cars are moving along the left, slowly, but they are steadily passing the right hand side. And C) Sometimes there is just too much traffic for the few lanes available for everyone to stay on the right.
(19,382 posts)eppur_se_muova
(38,517 posts)... and enter the highway more easily.
I once had someone throw a ball of wet laundry at my windshield because I didn't let him cut in front of me from the acceleration lane. (Left lane was busy enough without me, so it was obvious he was going to have to slow down to enter, but hey, there's no accounting for idiots.)
You can call the left lane the passing lane, or you can call the right lane the entrance/exit lane, but unless you have three or more lanes you're left without a 'normal' lane.
(31 posts)Go ahead and make driving I-75 illegal because that would solves a lot of our traffic problems lol.
(10,998 posts)will get ticketed. It will do nothing for the rest of us who get stuck behind a self-absorbed left-lane bandit
(15,800 posts)We have had that law for years.
(4,473 posts)As everywhere in the country. Good luck enforcing this law