Rhode Island
Related: About this forumDepartment of Environmental Management issues warning as convicted cat killer gets out
PROVIDENCE Officials from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management have issued a warning after a convicted cat killer was released from the Adult Correctional Institute. They say Anthony Stravato, 25, of East Providence, could be looking for more animals to kill.
In an Aug. 5 letter to licensed animal care facilities, the DEM said that Stravato was released from the ACI that same day.
Stravato was previously convicted of malicious injury to animals after killing and torturing animals, including a family cat and a rat. He kicked the cat to death before burning it and gouging out an eye. He was sentenced to prison last year after also sending threatening messages to a teenage girl online.
Stravato, who goes by the Facebook name Anthony "Homiecidez" Stravato, posted on the social network last year that he would probably be the next serial killer "since I have a serial killer trait."
Read more: http://www.valleybreeze.com/2016-08-10/pawtucket/dem-issues-warning-convicted-cat-killer-gets-out
[font color=330099]Keep a short leash on him.[/font]

(119,275 posts)
Anthony Stravato and Alyssa LaMountain. Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management photos
State: Convicted cat killer may kill again; animal shelters, pet stores warned
PROVIDENCE, R.I. State officials are warning animal shelters and the public about a sex offender, convicted of torturing and killing small animals, and his girlfriend, who's charged with desecrating gravestones.
They believe that Anthony Stravato, 25, of East Providence, will kill again, and that his girlfriend, Alyssa LaMountain, 20, of Warren, may help him by adopting or buying animals.
Stravato was released on Friday from the Adult Correctional Institutions after serving at least eight months, and LaMountain was arraigned Tuesday on charges including stealing gravestones from a cemetery in Warren. She is also under investigation after Warren police found animal bones in a glass jar and wooden box at her house at 6 Greenhouse Court, according to an affidavit file in District Court accompanying a search warrant.
A witness told Warren police that LaMountain had talked about cruel things that she and Stravato did to cats, and that she used an ax that she kept in her bedroom, according to the affidavit. The witness said he found cat paws inside a ziplock bag inside the mini-refrigerator in her bedroom, the affidavit said.
Read more: http://www.providencejournal.com/news/20160810/state-convicted-cat-killer-may-kill-again-animal-shelters-pet-stores-warned
(16,399 posts)These two fuckers need to be locked away for good. They will eventually graduate to humans.
(119,275 posts)and why I went ahead and posted both stories. I don't know if they should be locked for good, but it certainly seems like they are a threat to the public and need to spend some more time in lockup.
(9,522 posts)This guy was let out of prison and his psychotic girlfriend is right there to help him.
Wonder when they will finally end up in jail permanently?
(11,925 posts)I wish we had the ancient Egyptian cat murder law.
I'd so go after these two little shitheads. Gimmie a kopesh and the last thing they'd hear is me screaming Sekhmets vengeance upon their sick ass ka's!!!!