WATCH: Atlantic City hotel security caught on video beating guests bloody

WATCH: Atlantic City hotel security caught on video beating guests bloody
By Arturo Garcia
Friday, August 8, 2014 19:05 EDT
An Atlantic City hotel and casino faces separate lawsuits from at least eight guests for excessive use of force by security personnel and local police, ABC News reported on Friday.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Coneys suit accuses two local officers, Donnel Holland and Kevin Sketers, of teaming up to attack him after a September 2013 disagreement over whether Coney could re-enter a hotel event. Holland and Sketers were working as Harrahs security on the night in question, which would put them in defiance of a ban by Mayor Don Guardian against that kind of moonlighting.
Footage aired by ABC News shows Holland hit Coney in the face with a baton. The lawsuit states that Sketers restrained Coney while Holland continued hitting him, while other security guards punched and kicked him. Coney was subsequently handcuffed and led out of the casino and charged with aggravated assault and resisting arrest.
Professional poker player John Binns, along with his wife Renee and daughter Andrea, filed two separate lawsuits against Harrahs for their behavior during an August 2012 dispute. The Binns suit argues that the hotel computer mistakenly erased their registration two nights into their stay. During an ensuing argument with security, guards surrounded him and took him to the ground.