Ku Klux Klan groups clash over Darren Wilson fundraiser ‘scam’

Ku Klux Klan groups clash over Darren Wilson fundraiser scam
By Arturo Garcia
Tuesday, August 19, 2014 17:52 EDT
The leader of a Missouri-based Ku Klux Klan group denounced a plan to raise funds for the Ferguson police officer who shot and killed 18-year-old Michael Brown, The Wire reported.
This is not even a Klan member, they dont even have their own legitimate website, Traditionalist American Knights leader Frank Ancona was quoted as saying. Its a scam, he is just trying to capitalize on the situation.
Ancona, a Klan Imperial Wizard, was referring to Charles Chuck Murray, the South Carolina man who said last week that his own group, the New Empire Knights, was setting up a reward for the officer, who shot Brown six times after an encounter on Aug. 9.
Ancona accused Murray of creating a fake Klan chapter, telling The Wire that other Klan members were not familiar with Murrays group and that fundraisers of this nature violate the Klans charter. Ancona also expressed doubt that Murray was even the real name of the person behind the South Carolina fundraiser.