Related: About this forumAnyone else at the state convention in Springfield today?
What did you think of Deval Patrick's speech?
Elizabeth Warren's 95% endorsement vote?
The lack of access to food?
The amount of time it took to count votes?

(8,775 posts)
i am wondering why you didn't say what you thought of those.
(1,663 posts)and thought that Deval's speech was one of the best I've ever witnessed. Elizabeth Warren did a great job as well. But it took too long to get to the vote and took an inordinate amount of time to count it. Many people left before the final count was in and the result was a dissipation of a lot of positive energy from the activist members of the party. We are going to need every bit of it to get out the vote.
And why on earth did they herd so many people into that arena without any easy access to food? The only concessions open had huge lines and offered only pretzels, hot dogs, drinks and popcorn. During the film about the tornado victims that were housed at MassMutual I couldn't help but thinking - "Gee, I hope they provided them with better food."
This is the second convention I've been to in Springfield and it was just as bad the first time. You'd think that it might have occurred to someone in charge that people get hungry around lunchtime.
Generally, the convention was pretty good (at least in attendance and outcome) but, with better planning, it might have been great.
So what did you think? I had to drive for 2 1/2 hours to get there so maybe I have a different perspective.
(8,775 posts)i agree with you almost entirely!!
i was in awe of Governor Patrick, who has always been a magnificent speaker, but seems to just get better and better!!
i wrote a friend that Elizabeth Warren turns out to be a rock star, exciting the crowd, then exciting us more as we excited her, asking for more the more we gave. i loved it!! i was amazed by her passion!!
i had been confused, and somewhat frustrated by the lengthy vote tabulating, but i had not even thought of what you said here, and i now see: "Many people left before the final count was in and the result was a dissipation of a lot of positive energy from the activist members of the party. We are going to need every bit of it to get out the vote." yes, absolutely!! i do feel that the positive energy was the reason for that amazing vote, and so will endure, and even be fed by that outcome.
i am sorry the food problem was troubling for you. i know it was for many. i had arrived in time to eat breakfast that morning, and munched through all the breakfast speeches. i did see some people go out to eateries around the center for take-out, but no one let anyone know we could, nor did anyone see to there being an official lunch break. i am sure that was because someone misguidedly believed the entire convention would end by one.
i definitely agree about the tornado victims and food!! "Gee, I hope they provided them with better food." YES!! but then, they had agencies pouring support in from all sides!!
it might have been a mistake to convene where so much is in the process of being redistricted, on top of three natural disasters in the last year!!! it was already a depressed city before those .... but then, it would also have been a problem if it had NOT been held in western mass this time.
thank you, again, for your thoughts!! and for caring so much that you made that trip!!
i, too, am very happy with the outcome!! JOYOUS, in fact!!!