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Last edited Tue Dec 8, 2020, 02:52 PM - Edit history (2)
(inspired by liberalmike27)
Update: probably better to wait till the pandemic is pau.
Our Queen was beloved, was overthrown at gunpoint, and yes, it is still painful. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liliuokalani
Citizens of the Kingdom of Hawaii were from all nationalities. One of the greatest patriots, Robert Wilcox, was hapa haole http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_William_Wilcox
Many songs you hear on the radio and sing today are from or about that era http://www.huapala.org/Ka_Mamakakaua.html
Those shell leis they give away at Hilo Hatties don't make you look local. We don't care if you are or not anyway.
If you're staying in a hotel, bet you a million bucks they aren't actually recycling those plastic bottles, though they say they do. If you put them in the rubbish cans on the street, the homeless will recycle them. On Oahu, Big Island and Lana'i, better just get a glass and drink the water from the faucet. It's wonderful. Maui, too bad, the water tastes junk.
Though Democrats have a huge majority in our state legislature, (only one republican state Senator), that doesn't mean they are all liberal, even remotely. I'm sure you knew that already.
If you come here and want to really plug in to our community, read Ian Lind's blog http://ilind.net Kanu Hawaii http://www.kanuhawaii.org/ check out Common Cause Hawaii http://www.commoncause.org/site/pp.asp?c=dkLNK1MQIwG&b=4846213 Hokule'a and the Polynesian Voyaging Society too http://pvs.kcc.hawaii.edu/ just for starters.
You can still find this at Punahou [IMG]

Don't go hiking after it rains! Too slippery! Don't go in the ocean after it rains! Too dirty! Wait a bit...
Though we have some amazing teachers ( I did anyway), our education system is terrible and everything is nutso expensive and yes, housing too. Spiffy website: http://www.oahure.com/InstantSearch.php?&MyPropertyType=1 (I don't know those people but it's a pretty handy tool)
This community is woven together with generations of relationships, and yet new residents find welcome in countless community groups and efforts. New people bring us fresh streams of inspiration and ideas, when joined with traditional knowledge and wisdom, good things happen all over the islands!
Our violent crime rates are pretty low, except for domestic violence, which is heartbreaking.
We really do want you to come visit! (Except Molokai. They don't want you there. They don't want me there either, bless them.)
Expensive hotels are not the best or even the a good way to go.
Aloha is real. Very real! http://www.lifeintheseislands.com/2009/01/20/aloha-more-than-a-greeting-a-way-of-life-a-state-law/

Uncle Moe Keale was a wonderful kind and gifted man who's music and aloha is still with us
Hui hou-

(27,773 posts)
(19,529 posts)I went looking for Rap Reiplinger's shakas but no can find. KK Ka'umanua is KOLOHE! Oh my God, I forgot.
love and aloha to you brah.
(5,239 posts)fresh fruit and coconut from vendors along the road or plate lunches instead. We stay with her instead of a hotel. If we eat at a restaurant, we choose locally owned. We have eaten the foods traditional to many cultures that way. We have spent time on Oahu and the Big Island. The Hilo side is lush and green and I loved wandering through the flower market with plumeria and pikake filling the air. The Kona side, where my daughter has a second nursery, is like stepping off the plane into an alien landscape. The stark black of lava has a beauty all it's own. My favorite pass time there was sitting above the ocean watching whales play in the crystal clear water. You have a beautiful state.
(19,529 posts)Wow, congratulations, your daughter sounds like she is a really hard worker and really successful!
(6,109 posts)Will be on the Big Island early next year. Maybe a meet up?
(19,529 posts)Opihi's always up for a party, but you'd have to come to Oahu!
(198 posts)When my wife and I first went to Hawaii in 1994 my wife and I saw on our hotel T.V. Israel preform on the State of Hawaii Music Awards, he did the song "Hawaiian Superman". The next day, although I had a full schedule of recreation planned, my wife had to go to every record and tape store on the the Kona side of the big Island to find Israel's music. A couple days later we spent a day at the Aloha Bowl Flea Market searching for Israel music. At the Aloha Bowl, the native Hawaiians went out of their way to get my wife, a crazy wahiini, Israel's music.
(27,773 posts)or universally known in the Islands as Bruddah Iz.
Check out the pinned music thread for some artists she may have missed!

Welcome to DU hayrow1

(19,529 posts)they both wen' hala but the spirit lives on.
Your wife has great taste in music! She can hear all of Iz's music on Mountain Apple's site, http://www.mountainapplecompany.com/#block2
and on the right, on the multimedia tab, you can stream Hawaiian music on the radio.
(9,644 posts)mahina
(19,529 posts)done, mahalos.
(39,405 posts)Robinson family.
Uncle Moe's family is from Niihau, and his nephews Isreal and Skippy too. Hence, the Makaha Sons of Ni'ihau!
(20,805 posts)...and fell head-over heels in love even though I only saw Oahu....will be back in June for another visit...
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