Another comment on newly hired GOP congressman Bill Johnson to YSU.
This continues my rant from last week when GOP congressman and Trump toady Bill Johnson was appointed behind closed doors to president of Youngstown State University. That appointment has led to mass donation cancellations and student protest.
The Warren Tribune Chronicle finally got their chance to interview Bill Johnson about his appointment to YSU president, and it was typical of a man with no sense of self awareness at all.
First, as a deeply modest man, he declared he is the best thing to happen to the university, and there is no one who could have been a better choice. He declares that if he wasn't the best choice, he wouldn't have taken the job (his other lie is that the election was stolen). He expressed disinterest in those who see it otherwise.
Asked if he would consider turning down the offer, He said he "doesn't have a quit bone", and he "wasn't born with one". Unmentioned was the fact he quit his job as Congressman on the spot midterm when the YSU offer was made. He stubbornly reiterated that the three year contract is signed and he's going nowhere, a subtle hint that he will sue if he's shunned for the position.
On retirement: He said he doesn't know what retirement is. He's not a "job hopper" and he sticks around to the end (again, he hasn't been at his gig in DC since he hopped over to this new job).
He said he would work to discourage what he calls "indoctrination" by liberal teachers and promised conservative speakers will be welcome on campus (hear that Nazi and Klan leaders?). He swears that will raise enrolment because most parents wont send their kids to college because they fear they will become liberals (Bill Johnson sent his son to YSU).
He's going to fix the "problem" of high salaries to educators and staff because it prevents growth (The Trib pointed out he is the highest paid president in the history of the school at $410,000 a year plus many perks, including free rent).
He said he is going to give 200% of his time and energy to making YSU the best campus in NE Ohio, so we know math is clearly not his strong suit either.