New Jersey
Related: About this forumMore seismic tests are now proposed for NJ / East Coast waters
New USGS plan could start in August
snip> "In addition to a Rutgers University-led seismic study and the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Managements recent issuance of a record of decision for environmental review of geological and geophysical survey activities associated with oil and gas exploration off the coast of New Jersey, the U.S. Geological Survey has now proposed additional ocean blasting along the Eastern Seaboard. Many area environmentalists, elected officials and citizens oppose the projects due to seismic testings potential detriment to sea life and fisheries commerce, but they have come up short in attempts to postpone or altogether stop the studies."
snip> The project includes the use of an array of 36 airguns, COA pointed out on its website,, that will blast the ocean at 236-265 decibels every 20 to 24 seconds, 24 hours a day for at least 17 days each year of the survey. The extremely loud noise from seismic testing, environmentalists assert, causes direct harm to marine life and disrupts migration patterns, which would also negatively impact the commercial and recreational fishing industry."
snip> We shouldnt repeat mistakes of the past, said Cassandra Ornell, COA staff scientist. Back in 2002, a similar seismic expedition in the Gulf of California also led by Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory resulted in beaked whale strandings, and a federal judge responded by ordering the ship to cease operations.
(770 posts)But I assume the have observers to make sure there aren't any marine mammals around when they fire those guns.
(1,682 posts)Here's an informative earlier post regarding visibility from DUer, Divernan. It seems that observers would be worthless: