NJ Dem quits campaign after GOP reveals he mooned, harassed women

NJ Dem quits campaign after GOP reveals he mooned, harassed women
Arturo Garcia
19 Sep 2014
A New Jersey Democrat running for a borough council seat has quit his campaign after Republicans brought to light two incidents in which he hurled racist and homophobic slurs in the same diner, Talking Points Memo reported.
Police in South Plainfield stated that they arrived at the diner on Sept. 1, 2007 to find Joseph Sorrentino yelling N*gger through the window with his pants down. Authorities were responding at the time to a complaint that a man mooned a woman and her daughter and called them sl*ts.
Sorrentino was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. NJ Advance Media reported that he paid $533 for a fine and court costs in connection with the incident.
Less than a year after that encounter, police responded to reports at the diner that Sorrentino and another man, identified as Anthony Sorrentino, were calling two women at the restaurant d*kes, an anti-lesbian slur and threatened to hit them. Sorrentino reportedly said they were actually using it in reference to another woman who was not present. He was not charged in connection with this incident.