Oh hell no! Trump spawn looking at opening hotel in 'trendy' Charlotte
Sorry, we don't want it. And what about the CARNAGE!!!!!!! We are all savages in urban areas, according to Trump. He demonizes us on one hand and then turns around with his hand out. Do they think we didn't notice?
Charlotte is one of the areas heavily targeted by immigration last week. We had a particularly terrifying weekend because police officers were doing license checks and reporting undocumented people to ICE. They rounded up people in SCHOOL PICK-UP LINES. Stupid, nasty NC general assembly made a stupid, nasty law that allows individual officers to report to ICE, even though city policy is to NOT report. Trump has embolden them. Instead of protecting the community our own police officers now want to terrorize it

People are now afraid to bring their children to school and to go to work. Thanks Trump!
HB2 was written by state GOP SPECIFICALLY to get back at Charlotte for being too liberal and protective of our LGBTQ citizens. Rumors of Trump's planned anti-LGBTQ executive order is like pouring gasoline on that fire.
And you cannot understate how PISSED parents are about a combination of earlier cuts to education by NC GA and our GOP $enator's support for the DeVos appointment. I am calling it the Soccer Mom Rebellion now because so many groups of formally apolitical middle class mothers are meeting in the real world to plan the demise of the GOP.
You CANNOT come into our city, cause horrible, traumatic things to happen, disenfranchise our votes, destroy our children's education, destroy any hope we had for healthcare that works, demonize us to your supporters for political gain, run our jobs out of state and then turn around with your hand out for our sweet liberal discretionary income! NO! GO AWAY!
Are they blind? We had more than 20k at women's march. More than 80k turned out for Moral March in Raleigh. There are DAILY protests in front of $enator Tillis' local office.
Daddy Trump tanked the brand in blue America for good. They should just start selling the business off because no one with any money will be associated with it again. Gonna be worse once the Russia stuff fully breaks. Waaaay worse.