Related: About this forumThank a Pharmacist, Nebraska
This week has been hell for any pharmacists who are distributing vaccines in Nebraska. Why? Because Pete Ricketts is a fucking asshole. Pete decided that our vaccine rollout in Nebraska would focus on rural areas to the detriment of urban areas. He also decided to fuck over people with pre-existing conditions. So Pete had a plan, and that plan was the covid vaccine hunger games. Why? Because he is no different than President Snow, he enjoys watching people suffer and die, especially his more liberal constituents in larger cities.
Everyone is currently vaccine hunting this week in Nebraska. Why? Because we dont want to die. We dont want our family or friends to die. And so, the demand for vaccines in Nebraska is high. But Pete decided on a ludicrous rollout that has resulted in rural areas having way too much vaccine with lower demand, which means anyone can be vaccinated (yay for Kearney!). But it means my sister in Lincoln with MS and who survived a brain tumor and has other pre-existing conditions, has to wait.
Pete has been trying to control this to no avail. Last week he threatened to cite pharmacists who administer vaccines contrary to the Nebraska roll-out plans with misdemeanors.
This week, Pete got big mad because pharmacy chains participating in the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program, like Wal-Mart and Hyvee, follow federal guidelines, not state ones, so they are vaccinating everyone 18+. Pete thought the federal government shouldnt do their job and should have consulted him.
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(15,325 posts)They'll like this website, if they don't already know of it.
They could have written the article & loathe Ricketts.
This site will be good for them.
(119,275 posts)It turns out that Nebraska is one of the states that really doesn't have a political Website that leans towards the left and it took awhile before I found Seeing Red.
(15,325 posts)💙
(24,954 posts)other things, and I have had friends who drove to Sedalia MO (from STLMO and back) to get their vaccines (over 3 hours away) instead of dumping massive amounts of vaccines in urban areas, he dumped the vaccines in rural areas which like you, the shots are sitting there for the most part, unused and needed in urban areas far more (where the population is, duh...).
We live in the midst of the most modern age ever in Mankind's history, but then we have to deal w/ the worse idiots on Earth in facing one of the most severe viral outbreaks in history. Go figure. The GOP will have this mantle of death hung around their necks forever. Like the one democratic senator on the floor of the Congress said, republicans' health plan simply involves a creed of get sick and DIE!