Related: About this forumNunn pushes back against Perdue’s low blow.
I'm not sure if this rebuttal is strong enough, but considering Perdue's smear against Nunn also implicates Bush's Foundation, so much so that they've felt the need to speak out against Perdue's attack ad, it could have an impact.
09/29/14 10:40 AMUpdated 09/29/14 11:12 AM
By Steve Benen
Nearly every major campaign at some point faces a classic public-relations dilemma: what do you do when a rival launches a scurrilous and untrue attack? You can respond forcefully, running the risk that youll bring more attention to the lies, or you can ignore it, running the risk that the lies will go unchallenged and voters might deem them true.
In Georgias competitive U.S. Senate race, Michelle Nunn (D) found herself in this exact situation. Republican David Perdue recently approved a National Republican Senatorial Committee attack ad that accused Nunn of funneling money to terrorists while leading former President George H.W. Bushs Points of Light Foundation. Neil Bush, the former presidents son, called the attack ridiculous and shameful, adding that the allegations make his blood boil.
As Benjy Sarlin reported, Nunn is trying to turn Perdues attack against him, making his dishonesty a campaign issue.
The usual rules still apply, of course, and Nunn risks bringing attention to ugly falsehoods, but at the same time there may be real value in raising questions about Perdues character. If Nunns response succeeds, the question for Georgians to ask themselves is what kind of candidate would launch such an attack, and more to the point, what kind of senator would he be?
Bush Family Member Condemns David Perdue For Linking Michelle Nunn To 'Terrorists'

(47,953 posts)Isn't going to vote for her anyway. It is good she is fighting back, combined with Crooked Deal the repubs are running a very sleazy slate and it should be easy to associate the two slime balls (Deal and Perdue) with that.
Raffi Ella
(4,465 posts)I'm just saying the fallout from Perdue's attack ad got a lot of air time, Nunn's ad speaks to those in the middle. I'm hoping we get some traction out of it all with just a few weeks left to go.
(2,453 posts)on Nunn's part. The piece is understated and calm. The Bush quote should go a long way, too.
Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)rtracey
(2,062 posts)Did you actually watch the ad... No one in the ad defended the Bushes. Nunn defender herself while running the 12 Points of Light Foundation for Bush. And the Bush son ( who I never heard of) says what the Right Winger said was BS......
(12,637 posts)That's gotta' leave a mark.
I just hope that Michelle Nunn didn't wait too long to push back against those terrorist claims. They've been out there for quite awhile, I'm afraid they might have had a chance to poison undecided voters opinion on Michelle Nunn.
Raffi Ella
(4,465 posts)People are just starting to really pay attention, and with the controversy surrounding this AD it will get people's attention, they'll ask questions. Perdue is nothing but a sleazy businessman, no experience and a Bush has spoken out against him-
Like you said, "that's gotta leave a mark"
(24,662 posts)or read the article completely
(7,858 posts)If it weren't for lies, he wouldn't have anything to say at all.
(16,600 posts)I am still waiting for an opportunity to question Perdue about his No Amnesty ad. I want to know how he will answer the poultry companies, the landscapers and the construction businesses IF AND WHEN he "cracks down" on illegals. No politician ever does this in Georgia. They all back down to business. So why do we have to hear their lip service over this non issue?
Raffi Ella
(4,465 posts)Last edited Wed Oct 1, 2014, 01:36 PM - Edit history (1)
There's a new Super Pac one that just launched, it talks about how Perdue is on women's issues. It's great. As for questioning Perdue, there's going to be a televised debate next week sometime between all three Candidates. I think it's going to be online, too. I'll have to look it up.
We're hearing about this Non Issue because the race is just that competitive, they really might lose! They screwed up big time with the Points of Light attack Ad.
(60,153 posts)The fact that this is Sam Nunn's daughter and the organization she ran was GHWB's organization both protect her here - as does her classy demeanor and appearance when she speaks out herself - with revulsion against the ad. An ad her opponent signed off on.
I suspect that in ANY election, there are pools of people on both sides that will stay where they are no matter what. Here the key is getting them out. To Democrats, this unfair attack should echo with past unfair attacks - like the attack in neighboring SC on Clealand. To Republicans, it could make them a little queasy - which might make them a little less likely to vote. (Those that believe the charge are strong RW Republican votes that were already going to happen.)
To the people in the middle, you have an understated, professional woman - who seems very likable here - defending work that she, the daughter of a very respected conservative Democrat did for a BUSH charity. If they were considering Perdue, I hope that he now looks like a bully and a swiftboater. I can't help thinking this sways many on the fence - because it IMPLICITLY defines Perdue by his own actions as a creep - while emphasizing her own positives, including being bipartisan.
Raffi Ella
(4,465 posts)I can see people on the fence really liking her. Her languid accent is very appealing, she seems very kind and intelligent but relateable, and with her credentials she is definitely someone that I can see Georgians voting for.
She's a ConservaDem but I do like her, she'd be a great start in turning GA blue.
(60,153 posts)realistically about how people may react. (Me - I'm a Hoosier, who lived most of my adult life in NJ, and then retired to VT. ) I personally just thought she sounded like most nice smart people I have known.
Raffi Ella
(4,465 posts)I thought she said 'love' when she said 'led' at the beginning. And she adds a few syllables here and there, Georgians like when their Pols do that. Or at least some do. I'd personally like a Bernie Sanders as my Rep, but Nunn will do.
It's good hearing from outsiders, it's a close race and I don't know if we can win it but I do know that Republicans are afraid they'll lose, so yeah. I'm on the edge of my seat here with fingers crossed.
(171,889 posts)won't help him, and they were plastered all over the tube. It seemed that was all he was running on. I wanted to smack him upside the head; he may not like or need ACA, but I do, I live here, and I'm not alone.
Raffi Ella
(4,465 posts)I'm happy that the ACA helped you, too!
I thought ObamaCare would be a much bigger issue for this election, that they'd be able to bury Nunn and Carter with it, but the fact that it's such a close race tells you Georgians aren't as stupid as Perdue and the Republican Party thinks we are.
All I can say is I hope Democrats turn up at the polls this time. We can win if they do.
(27,470 posts)Last edited Thu Oct 2, 2014, 11:05 AM - Edit history (1)
they line their own pockets.
Raffi Ella
(4,465 posts)It's sickening what they've done to this State.
(171,889 posts)blows that crook Deal out of the water!