Related: About this forumShould I move to Florida?
I have lived in a blue state for 35 years. Retired now, and feeling many of the practicalities of a move to Florida because of nearby family and the support that Im going to need as I age. Thinking about the Vero Beach area. Anyway, my primary hesitation is whether or not I will survive the politics. So please be honest with me. How difficult is it to live there as a progressive? Is it easy to find like-minded people? Help. I am really struggling with this decision.

(13,045 posts)You will find like-minded people everywhere in Florida. The state isn't full of gun-toting MAGAts. Don't pay attention to all the Florida bashing that goes on here.
(24 posts)I have been temporarily here in Florida and the hate-filled Trumpists are significantly more in your face - and there are overwhelming numbers of them compared to home, where I can go days - even weeks - without being uninvitingly confronted. Here, every trip to the grocery store has somebody saying something that just reinforces how awful it is to live in America right now. Mass has ahole drivers in BMWs - here they really are in stereotypical massive pollution-spewing trucks with trump flags and bumper stickers that show 5-6 guns stating THIS is my family. Almost at every traffic light. Of which there are many / taking 5 minutes of your life while staring at these things. It is really hard not to be sad and/or angry.
Yes, you can find like-minded folks, but it is like I imagine it was like being gay in the 60s - even with a good gaydar as they used to say, one must be very careful broaching the subject - like sitting at a brewery, one must almost whisper a leading comment to see where they stand on issues, because here in Florida MAGATS seem to have no qualms about jumping in with comments if they overhear something.
And dont get me started on how segregated everything is. Not like Cambridge where walking a block or two exposes you to every shade known to exist.
Nonetheless, Im struggling with the same decision as you.
(5,358 posts)Other than the segregation my experience has been the opposite of yours. I do agree that the constant white faces is boring and unsettling, but the trumpers are minimal and everyone is friendly. Because they were much more scarce than I expected I actually look for MAGA bumper stickers etc. Of the three trucks with flags Ive seen over 3 years one was flying giant flags for Biden.
(13,045 posts)Florida is no better or worse than any other state when it comes to Trumpists, and Florida's major cities are as diverse as any Northeastern city in America, perhaps even more so.
(13,968 posts)It is guaranteed to raise your blood pressure. I am feeling stress from just reading your post.
Its why I just cant seem to make the decision. I just dont think I could deal with that constant in my face thing. Theyre just so awful and I cant help but think that it will be bad for my health, in terms of my blood pressure, etc..
(57,329 posts)I have been here since 1976. I have seen this State go from Blue all the way to 1999 to a swing State till about 2008 to a red State till about 2016 from then till now, Florida is as deep red as you can get. I'm talking the color of blood.
Yes it is full of gun-toting MAGAts, truck draped in flags & trump literally painted on these vehicles. Don't even get me started on the boat parades.
If you do live in Florida I would be curious to know where.
I made a post this morning talking about that it is so bad here I am conteplaing moving west to California.
You wanna talk about the State Government of Florida? The book bans? Don't say Gay? Stand your ground? The list goes on.
IMHO, Florida bashing doesn't even come close to what Florida deserves.
I guess we must live in two different Florida's. I almost forgot, trump picked Florida for a reason.
(13,045 posts)I've also lived in Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York, New Mexico and Colorado, and visited just about every other state in the country. Florida is no better or worse politically than every other state, and more diverse than most. All this Florida bashing is total nonsense.
(57,329 posts)Now? not so much. BTW Dade County has gone totally red this past election. Just saying.
Florida bashing is all you will get from me a person who lives & breathes this shithole of a State every miserable day.
(13,045 posts)MIAMI-DADE:
Republican: 498051
Democrat: 526394
Minor Party: 33129
No Party affiliation: 496530
Total: 1554104
Miami-Dade is majority Democratic. You must live in a different state of Florida.
(57,329 posts)Oops-ie.

