Peck -- already planning his next apology -- is named Kansas cultural ambassador
Satire from the Kansas Reflector.

Opinion contributor Max McCoy imagines Sen. Virgil Peck (in white) receiving a ceremonial title from his GOP colleagues following last month's speech on "God's special creation females." (March 3, 2021, photo by Sherman Smith/Kansas Reflector)
Sen. Virgil Peck has been named the Sunflower States cultural ambassador.
The Southeast Kansas Republican, who has long been known for his incendiary oratory and old-fashioned bigotry, was given the largely ceremonial title by his GOP colleagues in the Kansas Senate. Peck gained national recognition in 2011 when he deftly proposed a modest if porcine solution to the nations immigration problem.
Looks like to me, if shooting these immigrating feral hogs works, maybe we have found a (solution) to our illegal immigration problem, Peck said as a state representative during a legislative committee hearing. The quote was quickly picked up by CNN and other national outlets.
Displaying typical modesty, Peck later claimed he had been joking. He later told an interviewer that he had apologized hundreds of times since for the comment.
Peck, 62, is a self-employed insurance salesman from the hamlet of Havana, just above the Oklahoma line in Montgomery County. Based on Pecks actions, socio-geographers estimate that Havana is approximately 200 years southeast of Wichita. Peck has a long rap sheet as a lawmaker, having previously served in the Kansas House from 2005-2016. He was elected to the Senate in 2020.
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