Related: About this forumLouisiana high court rejects Jindal Common Core appeal
Gov. Bobby Jindal has run out of options to fight the Common Core education standards in Louisiana court. On Friday (Oct. 23), the Louisiana Supreme Court opted not to hear his appeal of a 2014 lawsuit.
The justices did not issue a written comment on their decision.
Jindal initially supported the mathematics and English standards but turned against them last year as he began to prepare his campaign for president. In June 2014, he issued executive orders that, among other things, suspended the contract for new, multi-state exams developed by the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers.
In response, the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, several Louisiana parents and the New Orleans charter group Choice Foundation sued Jindal and thenAdministration Commissioner Kristy Nichols. They charged the governor overstepped the authority of the Legislature and state education board.
Read more: http://www.nola.com/education/index.ssf/2015/10/bobby_jindal_common_core_lawsu.html#incart_2box_nola_river_orleans_news

(17,554 posts)You hear how the voter turnout is today?
(119,275 posts)However, since most of southern Louisiana getting the deluge from the remnants of Hurricane Patricia it is likely that the turnout will be low.