New Jersey
Related: About this forumWarning-Larouchie running for New Jersey CD5
In 2010, Democrats in Fort Bend County in Texas did not pay attention to a congressional district race that we knew that the GOP was going to win. A LaRouche cult member named Kesha Rogers won the Democratic nomination in 2010 and after the she had the nomination we found out that she was running on the platform of impeaching President Obama and starting a colony on Mars. Please watch out for these pretend Democrats. In the general election, Kesha Rogers got only 29% of the vote which was 10% less than the other Democrats running that year received (it was a bad year for Democrats in Texas). In Texas straight party ticket voting is good for party building and we could not encourage our voters to vote a straight party ticket because that meant that they would be voting for a cult candidate who wanted to impeach President Obama. Kesha Rogers averaged 10% less than other Democrats running that year because we got people to split ticket vote which hurt our GOTV efforts.
Diane Sare who is running for the Democratic nomination in New Jersey CD5 is a LaRouche cult follower and is also running on the platform of impeaching President Obama and building a colony on Mars. I just spent two hours calling voters in Texas to alert these voters about Kesha Rogers and I would hate to see the Democrats in New Jersey face the same issues that we went through here in Texas CD22. I know that a Republican currently holds this seat but it will still be a pain if the Democratic candidate for this seat is a LaRouchie. Having a LaRouche cult member on the ticket will drain resources and hurt the GOTV efforts.
Please be careful and do not let another LaRouche get the chance to hurt the party and President Obama. I have watched a couple of Sare's videos and she is just as nutty as Kesha Rogers.

I owe a
(50 posts)
(159,624 posts)The LaRouchies have caused the Texas Democrats a great deal of grief and hopefully the New Jersey Democrats will not have our problems. Here is a thread about the LaRouchie who won the 2010 Democratic primary for a congressional race She had no chance of winning which is why the local Democratic party did not pay attention to her until after she won the nomination
Response to Gothmog (Original post)
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Pab Sungenis
(9,612 posts)It's long overdue. But impeaching Obama? On what freaking grounds? Especially after Bush** set the bar for what constitutes as impeachable so impossibly high.
This is the kind of Democrat we do not need in our party.
(159,624 posts)The LaRouchie candidate evidently won the Democratic Primary for the Texas 22nd Congressional District yesterday by 100 votes. President Obama averaged 90+% in the Texas primary yesterday and yet the LaRouche candidate won the Texas primary. The Texas CD 22 is a very gerrymandered district that would be impossible to win by a normal Democrat. In 2010, the LaRouche candidate did not break 30% in the general election and she will probably do worse this time around in that redistricting made this district even more hostile to Democrats. Due to the demographics, the local party was unable to recruit a strong candidate and that contributed to the loss.
Again, the defeat of a weak democrat in this primary does not mean that Texas Democrats are rejecting President Obama or favor his impeachment. In Fort Bend County, we attempted to educate our voters about the dangers of the LaRouche's candidates and these results paid off to some degree. Here is an excerpt from an e-mail from Susan Bankston (i.e. Juanita Jean from ):
Through your efforts, we beat her in Fort Bend County. In Brazoria County, she won with 57% of the vote. In Harris County, she won with 62% of the vote. However, in Fort Bend County, she lost badly with only 44% of the vote.
Please watch out this Sare lady in that she and her fellow LaRouche candidates are dangerous
(50,568 posts)Gothmog
(159,624 posts)Gussen, who received 55 percent of the vote, bested fellow Democrats Jason Castle, a former Marine who pulled 35 percent, and Diane Sare, a Larouche Democrat who achieved 10 percent.
I am still shocked that Kesha Rogers won in the CD22 except for the fact that there is no way for any Democrat to win in that gerrymandered district. It is impossible to recruit quality candidates to run when you know that they will have no chance in the general election
I will be curious to see if Kesha can break 30% in the general election