EDIT TO ADD: I live in reality of this shit hole State.
(13,045 posts)William769
(57,329 posts)Have a great day in the shit hole of Florida that it is.
(13,045 posts)William769
(57,329 posts)I am flabbergasted that you're trying to make this State out to be what it is not.
But hey, what ever floats your boat.
(13,045 posts)MotownPgh
(432 posts)are shocking. We moved from Miami Lakes to gulf coast but the MAGATS are everywhere now. Daughter went to the new school, which is decimated. I have to practice deep breathing to keep from panic.
(57,329 posts)I am in North Fort Myers.
(13,045 posts)As of 2024:
Republican: 5,633,700
Democrat: 4,497,119
Other: 428,587
Independent: 3,719,066
Total: 14,278,472
All data:
By overall numbers Florida is a majority Republican state. The larger cities all lean Democratic, and rural areas are deep red. I suppose it depends on where you live, but I don't have any breathing problems and haven't suffered any panic attacks.
Betty Boom
(325 posts)I just dont think I would survive in that environment.
(57,329 posts)One thing I haven't mentioned yet is the cases of road rage. It's common place now.
(24 posts)I am currently in the Daytona Beach area, taking care of elderly in-laws. There are indeed pockets of Progressives, elsewhere, (even saw a Pride flag at a public restaurant in DeLand), and I have found some nice pieces of nature to wander to offset the paved roads and shopping centers - but enough to counteract being bombarded by people hating people in public spaces? I dont know
Betty Boom
(325 posts)Online, you can block them. But to be surrounded by them in public spaces and not being able to get away? I can feel my blood pressure spiking just from here.
(12,913 posts)NewHendoLib
(61,010 posts)This type of choice. My brother loves FL - my wife and I need the 4 seasons and dislike intense heat, so we chose western NC
(37,554 posts)but no way I could live there in the summer with 90 plus temperatures and humidity.
IMO at this time the cost of housing is a bubble similar to 2008. Homeowners insurance is through the roof.
You have HOA fees that are constantly going up. My parents moved there in 1974 and moved back to Ohio
after 5 years. I have some friends that have moved back in the last few years for the same reasons as
as my parents 50 years ago. AS far as MAGAs it is the same as Ohio, if they have to start with politics I
unfriend them.
(5,358 posts)Obviously some areas may be more red and difficult than others. But that was true in Michigan where I lived before. I love the sunshine although its too hot for me in the summer, but the winters make up for that. At least where I live now people are more relaxed and friendly. My only real complaint is the snowbirds who come down thinking they are more important than anyone else. They change the atmosphere for 3 or 4 months, but then they are gone. Even during hurricanes I havent regretted my move.
(3,032 posts)But be prepared---big money conservative donors and developers control the slimeballs that control the state. And do not buy on a barrier island. Water, wind and sand laugh at human-established shorelines.
(5,189 posts)Too hot. Also the orange lunatic lives there
(5,358 posts)I figure its just the reverse of up north. Well, actually better because you can still be outdoors in the summer. You just have to find shade. I admit the sun is vicious in the summer.
(5,189 posts)I happen to love the snow in western NY 😊
(5,358 posts)

(16,500 posts)Vero Beach is beautiful, but understand with climate change, it's going to be subject to very large and damaging storms. Anywhere withing 20-30 miles of the beach, you will be evacuated at some point. Just take that into consideration.
I love Florida. We have a remarkably diverse population here, from asshole rednecks to beach bums. They have always been part of Florida and what makes it unique. IMO.
Without knowing what type of housing you are looking at be aware we do have a huge property insurance problem here. I would do some heavy research on that. If you're are looking at a condo we had a new law go into effect requiring them to have the condo's inspected for foundation failure and to maintain a fund for repairs if needed. This was in response to the Surfside condo collapse in 2021. I agree with the steps taken, but it has increased the fees dramatically.
Then there is the heat. I've lived here my entire life and know how to deal with it. If you get up early and understand you won't be doing much outside between 10 and 3, then you can deal with it. I wouldn't have said that 10 years ago, but have noticed a dramatic increase in the temps and humidity. The days are getting hotter and the heat is coming earlier in the day and lasting longer.
If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me and I'll answer them as best I can.
Don't forget to look at the interior of FL. Vistors come for the beaches and Floridians go to the freshwater springs.
(13,968 posts)Also, the hurricane bullshit ain't likely to get better.
Stay where you are as long as you can.
(5,921 posts)here during Covid. My experience is the government is very red and the laws here can be ridiculous. But with no kids, they don't really affect me personally. Heat is difficult in summer and air conditioning is a must. FPL electric is much cheaper than my old Illinois home. Hurricanes are worse if you live on the coast or near a waterway emptying into the sea. Outages are our biggest problem during hurricane season. But there's lots to do, good dining and lovely places to visit. You'll find friends here. People are basically similar wherever you go. politics, isn't the #1 conversation here. Good luck with your decision. Our doc applauded our moving here too.
(604 posts)Both physically and soul-wise.
Its much better to live near family and friends, enjoy four seasons and the community that one has come to know and appreciate, have better access to the arts, education and public transportation, better healthcare, more public services, a better-educated and more-skilled workforce, a more integrated and diverse society of all ages. A place where one feels safe, with a lower crime rate, and not feel threatened of being killed by some hothead who more likely than not feels the necessity of carrying a firearm in his/her pocket/purse.
A sister of mine retired there and has for years tried to convince her siblings to join her in Florida. All of us have repeatedly politely declined her invitation. Were all still busy living our lives in retirement. One can always fly down there for a couple of weeks if one feels the desire to do so but there are many other options to consider visiting in order to avoid the worse winter weather, which is increasingly becoming less harsh due to the climate warming.
Florida is shaped like a penis for a reason.
Depends which part of Florida. I live in Palm Beach County, the County went for Obama twice, for Hillary, for Biden and for Harris, so its a blue County.
(22,307 posts)I would look into that, for sure.
Response to Betty Boom (Original post)
onecaliberal This message was self-deleted by its author.
(57,329 posts)
(10,212 posts)pick the location very carefully. I live in Broward County which is the bluest of blue counties down here in South Florida. We have over a half million registered Democrats living here so the vibe here is quite different than other parts of the state. I am posting a link to the FL gov site that shows how many registered Dems in each county.
(1,068 posts)If some people are being treated badly because of skin color or place of birth or gender I have a problem with that ,for many Floridians no big deal. They dont care about the environment because they have allowed developers free run of the state. The traffic in the major cities is awful. Try getting insurance that will pay if your house is destroyed. If you are poor in Florida you are screwed there are not many programs to help because you are not part of the donor class. The good part is Publix where shopping is a pleasure.
Unladen Swallow
(491 posts)especially if you like sunshine and beautiful weather. I've often considered retiring there.
(6,985 posts)Be prepared to pack up and evacuate a couple of times a year, as needed.